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Sam F

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Everything posted by Sam F

  1. I want a mac, no point though, already got a desktop and bought a laptop mid july..
  2. It is, why buy it though, waste of money imo, you got so many bikes.
  3. funny thing is, for the months its been missing its been within a quarter of a mile of me. Stuck in a shed gathering dust, exact same condition though.
  4. People through people through people, got sold for 50 quid in the end lol.
  5. I might invest in a bank, looks like you improve quick, where can i get myself one?
  6. Look what you got yourself into now Travis..
  7. Actually made me wanna ride aswell, and i'm trying to sell my bike because lack of motivation! lol.
  8. Comps, ride, release videos alot, wait for them to recognize you i guess. Search, been so many of these topics.
  9. Thank f**k Mr Chinnery, nice little video, balls dropped and it also seems your a cool little kid now aswell, not cocky. Nice one. x
  10. Lol, last time i had it i had faulty ram, when Fat Boy (Fat Pants) had it i told him it may be faulty ram, he laughed at me, month later he took the stick ram out and it was fine. Probably not your problem but meh.
  11. Sam F

    New Cls!

    Lol your an idiot mate.
  12. Sam F

    New Cls!

    Ever heard of messenging services, you know, 1 to 1 converstations, send the video over that? no? Oh right..
  13. Sam F

    New Cls!

    Wow, what aload of bollocks, if he wanted to keep it on a low then why stick it on youtube all together? He ovbiously wanted people to see but Onza told him to take it down.
  14. Sam F

    New Cls!

    f**k sake, someone must of downloaded it?
  15. Argent Dawn - 72 Warr, someone level him to 80 for me.
  16. its 1045, not 1035 or 1055, after that i don't know lol sorry.
  17. Sorry Alex but its pretty ovbious if its who i think it is (Toni) isn't interested in you.. lol
  18. Coral is well expensive isnt it?
  19. He does you big fat turnip.
  20. You should come down one weekend again babe.
  21. Yeahhhh Simps, look great on 24" much better than mod or stock..! Keep it up, ldn soon me thinks.
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