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Alley Rat

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I'm sick of this bullshit and i dont give a crap, Its only a stinking forum but some people on here take it way too seriously

Get This

Don't get that

Who cares if its not the norm for trials, If its strong use It,If its light it will more than likely snap or break,

I have been riding bikes most of my life but some people on here are just f**king retarded.

I have been on forums for over 6 years and this is the only one that truly sucks

OK, I'm not a trials rider but i have raced and used to ride XC and duel/downhill,

I think I know which kit would survive in trials and as far as I'm concerned most of the people on here are just small minded arrogant Elitist twats who spend their money on useless lightweight kit and wonder why it brakes, And the majority of sheep, IE YOU...Follow

Dont listen to these people, read articles on which kit to buy and look at solid reveiws if you have to.

for f**k sake it aint hard....

Now I'm gonna go back to building this Onza T-Rex

thank you for reading

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Oke then, if you aint got anything good to say dont say it at all <_< , and if this forum is soo bad why are you here?

plus people ask questions on here regarding trials and people answer those questions. No-one else is complaining

Edited by tom 20
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You have just made yourself sound like a total retard bud!

I do agree with you though, a lot of people on here are pill0cks but i don't go shouting it from the rooftops.

I come on here IF i need to know something, and more often than not i end up in Chit Chat which aint trials related.

As Tom20 said, if you don't like it you don't have to be here


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Don't call me DUMb Matt-y, I've forgotton more than youv'e learnt you f**kin pankrind.

wow sorry watch out he might be offended, if you keep forgetting things it might be down to a medical problem dude :lol:

Edited by tom 20
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Alley you really are the type of person i would love to meet, just so i can see what a retard you actually are.

You start this topic by saying people give bad advice and use products which dont work and snap etc etc, yet the others replies you have made to topics on this forum have been useless, time to listen to your own advice!

Can i ask, do you know Pete Wright? Cos if not we must introduce you as you will get on so well!


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why are you here??

oh yes, i must shut my mouth and obey.

Well there are several reason why this foru shines above others.

First and formost, there are other like minded people. Most people are friendly. And most of the time if some one talks bollocks they get corrected relativly quickly! It is also a great place to organise rides and also go along to other big rides. This place is far from elitist, it is opinionated though!

Personally if you dont like it, dont type www.trials-forum.co.uk into your browser. Not like we are going to miss you after your "quality" posts so far!

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^^ agreed with orgun donor

my problem is'nt medical but it is an irritant and its called tom 20

wow someones quick arent they, if im that irrative go somewhere else :shifty:

Edited by tom 20
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Sorry, can someone remind me why you posted in the first place?

You obviously don't like it here, so to save yourself the pain an irritation, here's the bombshell: why don't you just never come back on here?

We'd be happy because you don't have anything worth saying, and you'd be happy because 'we are causing irritation' to you.

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I have been riding bikes most of my life but some people on here are just f**king retarded.

OK, I'm not a trials rider but i have raced and used to ride XC and duel/downhill,

I think I know which kit would survive in trials

And yet in the other thread, your suggesting that somebody buys an FSA XLII headset for a onza t-lite frame. Seems clear to me that your knowledge is not infallible.

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And yet in the other thread, your suggesting that somebody buys an FSA XLII headset for a onza t-lite frame. Seems clear to me that your knowledge is not infallible.


As scopse has provided, your knowledge is clearly of no good to anyone. So dont moan about other people's. If this place is full of people you cant stand (who to me seem damn decent individuals), then it's simple, dont visit here again.

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Yes get off here! you're always so negative. Also, you think you know so much about trials but you don't know jack! Telling people to buy external headsets for an internal frame, and to buy raceface cranks over middleburns, YOU DONT EVEN RIDE TRIALS FOOL!

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Yes get off here! you're always so negative. Also, you think you know so much about trials but you don't know jack! Telling people to buy external headsets for an internal frame, and to buy raceface cranks over middleburns, YOU DONT EVEN RIDE TRIALS FOOL!

And that was a weeny bit over the top.

We've said our part, lets let him sulk, and then leave.

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