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Side To Back


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hi guys I've been trying a couple new things lately when I'm out and eventually doing what I'm trying but the one thing I have been trying and not getting is side to backing. I can do it to a certain height but when it gets to about 3-4 Palets I cant do it properly and either lean to far back or to far forward.

has any one got any techniques or tips that would help me nail the move? :)


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P-r-ac-tice PRACTICE.

I can't sidehop at all, I'll be honest, but when you say you're either too far forwards or back, that doesn't sound like technique, it sounds like you just need to get a better feel for it.

Aha it is technique :P i used to be okay at side to backs but i stopped for a while and cant get back into it at all.

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Maybe then you've just lost the feel for them? Bit like me and taps, I learnt them, forgot them, then they came back when I did a few.

haha yeh i probably have lost the feel for them but just thought i'd post on here to see if anyone had any techniques to do it better :P

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haha yeh i probably have lost the feel for them but just thought i'd post on here to see if anyone had any techniques to do it better :P

The only tips i can actually give that are different from sidehops are:

Lean back

Turn in the air slightly so you land at a 45o angle ish to the thing your going at

Thats about it

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this is how i learnt side to back

i first learnt to side hop flat as possible with both wheels landing on the wall at the same time, then once i had learnt that i would start to lean back when i had got just that bit higher than the wall.

hope this helps as it helped me!

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sounds a little like you are trying to hard. I used to get it on my DH bike when trying to do bigger jumps than I could. just relax and get really comfortable with the height you are at until it is so easy you almost don't have to try, then you can work higher.

Edited by Kwizera Simon
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