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Posts posted by rathergoodpie

  1. After being a uci rider for some time now, and generally being fed up of not being able to bunnyhop my bt anywhere near as monsrously as my echo, and being inspired by ali c's "triamx" i set about recycling my echo :)"

    made entirely of old bits and bobs, and rides like a beast :)

    red rear maggie and hosing is on the way.... whoop!

    my summer cruiser is sorted :)

    Cant see myself entering many comps on it mind, but it makes a lovely dirt/singletrack/cruiser

    Any comments appreciated. :)




    ps. its gonna go SNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!

  2. I know this isn't very useful but I wouldn't bother with EBC reds. I tried some on my Hayes and they worked ok for about a week then fell apart. As far as disc brakes go, I've always found the manufacturers own are always the best. Get some Hope replacements and save some £'s.


    ok cheers dude

  3. i'm looking for some ebc reds for my hope mini mono. Any ideas as to where from

    ive searched ...






    ...with no luck

    Otherwise could anyone suggest some good pads?



  4. I disagree i currently ride Dirt/XC/BMX more than Trials and on all of my bikes i use a much bigger ration than 22/? The Zebdi is a street bike so why not run a 32tooth bash guard like everyone used to do 6/7 years ago


    thats just you though. I managed perfectly fine with 22 tooth. :blink:

    Just whack it in a high gear (so long as you don't mind the chain slap)

    (32 tooth would be the better option, but its time/hasstle/money)

  5. looking awesome bigman!!!! it appears we are all heading over the the rex way of life.... with any luck mine wil be arriving on friday :D:):o

    it does look awesome matey, and without having compared it to my bt, from the way i was able to jump on it the morning after the bikeshow  and ride it like my own.... i think its something a bit special!!!!

    t-rex's rock!!!!

    and daves pic from last summer is what made me want to get one in the first place :) such an AWESOME frame.

    sam: bigmans raven didnt have a bb rise at all, it was a stone age raven 4.0

    Watch it prawny boy :D


    Was it a home-job or did you get someone else to make them for you? I think if they were 50mm they'd be utterly awesome, so you must be lurvin' the pads :)

    I've got them pads on my raven now, and they are awesome on a koxx rim. like stupidly good hold and make a cool noise! lets see how they wear...

  6. Heres a cerrraaaziiieeee idea Savage. Why not post up a trailer for the dvd (manifesto style). I'm sure no one has any quams about the actual riding, but if the editing/composition is good as well then i'm sure people will buy.

    after all Andrew T's editing is shit hot.

    Just a suggestion.


  7. Nice vid, nice mix of riding. not a fan of the music though.

    ah well, each to thier own

    Ah but there not riding the red route (N)" there on the yellow (Y) guess you plan is back under way.

    that was a cracking vid and now I have car insurance I really should get down to ride with you guys more ;) oh well we can but dream

    Loved the music and just about everything about the vid, may go watch it again (Y)"

    Oh yeah forgot to say next year I shall be going to Falmouth Uni to study art so I shall be back to haunt you mu ha ha ha!!

    good job guys >_<


    I doubt that Matt, me and Dan are in our final years, and Bigman's moving to Shropshire!!

    YOU LOSE!! :o

  8. Downloading know Rob (N)

    you better not be riding to much natural I don't want you walking off with a win in May ;)

    natural? me?! (Y)"

    i think nick and steve might foil my plans this year mate. ...and i'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those pesky kids... >_<

    he he


  9. Who ever filmed and edited that, needs to be shot...

    ... with man juice.

    That was sexual. The camera man definately knew what he was doing, some f**king rad angles and shots, and the pictures at the end looked super good too. The editing was just as good, and that intro was amazingly well done. You should be very proud of that.

    Riding was damn good too, thought the riding was going to be wank after the kid on the white raven was hopping all over the place at the start on them rocks, but he, and the other dude where very good indeed. (No offence intended in the slightest)

    Thats a good'un that one (N)

    Well, i'm humbled!

    yeah that was me on the raven at the start he he. I thought too many trials vids take themselvs too seriously, and very few pull it off (tunni and tra are obvious exceptions)

    so when expecting a mega trick at the start, i instead hit my bollocks really hard on my stem. great! what could be a better start to a vid! (Y)

    The whole thing is filmed by me and Dan; hes doing a Photography degree so he certainly knows his shit about composition!

    I edited it too. arent we ace! :o"

    nah seriously, i really appreciate the comments guys, as you know this is my first trials vid, and i wanted to inject some quality into trials vids as im sick of seeing poorly shot, poorly edited pieces of shit to be frank. (some absolute gems though)

    Theres absolutely no reason why all trials vids shouldn't look like this.

    Essay over >_< :o


  10. Another great vid people,

    I really liked the editing at the start. The overall riding was good but the camera man looked like he couldn't hold the camera still, which was doing my head in.

    Some nice pics at the end as well.


    hmm, funny considering most of it was filmed on a tripod >_< but meh.

    cheers for the comments guys keep em coming.


  11. Really sweet video! I wasn't really into the music, but that's personal preference.

    Video-wise though, awesome! You had some really sweet angles in there, and a lot of sweetly lit shots.

    Really mellow. Well worth the download!


    Cheers dude. >_<

  12. Well, we finally got off our arses!

    Yeah, me and Dan (actiondan) decided it was about time to make a vid.

    Don't be expecting any tunnicliffe crazieness, because this is an uber chilled vid of mainly natural. (because thats what we mainly ride) (N)

    Alot of the footage we wanted to use got corrupted (sorry dan mate but we'll re- capture and do a new vid, if i can be arsed that is >_<" ) But i knocked together what we had and its looking ok. Not bad for my first edit job!

    Apologies if its a bit arty farty in places but hey, we're both at arts college!


    So, sit back relax and enjoy the show!



    I wonder how many people expect the first riding shot to be something impressive...

  13. how long is this topic goign to go on for........................

    Everyone knows this bike that martyn is riding is a beleay so why is everyone going on like it isnt...........

    He got the bike at koxx days.

    Fcuk we was riding with him up on the rocks when he was on it...


    its Martin, that's Ashton ;)

  14. Fair enough Jonny, Ive never actually heard the DJ shadow track being used before, so I wasn't really to know ;)

    As said earlier, I really do apologise for the audio. It was hard, in that my hard drive was full, as in 400 meg left on it by the time everything had been captured. I even had to resort to exporting the Movie to the backup. So it was kind of hit and miss first go. It ended up in me thinking the actual video was OK, but I agree, the audio is crap. Cheers for the advise though!

    The brightening up issue. It was already heavily brightened. As in, some parts had brightness of up to 70 in some parts! Appeture and white balance and my lack of the camcorder I was using were to blame methinks. If i'd have brightened it up anymore, it would have just looked stupid. Sorry about that.

    I completeley can't see much justification in you being pissed off that I've released a video. It's not only you who's making them you know. I'm sure there'll still be plenty to come out. And to be honest, why is editing going to be any harder? Unless you were going to use the same tracks, which I doubt. You also were getting completely different angles to myself, so yeah, why this release has pissed you off is beyond me. Getting it together in such a short time was just because I thought anyone that didn't have the chance to go, could see what went down. It's obvious that no hardcore editing's gone into this. It was my intention to just keep the tapes until the summer, as there's a few plans that are floating around in my head, which will hopefully result in something. Alison and Sonja both know this, they also know that an internet video may well come out. I apologise for whatevers pissed you off, but if it's just because this has come out before yours, I see no need for you to get pissed. You knew before you went that other people would be filming.

    Alison and Sonja have been notified by the way ;) 

    Sorry if it sounds like I've got a crappy attitude, I don't mean for that to come accross at all! I really enjoyed talking to you actually, seemed cool (Y)  I was the bloke with the PD150 by the way (Y)

    Anyway, sincere apologies for whatevers pissed you off. Hope it hasn't done too much!

    Ta though,


    Dave. What a thoroughly bloody nice bloke! (Y)

  15. large.php?file=i1h4lkhjfi3adh2kcmiminakd.jpg





    argh! so many to choose from! yeah sorry about the amount, but dan ur photos are just too good mate!

    All pics courtesy of Dan Pearce (actiondan), except 3rd one taken by Rob cheers guys!

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