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Everything posted by JohnBanks

  1. Yes it is. Its on a rionnie cheers john
  2. Best thing to do is put it in the fridge for a day, it will harden and go on mutch better. Cheers John
  3. Thanks for the replys keep them coming
  4. Sorry about the bad quality it was taken on a phone
  5. 12t the cranks are only just rubbing on the frame and its not on the sproket side
  6. Hello, I've just bought some new cranks (uci legends) they are on a fsa bb and now they are rubbing on my frame(t-pro). I have no back wheel on at the moment because its not arrived yet so wen i put my wheel on will it bring the frame in or not my hub is a profile mini cassette? Can you help John
  7. Thanks you have bin a real help
  8. hello, Do tartybikes count Saturday as a working day. Thanks John
  9. That was a very good video. You have realy got some big drops there matey. Good luck with videoes to come! Cheers John
  10. hello, welcome to trials forum and trials have fun and stick with it. cheers john
  11. Cheers for the pick looks quite good
  12. TARTYBIKES!!!! (www.tartybikes.co.uk) Cheers John
  13. Over all VERY GOOD forks for the money, they are lite, look good,ride well and are cheap what more could you ask for in a pair of forks. Cheers John(Y)
  14. hello, Has someone got a picture of a stripped down to the metal t-pro. Thanks John,
  15. Hello all, please can you tell me how to take a t-bird headset of please cheers John
  16. tarty = best trials shop around !!
  17. Hello all, I am getting a new profile in a couple of days and wondering if i will need a new chain? I have already got a kmc cool chain but i have rid it on 22:18 gearing for about 8 months and have bin told i should get a new one because of the chain wearing in(or someting of that nature) and it could damage my sprocket so please help. Cheers John
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