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Brake Rubbing Problem


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After getting a flat on my rear tube, i went ahead and sorted it all out, patched it up etc.

Went out riding, and my rear maggie started to rub on the wheel. By the looks of things it was about 3mm off and one side and rubbing at the other. Thinking i had just not aligned the wheel up straight i changed my Fresh Products Snail cams so that the wheel was straight.

I go onto the backwheel and roll out to the sound of my break rubbing AGAIN. This time it was about 3mm on the other side, and rubbing on the other. Sorted the snail cams again........again....and....again.

I ended up just lining the wheel up straight then adjusting the maguras around it, but no, it still happens over and over. I know the wheel is in the same position as it was a week ago because of how tight the chain is.

I had to get a new 05 lever body on wedensday, and bled the brake twice with water.

What could the problem be? I cant ride properly as the brake rubs so much sometimes that i cant pedal through it!!

Could there be some dirt in the lines? Slow return from the caliper?

ANYONE got ideas? :(

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Could be a few things. Check your spoke tension first. If they are loose then when you pedal it will torque the wheel.

It could be a snapped axle. This happened to me a few times. The wheel will slide and rub when you put force on it in any way...check the axle.

Stays??? Check for cracks.

Loose bearing cones?? Tighten them.

Thats all I can think of.

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Make sure your TPA is right off, so that both pads are as far out as possible.

Grab your wheel in one hand, then grab the frame in the other, and try and move your wheel side to side, if it moves, then your cones are loose on your axel, or you've snapped your axel

Make sure your axel bolts are tight..... :P

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thanks for all the advice guys, after checking everything over, i realised that the secondary cylinder was not returning. I ran if for a while and it sorted itself out. Ill need to take it off and give it a proper clean out though. As its still having trouble returning to the caliper edge.

Thanks again


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if the pistons were sticking, take the pads off, pull the lever back to the bar and secure it there with an elastic band

now that the pistons are sticking out, give them a good clean up with a rag as you'll probably find they're covered in crap, once clean drop some wet xc lube on the pistons and then remove the elastic band and pump the lever to work the lube in

wipe off any excess lube, pads back in and you should be fine, happened to me a while ago, usually because you're running the brake with too much tpa on, try setting up the pads closer to the rim so you don't need to use much tpa and this shouldn't happen :)

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