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Plymouth Uni


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I'm at the stage now whether to apply for a uni or not, today i visited plymouth uni to see what it was all about and things, and just wondering well if any of you go there and whats it like to live there, study there and so on? Would a fat loner kid survive in a city or plymouth?

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Sorry to hijack the thread a little, but I'm in a similar situation. Except I'm going to Brum. Just wondering if anyone else is going to Aston University (or even doing Mech Eng like me?) and does anyone have any experience living there? I've been plenty of times and love the place but obviously I haven't had the experience of living there. Nor have I had many unpleasant experiences with the "natives" haha

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I go to Plymouth uni, first year doing Applied Geology.

Its hard to give a good review, as its the only uni i've ever been educated in!

Also, there are poeple that have left within the first term as they didn't get on with their course/couldn't hack living on their own etc.

HOWEVER: I'm having a brilliant time there, can't wait to get back really!

I'm in Radnor Halls (£90-ish per week) and they're pretty good, all i could want really.

Course is good, though obviously each will be different.

As for the city, its got its good and bad, but during a sunny day on the Hoe theres few places i'd rather be!

Lots of places to go out at night, all the usuals plus a few smaller places which are cool.

Any questions you want answered, whack them down (Y)

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Sorry to hijack the thread a little, but I'm in a similar situation. Except I'm going to Brum. Just wondering if anyone else is going to Aston University (or even doing Mech Eng like me?) and does anyone have any experience living there? I've been plenty of times and love the place but obviously I haven't had the experience of living there. Nor have I had many unpleasant experiences with the "natives" haha

I live about 20 minutes away and have been to Aston Uni many a time, although I don't actually live there! As the guys there say, as it is a really quite small Uni you get to know a lot of the people from all over the place. The actual Uni itself is alright, nothing amazing, but its friendly enough and really multi cultural.

Night life, As far as im concerned is really quite good, loads of places to go, pubs, clubs and bars take your pick!

Sport, theres a lot to do in Birmingham and you can even ski at the snow dome a 20 minute train journey away!

And as for the violence, generally avoid young kids (any race) in a souped up Golf or Merc for example. Avoid anyone dressed as a gangster! And generally don't insult anyone you don't know just to be safe! Luckily for you it may be called "Aston Uni" but your out of the actual Aston area, well the violent bit anyway.

Any more questions about Brum?


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I live about 20 minutes away and have been to Aston Uni many a time, although I don't actually live there! As the guys there say, as it is a really quite small Uni you get to know a lot of the people from all over the place. The actual Uni itself is alright, nothing amazing, but its friendly enough and really multi cultural.

Night life, As far as im concerned is really quite good, loads of places to go, pubs, clubs and bars take your pick!

Sport, theres a lot to do in Birmingham and you can even ski at the snow dome a 20 minute train journey away!

And as for the violence, generally avoid young kids (any race) in a souped up Golf or Merc for example. Avoid anyone dressed as a gangster! And generally don't insult anyone you don't know just to be safe! Luckily for you it may be called "Aston Uni" but your out of the actual Aston area, well the violent bit anyway.

Any more questions about Brum?


haha my Uncle shit me up when I told him I was going to Aston University. Told me if I was gunna come home unhurt I'd need to walk round in groups of 100 lmao

Not really anymore questions on Brum, more wondering what it's like to live there as a student really. Thanks for answering some of my questions, big help :)

If anyone else is thinking about goin to Aston or any Uni in Brum add me on the ol' MSN.

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I go to Plymouth uni, first year doing Applied Geology.

Its hard to give a good review, as its the only uni i've ever been educated in!

Also, there are poeple that have left within the first term as they didn't get on with their course/couldn't hack living on their own etc.

HOWEVER: I'm having a brilliant time there, can't wait to get back really!

I'm in Radnor Halls (£90-ish per week) and they're pretty good, all i could want really.

Course is good, though obviously each will be different.

As for the city, its got its good and bad, but during a sunny day on the Hoe theres few places i'd rather be!

Lots of places to go out at night, all the usuals plus a few smaller places which are cool.

Any questions you want answered, whack them down (Y)

Wow thats quite a good review on the place and uni cheers, was geology what you intended to do to start off with or was there something else, because I think you can do a totally different subject to what youve done at college am I right in thinking this? Just done a First Diploma in Media one year course Currently studying Btec ND media at bridgwater college nearly finished my first year and have to apply for uni soon ish. So Im really spaced about the choices to make

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I go to Plymouth uni, first year doing Applied Geology.

Any questions you want answered, whack them down (Y)

A bit unrelated a guess, but i've had a confirmed place to study Applied Geography at Bournemouth.

I was deliberating whether to study straight geography, or applied geog. It was made out that 'applied' was more geared up for a job after uni, as you put the theory/skills into practice and apply these to the real world, rather than just learn them but rarely use them in straight geography.

How have you found the 'applied' side of the course so far?

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Wow thats quite a good review on the place and uni cheers, was geology what you intended to do to start off with or was there something else, because I think you can do a totally different subject to what youve done at college am I right in thinking this? Just done a First Diploma in Media one year course Currently studying Btec ND media at bridgwater college nearly finished my first year and have to apply for uni soon ish. So Im really spaced about the choices to make

Its what i always wanted to do, did geology at A Level.

As for doing a different course, yeh its entirely possible. Its all up to the course you do as to whether they'll accept you, get a prospectus and see what catches your eye.

Some offers i recieved were 'at least 250 points' or whatever, so your A Level subjects didn't make much difference. This is all course dependant though.

A bit unrelated a guess, but i've had a confirmed place to study Applied Geography at Bournemouth.

I was deliberating whether to study straight geography, or applied geog. It was made out that 'applied' was more geared up for a job after uni, as you put the theory/skills into practice and apply these to the real world, rather than just learn them but rarely use them in straight geography.

How have you found the 'applied' side of the course so far?

They are the exact reasons i chose to do Applied Geology.

Its a 3 year course, and what i have (and i suspect you will) find is that the first year is grouped together with Masters/Geology/Physical Geography and Geology. This means learning about Geology in general, and as such its not taylored to the Applied side of things.

This is to make sure you're all up to te same level, as people in my course have not neccesarily done Geology at A Level.

The second and third years are geared towards your specific course.

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