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Car Speakers


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Basically, I need speakers.

I need 2x5.5" (or as close as possible) speakers, clean looking, decent quality sound, and as shallow as I can possibly get (as in speaker depth).

I also need two smaller tweaters, of a similar design (not bothered about size, as long as they are smaller).

Or something along those lines. The important part is they are shallow, and decent quality.

Reasonable price range.

I know nothing about speakers etc, so can someone point me to some websites / possible links / possible makes.

PS: They're not going to be used in a car, but i need car speakers.

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A big car audio forum - http://www.talkaudio.co.uk/

Which is run by an audio supplier http://caraudiodirect.co.uk/

Your best bet would be to look at 5-1/4"(13cm) speakers.

The most common sizes below that ares 10cm and above that they come in 6-1/2(16.5cm)

If you are going for component speakers with seperate tweaters there will be some form of crossover to send the relevant frequencies to the woofer/tweater. This is commonly a seperate box but with limited speakers they are small and 'inline'

I am guessing your planning to make your own speakers up? If you are there has been someone on talkaudio that recently made up his own speakers using some Infinity components and some custom made boxes. It was within the last couple of weeks I saw that on there but cant find it now...

If you have problems finding shallow components it would be an idea to look at Coaxial speakers (Tweaters built in with the main woofer rather than being seperate) which generally are not as deep as components...

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