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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Hey all, Not been online for a while... Seems like ages since I've even sat down at my pc. Anyway I'll get to the point. Today I purchased a FSA Alpha Drive B MTB Crankset (isis). I got home to find I have a square tapered (jis) bottom bracket.... Also the screws with this new crankset are much fatter than my old ones so before I go ahead and buy a new bottom bracket. Just wondering if all Isis brackets have the same size screw thread in them? Any help would be appreciated, -Lee (And yes it was incredible stupid to buy a crankset with out checking my bottom bracket first..... I learned that the hard way.... )
  2. The guy with blonde hair in the advert looks like a little pervet. That advert has got to be the "gay-est" thing i've ever seen....
  3. Some rather attractive girl bought me a drink the other day.....
  4. I used confused.com it came back with a few different cheap insurance quotes and the cheapest was with yes insurance. I went through my dad though, him the main driver and me a named driver. Whilst I was learning it only cost me £850 to learn in my car as a named driver and it went down to £600 when i passed. The only problem being a named driver is not all insurance companies let named drivers earn no claims, so when you get your own insurance later on it'll still be expensive for the first year. -lee
  5. Hey Juanpe, For your first trailer that was amazing! really keep up the good work. The only thing I would of changed on the video was some of the editing. In parts you see yourself walk back to the camera and pick it up, or see yourself get off your bike and jump down from the ledge you've just jumped onto. For me that just made the video seem a little "tatty", It would be like watching a film and hearing the director shout cut. Other than that it was really good. Your riding was really smooth and you looked good on the bike (Some people no matter how good they are just don't look good whilst riding.. don't know why some people just don't). Don't take my comment as me trying to get you down, think of it more as pushing you in the right direction. thanks, -Lee
  6. Haha, Yeah hopefully! Thanks everyone, You really know how to make a guy feel welcome, I'm going to like it here I can tell.
  7. Hi, My name is Lee and I live in a little town called Wigan, I say little but its started growing now since Wigan start doing ok in the football (I'm not that interested in football). I'm 17 years of age and work full time at an online media development centre, which is basically a fancy name for a web designer. My brother told me about this site so I thought I'd sign up and get some inspiration off other riders. I'm one of though's people that rides best with others, Kind of like feeding off there energy if you know what i mean. I've had a bash at most forms of riding: Dirt/ Jump Street BMX Downhill and as of the last few months trials. I decided to start Trials because about 5 months ago I hit a tree going downhill, I've gotta say I hit it quite fast and hard because I don't remember any of it, I woke up in hospital the following day. After that I needed some way of getting an adrenaline rush without trees being able to take advantage of me... so trials seemed like a sure thing. I have a Giant Se 2007 Which is a combination of trials and street which i like best, It rides like a dream! The only thing i've had to change on the bike what the rims, they only lasted a season which sucked but they where cheap things so it just gave me the excuse of splashing out on expensive ones . At this moment in time I'm working on a my first video, should be finished with in the next 2612 months (like I've said i work full time so i can only ride at the week ends if i'm lucky, thats why it might take so long) Hope to stay here for a while and have some fun thanks, Lee
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