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Everything posted by megaspin

  1. Hello Reader of this post. Does anyone, anywhere know when the Inspired 24" frame is available? More specifically, does anyone know anything about it? Does the manufacturer have a website? I await it being available in the shops, I heard a rumour it would be this month, but this month is quickly running out. It looks to be a great little bike. Ps, sorry for bumping your picture Stan. Currently, the only ones I have seen on the World wide web. Cheers. Jon
  2. Rowan, I take my helmet off to you. salute.
  3. Yo yo. Yeah it's a nice bike. I too have one. Rides nice, though if you got the standard components that come with the frame new, then the gearing is a little high. Only makes a huge difference on the gaps though. Yeah I like it. Nice to see at least one other person owns one! (apart from holroyd himself) Good luck with it. Jonny
  4. This bike is the sex. Very nice indeeeeed.
  5. Check it out, 10mins on paint. haha, lots of 'rubber' and copy and paste! (File attacted)
  6. Bars Reply: I chose Double Walls with a high rise because I don't like having to lean too far over the front, plus I like the bigger meaty-er bar, after owning a pair of single walls for a very long time I was immensly impressed so made the progression to the double walls, though not so keen on the pyrimid bars if they still make them.. *snap* Gearing: Although the ratio of 18:12 is a little radical, In an unsuspecting way - it works and there is a good amount of kick. This may have something to do with the horizontal drop out tensioning method, but all in all I wouldn't be in a hurry to change it, it feels natural. My only real concern is that the bash guard is a little small so when on a ledge with an overhang you have to take it back to the edge of the bash to stop the rear wheel from hooking underneath. (This could be down to my riding technique mind). The holroyd in a way, has been bold in going for the change at the rear, and I'm definitely a fan... (Just thought to add this - The bike has a decent wheel base length of 1060mm, this makes good for transfering from front to rear wheel) Blessins
  7. Hey guys. Been riding the new 24/7 Holroyd lately and it seems it's not the most well known of bikes and some people disagree with it. So I thought I'd spend a few minutes sharing with you my review of what I think of it. It arrived in it's packet and the first thing I needed to do was to go over every bolt and nut and tighten everything up. I also instantly got rid of those horrid bars and stem, to be replaced by Azonic double walls and an Azonic ORC stem. This raised the front and made it a little easier to raise the front in a hop and a manual. I also put some V8s on... great pedals! Ok, how it rides... Simply speaking, very very well. The narrow, relatively short back end makes sidehoping and pedal hoping in all directions very easy. It's quite a light weight bike too - saying that my old bike was a Zero and had 3piece cranks - not the lightest of components. When hoping up the bigger walls, the frame clearance really comes into play as you have a lot of space to manovure when ontop of it. I'm chuffed with it and apart from the component changes I made (bars etc) I think 24/7 have done a good job of kitting it out. Not really a problem, but occasionally the rear hub can make an interesting click, but it's never skipped. Basically, I went from an Orange Zero to the Holroyd and my riding has thoroughly improved since owning the new bike.. I guess I'm a happy customer - though I will definitely be taking it for it's free service! I hope this review has helped you if you were intrigued at the bike. I'd recomend it. Small, flickable and good fun. I will now try and load a photo... Blessins Jon
  8. So are there any other companies on the market who make a similar product? J
  9. Hey I don't mind using others brands at all. In fact, I've had plenty of luck finding chainstay protectors, that's not a problem. What I am trying to find are downtube protectors to protect the underside of my frame for when I just miss the bash ring. I've seen them used, am just clueless where they come from... Cheers again, Jon (Cheers Cred) Ok. Mission success, They are called "Armourdillo Frame Protectors" And if anyone else is looking for them, cleanbikes - do indeed sell them, though they are temp out of stock! Pants! Blessins
  10. Hey everyone Just a small question, Does anyone know what company or where I can buy a lizard skin, or similar neopreen sleeve, similar to those used on chainstays, but for the downtube? I'm starting to try and hook up walls and a few times I have scratched my frame... I've seen them on pictures but all my local bike shops have been useless and suggested using a rear suspension cover... I know it's not the biggest of topics/posts, but any help would be duely appreciated. Thanks Blessins
  11. Hey dude. Video was cool, gave a good indication of your riding though it may not have been the best developed, merely just a small thing like camera angle to help give your steady riding a bit more flare. Song was fun... no complaints there. I've read the others peoples posts and I don't think it's fair to judge a person for how long they've been riding as you may have been involved in other disciplines. And some people ride more seriously than others and may have more free time to ride. So don't let comments like that bring you down. I saw a lot of really good work on your back wheel and as with anything the more practice the better. I wish you all the best. Cool video, solid riding, basics laid down very well! Blessins
  12. Hey Guys, Cheers for the imput from both sides. I do quite like the bike, it's the sort of thing I am after. A few reasons: I always run single speed as I can't stand rear mechs clatering about. + I thoroughly dislike hitting the mech on a side hop. As it's a single speed there is then no need for the wider hub. (It doesn't have to house a 9speed cassette or anything stupid and un-trialsly). However, I do hope that the standard hub is strong enough as I don't know how available narrow hubs may be... (should be OK mind, I'm only light)! I don't like chain tensioners much either, so I'm hoping Danny's got it right with it being a horizontal drop out. I've currently got an Orange Zero and I find it really short and thus feels heavy to pedal hop / lunge etc So I quite like the idea of a longer frame. With regards to the stem and bars, I'm afraid they'll probably be changed pretty quick!! - unless they surprise me. I am a huge fan of Azonic Double walls with a mid-sized stem. I hav ordered the Holroyd after doing a fair bit of research. I know the bike doesn't tick everyones wish list boxes. Although, it's the sort of geometry I was looking for in a bike with a nice spread of decent components. I'll give it a good ride and then post some honest opinions over what I think of it. Cheers everyone. Blessins
  13. Alright Chaps, Basically the same as the title, I was wondering if anyone has the new 24Seven bike (Pitbull replica - i didn't say that). And I was wondering there views on it. If you do have it what was the first thing you changed? The bike intrigues me. Honest answers now.. Cheers, Jon
  14. Hey dude! Keep up the good work... even in the video you were getting more complex as you went on. Fair shout Hop hop
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