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My Back Wheel


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:ermm: right here we go

for my birthday my sister purchased me a 2006 26'' echo red rim purchased from select bikes, i was very please with this when i recieved it and couldnt wait to build it up. i then got my my mod hub from my parents, this was correct as i had got a 26''inch mod bike, i was alsoi very please with this as it was the echo 116mm black fixed hub purchased from tarty bikes, i then went to my local bike shop who employs a professional wheel builder who is widely recommended by local trials riders and they have had no problems with also he is dt swiss trained.

so my wheels were being built and i would be recieving them on the 25th on january 2007 i collected my wheels and they were perfectly true and tensioned correctly, i then have been riding with them for around well 26 days with an average of an hours riding a day most probably less

so after 26 hours of riding and owning them less than a month my wheels are now on the edge of breaking, the join on the rim is starting to open up, some spokes are now loose and not holding out and i am very worried that i am going to have to buy a new rim and wheel build

due to only being 16 and at school without a job i doubt i will be able to afford the 35 quid rim and 35 pound wheelbuild inc spokes

so what shall i do, surely a rim with a proffesional wheel build should last longer than 26 days i find it hard to beleive that i would be able to break a rim in that time weigh only 10.6 stone and 5ft 10inches

so far i have not done any drops over 3/4ft on it as i have stuck with getting up wall so to be honest i can just about manage a 40inch wall so thats the biggest drop i would have done.

what shall i do???

should i contact select bikes, echo, or just my local shop??? i realy cannot afford for it to break and i think its going to

cheers ollie


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:ermm: right here we go

for my birthday my sister purchased me a 2006 26'' echo red rim purchased from select bikes, i was very please with this when i recieved it and couldnt wait to build it up. i then got my my mod hub from my parents, this was correct as i had got a 26''inch mod bike, i was alsoi very please with this as it was the echo 116mm black fixed hub purchased from tarty bikes, i then went to my local bike shop who employs a professional wheel builder who is widely recommended by local trials riders and they have had no problems with also he is dt swiss trained.

so my wheels were being built and i would be recieving them on the 25th on january 2007 i collected my wheels and they were perfectly true and tensioned correctly, i then have been riding with them for around well 26 days with an average of an hours riding a day most probably less

so after 26 hours of riding and owning them less than a month my wheels are now on the edge of breaking, the join on the rim is starting to open up, some spokes are now loose and not holding out and i am very worried that i am going to have to buy a new rim and wheel build

due to only being 16 and at school without a job i doubt i will be able to afford the 35 quid rim and 35 pound wheelbuild inc spokes

so what shall i do, surely a rim with a proffesional wheel build should last longer than 26 days i find it hard to beleive that i would be able to break a rim in that time weigh only 10.6 stone and 5ft 10inches

so far i have not done any drops over 3/4ft on it as i have stuck with getting up wall so to be honest i can just about manage a 40inch wall so thats the biggest drop i would have done.

what shall i do???

should i contact select bikes, echo, or just my local shop??? i realy cannot afford for it to break and i think its going to

cheers ollie


Talk with the wheelbuilder first, he will know what to do.

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If the wheelbuilder is a sound guy, he'll offer to re-tension the wheel, that should close the join up. The trouble with riding trials is that after having a newly built wheel, the bedding in of the spokes will affect the build quite alot. So all that should need to be done is just to re-tension and re-true the wheel. Should hold up for a long time after that.

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If the wheelbuilder is a sound guy, he'll offer to re-tension the wheel, that should close the join up. The trouble with riding trials is that after having a newly built wheel, the bedding in of the spokes will affect the build quite alot. So all that should need to be done is just to re-tension and re-true the wheel. Should hold up for a long time after that.

if he was to charge for a re tension how much do you recon he would charge, whats the going rate?

also is it worth me wasting more money getting it tensioned or should i just let it break then buy a 20quid dx-32 from tarty and then hope my parents will lend me the money for a new wheelbuild?

also if i was to complain to echo what would be said?? and whats the wmail address for complaints as the only one i can find on there S**te site is for business use :@

Edited by trials-Oli
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Firstly I'd check your rim for dents and flat spots. If there are any then the wheelbuild can't be at fault - dents and flatspots loosen random spokes and it screws up the balance of the wheel.

If the rim is in perfect condition then have a chat to the wheelbuilder, I would assume they would offer to re-true and tension FOC.



Edit: If you got a new DX32 then all you'd need would be the wheelbuild by the way - the spoke length is the same for that rim and the 2006 Echo :)

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Firstly I'd check your rim for dents and flat spots. If there are any then the wheelbuild can't be at fault - dents and flatspots loosen random spokes and it screws up the balance of the wheel.

If the rim is in perfect condition then have a chat to the wheelbuilder, I would assume they would offer to re-true and tension FOC.



Edit: If you got a new DX32 then all you'd need would be the wheelbuild by the way - the spoke length is the same for that rim and the 2006 Echo :)

there is one small dent and a flat spot so it is not the wheelbuild, i didnt think it wouldve been as the wheelbuilder is a proffesional one and is trained by dtswiss and uses a tension metre,

so the rim is a pile of sh*t

which rim would you recommend, or would a retension help, looks like it would be another 60 quid to sort out :@ and i dont have that, if it had only been noticed a week ago i would then have not bought my new digital camcorder and got a new wheel. im just going to go cry in a corner and pluck the courage to tell my parents my wheel has broken already

cheers ollie

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Send your hub and spokes to Tarty and get him build a DX32 on it, total cost will be about £30 I think (£20 for rim and wheelbuilds are a tenner when you buy the rim from there (I think)).

do tarty use a tension metre? also how much would postage be? should i leave spokes in the hub? or take them out for them to put back in, do tarty build wheels using dt swiss spoke... also i could just take it to local bike shop again and get it built with the old spokes and thats only 5 quid more

cheers ollie

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a bit of the topic but what are the echo 07 rims like? whats the difference between them?

sorry tohear about ur wheel problems.

i got a full fast rear off super cycles and did the same! so i sent it back to them and they tighten it for free but i had to pay for postage.

guess what.... that did nothing and with in 3-4 rides it was buggered again so dfid it my self :P its now staying pretty straight, thinki might be ovalling? it though lol

good luck

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Right, if you complain to Deng all he's gunna say is that's the reason they were changed them for 2007, so no point in that.

Just get the wheel re-tensioned and trued, should get a decent amount more life out of it, at least long enough for you to save for a DX32. As tarty said, you wont need new spokes, so your current DTs will still be used. Really the wheel builder should true and tension it for free, I know that's my LBS's policy, one free true and tension with each wheel build, even if you have screwed up the rim.

Honestly though, your best bet would be to learn to true and tension a wheel yourself, its amazing what a wheel will take if it regularly checked and tweaked, I got a years life out of a light weight XC mavic on my jump bike by just checking it now and then, and about 5 months out of some WTB cross country rims on my freeride bike, and they had life left in them still, just got fed up with maintaining the bike rather than riding it.

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Right, if you complain to Deng all he's gunna say is that's the reason they were changed them for 2007, so no point in that.

Just get the wheel re-tensioned and trued, should get a decent amount more life out of it, at least long enough for you to save for a DX32. As tarty said, you wont need new spokes, so your current DTs will still be used. Really the wheel builder should true and tension it for free, I know that's my LBS's policy, one free true and tension with each wheel build, even if you have screwed up the rim.

Honestly though, your best bet would be to learn to true and tension a wheel yourself, its amazing what a wheel will take if it regularly checked and tweaked, I got a years life out of a light weight XC mavic on my jump bike by just checking it now and then, and about 5 months out of some WTB cross country rims on my freeride bike, and they had life left in them still, just got fed up with maintaining the bike rather than riding it.

what sort of life should you expect to get out of a wheel?

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Well it depends what stuff your doing obviously, and your tyre pressures. But Ben's got like a good 9/10 months or something out of his 06 echo rims, and he does some pretty big ass stuff. He just checks the tension regularly and has got me to true it up at least twice.

I'm a similar weight and height to you and I haven't had to touch my rear wheel since starting trials properly in the summer, but that's an undrilled 36h 24" DX32 on a revolver singlespeed hub, so you'd expect it to be pretty bombproof.

Personally I'd be thinking about a different rim if I didn't get a year out of it with regular truing. But as said, Echo 06 rims aren't amazing, so just keep it going until you can afford a better rim.

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hahaha welcome to the world of the 06 echo rim, mine lasted about 1 months then need straitening every ride, then caved in... lol its not the build, just the fact that those rims are pure shiiiiiiiiiiiiite. get the 07 echo rim, its alot stronger and deffo worth the money (Y) it wont be worth paying for your 06 to get trued/tensioned as it will just f**k up again within a day or two, so get your own spoke key and tension the spokes that come loose then true it slightly yourself when needed. its easy, trust me

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