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Posts posted by Davey

  1. guy with a gaint hand shaped sign point at him RIGHT in view of the camera thats filming devina saying

    "my boss is an idiot he thinks im at work" then he spins it around and it says i hope he hasnt seen me"

    Haha, I saw that, well might have been a different one or you got it a little wrong, it said "My boss thinks I'm ill" then he spun it round and it said "You aint see me, right?"

    Was classic!

    Ok, my verdict is predictable. The twins would get it all night long, that's like my absolute ultimate fantasy to shag fit twins, I don't care that they're annoying, they're mouths will be busy, if not on my spam dagger then I'll make them kiss each other while I bone them, gimme a "hell yeah", dirt!

    Emily, nice hot little indie chick, I would, she needs to stop making out like indie is a new thing though, everyone's aware of it it's everywhere!

    Chanelle, yes please, bit of a muppet with the whole Vicky Beckham worship, but come on she is fine as hell, you see that shot in her undies? I would!

    If anything I'm a bit dissapointed that there are no men and only going to be one on Friday, so we're not gonna see any decent action. They're not gonna start showing off and flashing the flesh in an all girl enviroment are they? Rubbish! Get some man meat in there and get those girls all worked up, we wanna see some action!!!


  2. doubt theres a guy going in, it's supposed to be all females this year and they've actually confirmed it. (Y) no doubt i'll end up watching it to some extent.


    I was wondering what they were going to do that was different this time around.... perhaps that's it. Some of them are bound to be fit, if they're not then I'm boycotting the whole thing, it's not good for owt else, it's a voyeurs wet dream (Y)


  3. Thats kept 'secret' until the show tonight.

    It was leaked to the Daily Star yesterday but they haven't been able to confirm the list is real. There's a guy called Will Rogers I think and I know someone calle that so I'm hoping it's the guy I know!


  4. I don't know what its like nationwide, but this is how i've managed to get an appointment

    Basically my ear infection has come back which is mildly painful but eventually makes me deaf in the ear (not permanent). I know this because this is what happened the first time, so naturally I don't want it to happen again. So i've woken up today at 10:30 and felt the pain so i got on the phone to my NHS doctors:

    I don't know if it's the same for all private healthcare but I get Bupa through my job and I have a gland on my neck that keeps swelling every year or so and I have to get it drained because it's way too dangerous to remove it (not worth the risk basically). So anyway, I tried to get it done through Bupa the last time it happened but I found they won't do it because it's something that I had before prior to joining, so your ear thing wouldn't be covered either.

    But I'm guessing you're talking about going private out of your own pocket rather than health insurance...... so that's most likely different!


  5. Kate's are good, had a couple of Kate's, but I gotta say personally I have found any variation of the name Rebecca to be really good, mainly Becca or Becky or Bekki. I've had one of each of them, two Becky's in fact, and all of them have been scorching in the sack. The Becca was in fact the best sex I have ever had to date, bar none, by a long long long way!!!!

    I like the name Lucy, congures up images of pleated mini skirts and perky boobs, no idea why!


  6. Tis quite funny as I'm moving in with my missus who is on for a first in Law and Politics and is currently applying for jobs on about £20k+, so I'm a kept man for the next 3 years! :rolleyes:

    Yeah, I earn more than that too and I'm in shedloads of debt, so I wouldn't bet on it!


  7. ps did you just start this thred to show off your fancy job? lol

    No, it's not fancy at all and i need a pay rise. I was just thinking it'd be interesting to see what people did, and thought there might be a few surprises, like if it turned out Fat pants was a contracts manager for a mutli national opperations interface manufacturer! Not likely because he's only 12 but you know what I mean!


  8. Well we can rule out infertility I guess, Jon is fairly conclusive evidence of that. But it does say on the pack not to use it on your knob so there must be a reason. Maybe it makes it very very very small....................... Jon?!?


  9. I, on the other hand manage to stay ultra smooth and lady friendly with a liberal application of veet (the 5 minute one) once a week.

    Using veet on my jennys just scares me a little, I'll give it a go one day when I get sick of shaving, but I'm worried it'll have some strange side effects!


  10. So....... what's your job?

    Thought it'd be nice to find out what people do professionally, as a lot of us probably spend the time we should be working browsing on here instead, lol!

    I'll start. I'm an account executive for a print management company. Basically we're a print brokers so we buy and sell print production for publishers, someone wants a magazine or poster or flyer or mailer printed then we sort it for them!

    It's great because the people here are a laugh and I've been in print for 6 years so I know what I'm doing, plus it's an office but I don't have to wear shirt and tie!

    So what do you do and why do you like/dislike it?


  11. That is why you are able to shave your pubes i imagine!

    For anyone thats remotely hairy it will itch like a bitch after a few hours where it starts to grow back!

    I'm a hairy muthertrucker down there, grows along me shaft and everything so it has to go, doesn't itch when it grows back really, it did maybe the first few times but after that no worries, have to shave it once every 3 days ish!


  12. Yeah mine is fairly shamefull although it's getting better recently, I may be a real man yet!

    I wouldn't advise shaving your pubes right off though, any girl who sleeps with you will feel like she's riding bareback on a sandpaper horse! Just trim it and next time your washing your hair in the shower slap a bit of the old shampoo/conditioner down there to soften it right up, lovely!


  13. ohhh, so the flip out slider bit won't take it down to the wood then?

    Also since I have your attention davey, I have a question also [and you seem to be the man to ask after frequenting the post your missus thread!]

    This cruzer jobby has an attachment for beards with an adjustable length on it.. Soo, if i set it to the longest setting and work my way down from there - will I be able to trim my pubes with it? :P

    Nah doesn't take it to the wood, leaves it a bit rough looking, but would be tidier if you used the adjustable length thing really.

    As for pubes, if you want them super tidy an of uniform length then that sounds like a sterling idea, I often find when rtimming mine that I take them too short in one area and have to do the rest to comensate, so that would solve the problem! Go for it, let me know if it works out ok!


  14. Metric/imperial is a tricky argument, trouble is that some things have become so engrained in our minds that changing them would be very confusing, all depends what you were taught but I'd imagine the majority of people on here were taught a mix depending on what it was they were learning.

    People generally measure car speed in MPH on programmes like Top Gear and on websites etc, and it's the bigger of the two measurements on your cars speedo. Also people tend to measure themselves in feet and inches, if people were to say how tall they were in centimetres I'd have no idea if they were tall or not because it just doesn't make sense to me that way. The same and also the reverse are true of weight, when I weigh myself it's in stones and pounds, but if I was thinking of the weight of a car or like in my job the weight of reels of paper then it's all metric in tonnes. Despite having reference points for both if you gave me the wieght of a car in stones I'd have no idea what that meant.

    Then there's things like cooking where one job can include measurements in both metric and imperial, 100grams of sugar and a pink of milk for example.

    So you can't really standardise everything, because it'll always confuse someone no matter which you choose. I'd agree that the metric system makes more sense as it's all divided into easy to understand values, but it's still confusing if all you've been working in is imperial all your life!


  15. If the beard of love isn't your thing then yes the beard/sideburn trimmer bit which usually flips or slides out should do the trick. Either that or a number 1 clipper attachment which would work nicely too!


  16. slaps the copywrite lawyer in the face for talking utter rubbish. Further to this he does point out that this storyline is to be featured in an upcoming episode of Southpark so they may wish to revise their actions or risk a lawsuit. Matt and Trey (co-writers of southpark) happen to be walking by so they ask them what they think and...

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