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Decisions, Decisions..look In!


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Couple question's that I would like you, yes you! to answer :)

So first I have 130 Pounds, plus about 40 out of my savings that I use to get to and from college, plus any money I make from my for sale thread here.

The stuff that I definitely need to buy are a new star nut and grips.

The stuff that I would like to buy are booster, pedals, heatsink yellows (x4), chain, black handlebars, star nut and grips.

I would looove a new frame, which then I would only buy star nut and grips and I would also stick to shitty magura blacks.

If you would like to sell me a frame drop me a PM, but the bb must be 65+ or higher.

Oh and I hate my current frame Onza Blade 09, hate the geo, the colour, the look, its just ugh.

Some pictures of the ugliest bike...in the world

Thanks guys!!

Edited by Callumm
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Sounds like the decision is made to get grips n a star nut. For the rest of it, you, yes you! need to decide what will benefit your riding more, a new frame or all the other bits.

So that would give me a budget of 160 to get a frame? I know I could get a new Onza Blade frame for that :)

But do you not think pads are necessary?

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But do you not think pads are necessary?

As I said, YOU need to decide what will benefit your riding. I only have a shonky old v brake on the back. Doesn't really bite or hold. Most people on here would be horrified by my whole bike really let alone the brake but it works for me and the way I ride. I'd rather spend money on a new rear wheel. Think about some stuff you've been trying to learn recently and what's going get you to the next level. New frame or brake pads n pedals? I can't tell you.

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From your pics your bike doesnt seem that bad

Ride parts till they break then replace with better ones get your moneys worth

If you dont care about the frame etc it will mean your less fussed about damaging it etc so might push your riding forward

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From your pics your bike doesnt seem that bad

Ride parts till they break then replace with better ones get your moneys worth

If you dont care about the frame etc it will mean your less fussed about damaging it etc so might push your riding forward

I so know what you mean!! I think I will buy the Limey 320 off a local trials forumer..

Then I will will replace the frame, when I either damage the current one or just get completely fed up of it :')

By the way guys I will be buying a Limey 320 frame early next week, then I will change frames from my current blade to the limey, when I either brake the blade or just get fed up od it, Thanks for helping!!

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