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lawrence osborn

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Everything posted by lawrence osborn

  1. Why doesn't any of the new members read the rules anymore?
  2. Marco G i think, great rider makes it look so easy, and it is a repost but do enjoy the video so no hard feelings cheers lawrence
  3. I'm pretty sure you can buy the codes off ebay? cheers lawrence
  4. ! account with 365 ish never was validated, but started a new one and put as much effort as possible iand i think i was validated in around 12 posts not sure though
  5. Ouch did you hurt yourself, and i hope you got back up and did it again and landed it i will tell you one thing i problly woudn't attemp that. hope your ok lawrence
  6. Also you know when you driving along and u hit a hill then it sudenly goes down and it turns your stomach, i get that like im falling of something big duno why but i love it
  7. same her really weird, also if i'm running away from someone in a dream all my mates seem to run real fast and it seems when i run im hardly moving
  8. no when i push my bike the cranks go all the way round insted of the freewheel so it click? and also they dont spin very well for a crank flip only half way ish until they slow down and stop?
  9. Hello people, I have noticed when i push my bke when walking the cranks spin round with the freewheel but when riding it seems fine , so i would like to know how i would get my cranks to stop gong round when i' walking as it is annoying as they always catch me, they are the echo cnc with a pretty new tensile freewheel if that helps, how would i stop them spining? Cheers lawrence
  10. I agree i havn't seen this around to, also another one is 'street or natural' that annoys people to. Well anyway i go out on my bike on average about 5 times a week roughly depending on wether and plans
  11. My friend runs a front julie on his adamant a1, great moduation sometimes has a nice bite but usuay doesn't, as said thats probally because he runs a 160mm disk but if you get the chance i would get a different disk e.g. louise, mono trial. One more thing i don't like the levers on the julie as there to short for my liking. cheers lawrence
  12. lawrence osborn


    i love the face ^_^
  13. so it will not weeken the rim even though it is single walled?
  14. Hey people, I havn't posted a topic in this area for a while as ive had no problems, but got a few now. Well the first one is the headset it s the £45 echo one if that helps, i can't run it fully tight because it makes it hard to turn the front end so i have to run it around 70-80% tight which is annoying as it loosens off easier, so has anyone had this problem and if so how did you/they sort it so they can run it fully tight with the front end turning loosley ? Also ive got a front try-all rim and i use a front maggie and sick off putting tar on the rim as it makes so much sound and doesn't preform to the max, do you think it is worth grinding the rim to make it preform well or will it just make the rim super week as it is only single walled? cheers lawrence
  15. hey mate, brilliant video got a nice smooth style to it, riding is good very smooth to not much repetition good editing and the music went well, good video all together one of the best in new members chat, well done mate keep it up. Hope you dont forget to close your door everytime your riding only joking cheers lawrence keep it up
  16. Gap to nose would have to be mine, i love doing them as they look so good but on the other hand to many nakers your wrsts up
  17. Hey people, I was just mouching around on the net and found this giant bike i think it is the most ugliest bike ever and wouldn't be seen dead on it, i wonder what it is like to ride must be horrible, well post your comments here cheers lawrence
  18. hey people, I have been looking for a cheap mp3 player to go riding with as my 6gb one is like a brick so i would like one smaller, does anyone know any sites with good prices were to get a 1 gig mp3 player from? cheers lawrence
  19. Yeah true, and when you go for it give it all your effort or else the bad things you thought may happen. What i tend to do is approch the object thinking i will do it check the landing, the run up and take off if they seem ok, as i said put 100% effort in and you will make it if it isn't impossible and you know you can't make it
  20. Only got a two bolt on myne
  21. Cant fit a four bolt booster on a zhi
  22. resident evil oiogrg irmaan (make clothes and stuff)
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