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Bleeding Maguras

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Magura what?

HS33s? Louise? Marta?

None of them are particulalry hard to bleed, as long as you have the right equipment.

Search on here for a guide. There's approx. 82640 topics on it now...

You don't really need alot of equipment, no need for a bleed kit. Just a 3mm allen key... a 5mm allen key... some anti-freeze or coolant and your away. I'll guide you through it step by step although if you search you will find out how.

Step 1: Remove the brake from the bike (easy).

Step 2: Undo the bolts, use the 3mm allen key to undo the bolt on the lever (the one next to the hose) and use the 5mm allen key to undo the bolt on the calliper (the only bolt on there). When both bolts are removed hold over bath and repetively squeeze the lever untill most of the oil or water is in the bath.

Step 3: Fill the bath with water (preferably cold) and add around half a litre of coolant or anti-freeze.

Step 4: Place the brake under the water and make sure all of the brake is level and completely covered in water (you don't want any air getting in there).

Step 5: repetitively squeeze the lever, I would recommend around 200 times for a rear brake and 150 for a front brake, just keep squeezing it for ages.

Step 6: When your happy you have squeezed it enough, place the bolts back in and make sure they are super tight (do this whilst the brake is still under water).

Step 7: Clean the brake and put it back on the bike, it should be good as new.

Step 8: Clean the bath and then ride!

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