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Posts posted by rathergoodpie

  1. Ha, funny you should ask. I went from an ea70 to the new tryall bar.

    The extra width gives you much more stability as expected, so back wheel balance is improved, I also find that the extra reach enables me to stand up more UCI'ish on the back wheel (with the bars into my chest)

    X ups are a no no now though (unless you want dislocated shoulders) dependingon the length of ur stem.

    hope this helps.


  2. ok. So Shawn's been picked up by koxx as well.... (?)

    seriously, this has got to stop.

    Koxx really aren't helping the sport at all by snapping up EVERY rider they can get their grubby little hands on. They've already got a massive monopoly going on, and its just going to f**k the other smaller companies over.

    Bunch of arsewits grrr....


  3. I wanna see this 15foot.. Did he take a long run up to roll it? Was it just a "keg it and hop at 100mph" technique? lol.

    How tall is beneto by the way? And how old is he/what kinda build?

    I kinda got the impression it was a drop? ah, or maybe a drop gap? i dunno. i'd quite like to see it though.

  4. Some good design work goin on there guys. Especially liking the "welcome/come in". simple but effective. thats what its all about. You guys at uni or what? I ask because im in my final year of a Graphic Design degree at Falmouth College of Arts, and i agree, expecting money for things like that is a bit of a waste of time, you just want to bulk up ur folio really. A close friend of mine has just done a project for channel 4 ideas factory with a budget of 25k and only recieved £400, which is peanuts. should've got 10% at least, but it looks fat in his folio so he aint complaining.


    ps. at least u lucky buggars have time to do extra design work on the side! damn you! (Y)

  5. Wahey! i run one of these on the front of my bt!

    well, as you would expect for that price, there are certain faults.

    the cones have a tendancy to come loose, but only about once every month so you can just keep hand tightening them and they're fine.

    also, i have the disc version and the flanges are massive. i mean dinner plate size. which looks a bit shitty imo.


    best pic i've got sorry

  6. Yeah, that Raven is the sex.  Have you scratched those cranks yet though? :D

    What tyre is that by the way? (rear)

    ironically the cranks are scratched to f**k, but since riding on bigmans course ive got matching red paint off that old escort on them!

    the rear tyre is a specialised roller dh and is properly the best tyre ive ever used! good wear, fantastic grip and pretty light! and only £20 from halfords!! bargain!

  7. PS please people dont moan about natural!!!!you seriously dont know how much harder it is than street, the moves may not look as impressive but just go upto some of the natural stuff n where you'd bunny hop or wall ride sumot you aint got a chance! thats where natural improves riders much more

    im sure the street may be "Extreme & BIG" but does all that mean that it makes the video great? if you put a bit of soft music to a bit of natural you get a quality vid! or even a slightly more aggressive song but nothing too head bangin!!!! street needs that kind of song to make the atmosphere of the moves stand out at you...................

    Well said mr waynio. (Y) Too many people wank over street.

  8. Hi,

    Me and Horsey have just finalised the invite list for the Bike Show, so i thought you guys would like to see. Positive it is going to be a great show this year, so please make sure you come along and support the Trials arena.

    Rider List:

    Martyn Ashton

    Martin Hawyes

    Chris Akrigg

    Danny Holroyd

    Craig Lee Scott

    Ben Slinger

    James Hyland

    Ben Savage

    Vincent Hermance

    Benito Ros

    Giles Coustoulier

    Chris Doney

    Cesar Cannas

    Neil Tunercliffe

    Allistair Clarkson

    There it is, sorry if i have spelt any names wrong.



    awesome. they need this kind of profile. top job Mart. (lets just hope CLS rides 26" as well...)


    ps. you gonna be testing any new bikes this year Mart?

  9. im ashamed to say that this is actually my real hair. That bloody paint took some washing off too. never again. :P"


    Bit of Queen as well. Just for good measure. (Y)


    never thought id see my self as "dead gay" (Y) ooh, tasteless joke sorry!

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