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Everything posted by AlexC

  1. Ok, so I brought the Echo 4 bolt booster for my Onza T-Pro a week ago, we fitted it with no problems at all - the screws went in fine and got it all setup. A few days ago I was riding to the place I was going to do Trials and my freewheel decided to eat my jeans, in the process it also pulled my wheel out of line and slightly bent the Drive Side Tug, no problem we got it fixed apart from the brakes were slightly out of line, so tonight before we were gonna go riding I was going to re-align my pads...... that's where the fun began Round 1 So we began undoing the bolts so we could align them, got to this one bolt and it would not move at all. After about 10 mins of trying to get it undone the bolt was rounded. Round 2 Lets get a hacksaw and cut a groove in it so we can use it like a normal screw..... it didn't like that either, wouldn't even move a MM... Round 3 Up to my Grandads I go, he can make or fix anything so we thought if he can't get it out, no one can. Out come this massive lock grip plyer's and we attempt to get it out, with again .... no luck. Round 4 Ok, lock grips wont do it - let's get a Heat Rod and heat the bolt up a bit ( Not entirly sure why, but he knew what he was doing! ) After we heated it up a bit, we got the lock grips and try to unscrew it again, you guessed it - with no luck! Round 5 At this stage, I was thinking if I should buy a new T-Pro Frame or get a different Frame. Out comes the blow-torch - We heated the bolt up untill it was glowing red hot, then instantly put cold water on it hoping that the bolt with contract enough for us to unscrew it easierly......Nope! This thing isn't going anywhere. Round 6 *lights blow-torch again* Again we heated the bolt up to red-hot, but this time we bent the bolt at the top over - so it look like an upside down 'L' - hoping that this would give us more leaverage ( Further away something is from the center, easier it is to turn/pull right ) but no, this little bolt was not going anywhere fast. After about 5 mins of using the new shaped bolt to attempt to unscrew it, it snapped. Round 7 Lets drill the bugger out! Out comes the hacksaw and we cut the bolt level with the frame. Next out comes the drill and begin to drill it out ...... good god those bolts are tough, tooks us a while to drill it out, but we did in the end drill it out. Now that it's drilled out, we need to get the outer of the bolt out of the brake mounts ..... fun fun fun. Round 8 Ahhhh, the end is in sight - after about 30 mins of trying to get the outside of the bolt out, we did it! Finaly .... but not Brake Booster untill I get a new bolt for it. So yeh, Make sure your bolts go in properly =) *sleeps*
  2. Woudn't it be easier to buy a second hand BMX?
  3. Wow, thanks for the quick response! It is just a little dent, you can see it in some light but not all and can just about feel it when you run your finger over it. Yeh I probably will give them a ring, I'd rather have a frame that doesn't have dents >< I will definatly keep an eye out of for cracks around that area, but you all think it's ok to keep riding it? I just can't belive how easily it dented, it wasn't a full smack on the bench either - just a gentel drop when your trying to keep it on the backwheel but don't quite keep it up. Oh, I should have a new video up soon - i've progressed quite a bit I think =)
  4. Hey, I let my mate have a go on my 4 day old T-Pro, he's a really good rider and has been riding most of his life - but last night he went to stall/abubaca my T-Pro on a wooden Bench which he does loads on his BMX. He didn't lean back far enough so the front fell forwards a bit, and the down/bottom tube landed on the back of the wooden bench. After I got home and cleaned the paint that was left behind on it ( from the bench ) I noticed there was a dent in the down tube. I really don't know what to do, I don't want to ride it much now it has a dent in it incase it snaps on me. Does anyone know if Onza will replace the frame, or if I can buy a new frame ( just the frame, not the bike ) direct from them? If so how much would it roughly be?
  5. Ahhhhhhh nevermind I've found the pads now! Somehow they made there way into the Atic
  6. Thanks guys =) Hum werid, works here - try right clicking on it then Save Link As and are you sure you have QuickTime installed? Erm, what ever is stock on the T-Pro ( It is quite smooth ). I do feel it slipping now and then, but maybe it's just the pads havn't worn in yet? When I first went outside the house on it, the brakes were that loud we had people shouting 'SHUT UP!!!' at me haha, after riding it for a bit they don't make any noise now =\ Yep it's AFI-Prelude 12-21
  7. Hey, Well my Onza T-Pro arrived yesterday, I love it so much - it's so easy to do trials on compared to my heavy street bike. Anyway here is a short video of yesterdays ride. I know it's a bit repeative, but after falling 5 foot onto my hands ( nearly my face ) my wrists/hands hurt quite a bit so I can't ride as much as I want to! When my hands/wrists are better I'll do a better video >> Click me << I've been riding street ( not trials ) for about 1-2 years now, but this is my first time riding a trials bike. All filming and editing done by my bro!
  8. Wow, thanks very much if you can get them- I'll PM you my address now Edit: Nope, I can't use PM's yet ! Shall I send it to your hotmail address?
  9. Nah I need them because other wise it's too big and velcro hurts =)
  10. Would they fit though? or doesn't it matter if they don't fit perfectly?
  11. Hey, Somehow i've lost the inside foam pads for my Protec Mikey Aitken helmet, I have no idea how. Do you know where I can buy some replacements, or some foam that I can cut to size for it? Thanks,
  12. Aye Avid BB7 I have a pair on my street bike and they are insane. They have more locking power than my bro's Hope Mono M4's and his mates Shimano XT.
  13. Oh yeh I know the geometry is completly different from a BMX, I was just on about the length/wheelbase feeling like a BMX. So the wheelbase is 4cm smaller than my On-One Gimp street bike then =)
  14. Oh right, cool - that's longer than I expected which is good because my only concern with getting a mod trials bike is that it will feel like a BMX. 3 Days till my Onza T-Pro comes =) Can't wait
  15. Hey, Nah I ride with just 1 finger on the brake at all time. I moved it further down the leaver and now I don't catch it any more, but now instead of my finger hurting just about every other part of my body does after nearly Face Planting on the floor, but thats ok! - Hopefully my Onza T-Pro should be here on Wednesday, so that means I don't have to do Trials on my Street bike ( With Discs which I bent the front the other day - oh it's all going wrong this week ), which weighs a tonne and doesn't pedal kick well off walls as I learnt the hard way =)
  16. justfuzzit, yeh I've been playing around with leaver reach but like I said, I havn't got much reach so I don't see how I'm catching it - but I'll try what brendan said and see if that works.
  17. Woah, thanks for the quick reply =) That's a good idea actaully, I'll go and do that!
  18. Hey, When your hopping on the backwheel, how do you stop your knuckle hitting the leaver? I don't have much leaver reach on my back brake yet I still manage to catch my knuckle on the leaver - I'm always doing it, my knuckle will turn into one big scar soon!
  19. Hey, I should hopefully be getting into Trials soon, I've ordered an Onza-T Pro ( Maybe a bit of an overkil for a beginer? ) and I was wondering what the wheelbase is on it? Onza's site doesn't mention any specs for the bike - so I found some on Tarty Bikes but it still didn't mention wheelbase. Thanks,
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