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Halo 2


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so me and my friend decided to rent halo 2 last night and we did.....

this is the first time playing it as a held back on buying it as i wasnt too interested.

halo 1 rocked cause it involved so much countryside playareas.....which i loved, and the city like stuff on halo 2 also put me off....but playing on it, it wasnt so bad...actually decent....

was wondering how long it took people to complete? and what levels are there...like and greenland kinda levels, not just city??


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Piss easy I did it on heroic in about 2 weeks (playing like an hour every other day) and my mate did it on heroic in like 5 days...some have even completed it in 8 hours non-stop.

As for levels, only the 2nd and maybe 3rd (can't remember) are on earth, all the rest are on ANOTHER halo (theres like 10 i think) so yeh they are pretty varied, one is even underwater.

I wasn't very impressed with Halo 2, Halo 1 is still the better single player, but halo 2 on live rocks so that makes up for it.

Word is that halo 2 was actually split in half, so theres this one (the crap bit, and another half that is going to be released as halo 3 (the good half) so that bungie can make more money.

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Halo 2 its pants IMO.

Halo 1 was a great game and there was alot they could have built on to create a great sequel to it but they failed. If you look at it, all they have done in the 3/4 year different between the game is slightly modify the game engine (which didnt work amazingly after the re-vamp, textures sometimes are missing) add about 3 new guns, modify some vehicles and create some new levels. The biggest difference was being able to play online.

Halo 2 is more of an Online game, the story is abit all over the place and sucks to be honest. They could have done alot more, like discovering all the other halo's and more technology with more weapons.

If you think back to games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark you see how the single player helped the multiplayer element. You would unlock extras to the game by completing levels in a certain time on a difficulty. There were lots of secrets in those games that were put there purposly to be found.

In Halo 2 there arnt really any secrets in the game, you dont unlock stuff etc. This is why most modern games fail to be playable 3 maybe 4 years on from the release. When companies spend time improving games they come out and are amazing.

Pefect Dark Zero (or Perfect Dark 2) has been in development from 1999 they have had to re-build the engine to work with the Xbox two now as they decided to skip putting it on the Xbox, and the original Perfect Dark game came out on the N64 which would be 2 console generations ago. This game will be good as the story line has been thought through well, they would delay the game if required to make it perfect and they will bring back the secrets to games. Alot of games have become to life like and forgotten the point to gaming which is to escape reality.

Sorry about the essay I could type more but I have stuff to do, me and my mates often have this conversation at school.

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It took me a night of 4 hours then the next morning I played it and completed it, That was all the way through on Heroric first time. I havent played Single Player since.

Halo 2 on Live though IS amazing its what makes the game totally worth buying, almost infinate playability and lastability. Really is good and theres lots of cool varients now aswell as being able to "level up" in ability to play other higher ranked openents.

Halo 2 is a must have if you've got live, if your looking for a massive forfilling single player only game then I wouldn't get it to be fair.

People who do have it what levels are you online now?

Im lvl 13 in slayer and skirmish and level 7 in Big Team Battle, thats all I've got into atm.


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its a really good system link game as well (Y) i've heard theres going to be about 5 of the games or so. means they're all gonna be a bit shite really as they have to be left open enough to lead onto the next one. i still love it though, the whole dual wield thing is just sooo cool lol :">


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Halo 2 its pants IMO.

Halo 2 is more of an Online game, the story is abit all over the place and sucks to be honest.  They could have done alot more, like discovering all the other halo's and more technology with more weapons. 

discovering more halos.....technically a bit difficult if your behing realistic with the time in the game...how big is space? infinate? well wouldn't it be like looking for a needle in a haystack....they say on halo 2.....somethin like 'wow the 2nd halo or something right?

im on the level with the floods on and you gotta go round the walls, and your aliens....how many levels till end?

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im level 12 on big team battle, dont bother with any of the others

add me n with the invite tell us that your off trials-forum, i will be back on it next week when my A-level modules are out of the way.

gamertag: philharg

i'm sure i've played you before, cos my mates tag is 'Phill Hb' and your just struck a bell when we played you...ever since i always wondered where i had seen your name before but it must have been on live. (Y)

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