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Ok, I can't use it (Y) But I know someone on here must be able to. I need someone to design something for me it shouldn't be hard for someone with experience and all I'll need is a picture of the said item from different angles. I don't think it will take too long.

Post here if you can help out :- Also some pictures of previous work could help seeing as I do need quite alot of detail. It's for my girlfriends design work so if you don't like me, it isn't for me (Y) So help her out. Thanks in advance guys.

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Would it be classed as plagiarism if someone else did her work for her?

Even so, for someone to model something in CAD they would need every single dimension available to get it looking right.

I can use CAD, but I won't offer my services for two reasons.

1: I do not condone cheating (of which this is a form)

2: I have my own work to do.

I know this is not the helpful post you are looking for, but I just enlightening you to the fact that if she is going to be assessed on this work, then she might want to think twice about getting one of us to do it...

...teachers might get a little suspicious if they ask her how she did the pretty pictures and she hasn't got a clue.

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Erm, it's actually not part of the work. It's just so I can show her what I mean when I say certain things about it. As she's making it for me. She doesn't actually need the pictures. It's just so I can show her what it looks like.

So yeah, the work won't be used to help her get more marks.

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Thats ok then, I may be able to help out, though at the moment I'm snowed under with uni work, so it would be a week before I could even start thinking about it...

See attached pic for some previous work, its about 2yrs old but most of my work since then has been on the structural analysis side of things rather than visualisation.

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Would you be able to help me today? As I sorta need it soon :) Thanks both of you :)

Not a chance in hell until after wednesday as i have my uni individual project/dissertation in then and still have lots to do. Steve's finished his though apparantly :(

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