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What Are You Using To Make Your Brake Better

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A good water bleed for the extra snappyness and quick response.

Good pads such as the heatsink yellows, set perfectly square to the rim.

A light grind but I would do without it as the pads work great without anyway.

I never have the need to use tar on the back though.

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A good water bleed for the extra snappyness and quick response.

Good pads such as the heatsink yellows, set perfectly square to the rim.

A light grind but I would do without it as the pads work great without anyway.

I never have the need to use tar on the back though.

(Y) what i use but with a 4 finger lever blade, gives 16% more power. heatsink yellows for the win (Y) .medium-light or dead grind, the heatsink yellows work best on. so much bite and hold. i find this set up works the same in the wet too which a lot of other pads dont even on a grind. nice noise too B)

-The pads can be found here -

Edited by josh barker
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water bleed (done in a bath to ensure its perfect)

nice grind

the echo sl lever (i love it)

magura braided hose

rockman blues in cnc backings

pads perfectly lined up in setup

making sure your lever body is in the right place on the bar and at the right angle...small changes can make a world of difference

*edit - and my rear brake is amazing, complete confidence in it

Edited by chris4stars
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im running

tnn yellows set up square

medium grind slight bit of tar so it has no slip

echo 1 finger lever blade

it works mint with maggie blood:)

1 finger blade?

echo dont make one, do you meen you are using 1 finger on your blade. the 4 finger blade just represents the length of the lever.

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1 finger blade?

echo dont make one, do you meen you are using 1 finger on your blade. the 4 finger blade just represents the length of the lever.

It's made so that the section you grip can only take one finger, quit being pedantic.


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id say its worth forking out the cash for decent pads . heatsink yellows , rockman , tnn etc.

a grind . for wet weather .

a tiny bit of tar ( and i mean a tiny bit )

pads set up perfectly

excellent bleed ( i use water , but its dont to personal preference )

ice basically just saaid what everyone else has said but oh well :turned: :turned:

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