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Posts posted by Davey

  1. To which the man-dog replied "I don't know we just met, this is highly inappropriate behaviour, please stop or I'll take a shit on your lawn and it'll be one of the runny ones that you can't get rid of with a spade". So the devil stopped, fearful of the runny turd. Then he remembered....

  2. Has anyone considered the problem with free movement of Labour, or lack of it?

    If we unify out currency with that of the rest of europe it makes is far easier for people from other EU countries to come here to work. Now this is fine as it also makes it far easier for us to go and work in their countries, so that's fine right?

    Well no not really, because most of the main economic countries in the EU speak english as a second language, the majority of them speak it fluently so coming here to work would be easy as pie. However most of us in the UK don't speak a foreign language so in order to work there we would have to go on courses etc (it's not the same as just going there to live and learning the language over time).

    So we don't have free movement of labour, we would have movement into this country but not movement out, the result, higher unemployment among english nationals!

    Aside from that, the pound is the last shred of identity our contry has left, so lets keep it!


  3. I dont get offended by name calling, I've had it all my life for one reason or another, name calling DOES show a lack of intelligence in my opinion, if the best thing you can think of to get at someone is to call them a rude or derogatory name then that's pretty dumb. I'd be more offended by someone making an observation about me, that might touch a nerve, but name calling? I just find it funny!

    Swearing, that's different, I dont think swearing shows a lack of intelligence if the words are used appropriately, I think it's neccesary in language, adds a bit of garnish to an otherwise bland conversation, it accents, it punctuates, it gives rhythm, swearing can be big and it can be clever!


  4. Nah, I just live at home and buy discount stuff.

    Ah yes, I remember the days of living at home (with my parents). Debt free, massive disposable income..... wish I could go back but I doubt they'd have me, plus my dungeon was turned into a study the day I left, they missed me lots obviously!


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