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Fixing A Rear Hub


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My brother killed his chainring and cranks the other day. And one of his trials friends sorted out some cranks for him, as im at uni.

But stupid kiddy friend has sold him some old muscleman cranks and bought a echo fixed sproket to go with it. But no bash.

So... its either pay the kid and buy a echo bash or soemthing costing £35 + a bash. Or give the kid back the sproket and say you dont need it as he got the wrong thing and buy a acs front freewheel and then fix the rear hub, which is a knackered mission hub anyway.

So how would i go about doing this? Can it be done without a welder?



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hey seb itspaul hear all you need to do is just weld a few small blobs bewteen the drivesheel and the hubshell (hope i got that right ) but im not sure what the hubs are made out of so.....


P.s add me on msn at paulytrials@gmail.com

Edited by Zoo_Rider
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I was thinking of fixing up my old onza wheel on a ronnie rim and getting a ENO but im still not sure wether to do it or not. I was going to get lots of araldite and put it in the hub and then put the prawls into position and leave to dry. Although im not sure it would be strong enough.....well really i just dont like the idea of buying a new wheel.

I did ask my dad if i could weld it but i would have to weld it between this cup thing and he said the heat would actually mess this up and dis-shapen it, meaning the hub wouldn't fix back together again. So just be careful what your welding.

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