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Posts posted by abtrials

  1. If I wanted a more practial weight bike then I would have the following:

    fork: atomz

    H/set: Hope internal

    Stem: Symtra Resystem

    Bar: Monty riser

    F Hub: Viz disk

    F rim: Atomz

    R Hub: Hope Pro 2

    R Rim: Echo

    Cranks: Middleburn pro

    BB: Echo alloy

    Pedals: Echo magnezium

    Chain: KMC Kool k710

    Bash: middleburn

    F Cog: middleburn

    R Cog: surly

    F Brake: avid ultimate, plazmatic cnc

    R Brake: avid ultimate, rock blue cnc, coust cnc, or cnc backs with joy/fat pad in :)

    levers: avid ultimate

    F Tyre: Maxxis sligle ply

    R Tyre: Maxxis High roller 2.5

    Tubes: Welter weight

    Grips: Rockman fats

    Tensioner: 74 kings

    all personal preference though

    i would only change a few things from ali's 2nd description buddy that would be a beauty of a bike

  2. its all part and parcell of trials the people that inch hunt, in effect open up more lines by being able to do higher taps, side hos and gaps etc, so we are all aiming for the same thing and it is enjoyment at the end of the day.

    i think trials will evolve and evolve, but for the likes of less equiped riders its about catching the rest up, and thats all the motivation yiou need. if a certain rider inspires you to ride you ride.

  3. not bad, vids really were they from your phone??

    quakers was ridign awesome yesterday, i taught him front gap and bump yesterday and he did a front gap over bike length :)

    it was all good untill his plazmatic front sprockett snapped LOL

    Quakers '' this fcuking engagement feels all wrong '' then i notice it is his sprocket lol

  4. I noticed my czar to be noticably stiffer, but we also built an echo at work for a customer and had a blast on that and it felt pretty stiff. The main thing that put me off was the bottom bracket hight, its just over my limit and I couldnt get used to it in the short time I used it.

    so what frame you riding now?? (when your ankle is better of course)

    you have a different frame every ride LOL

  5. yea i am sure going to give my 2 pennys worth.

    i really like the frame, its not flexy at all its really quite stiff, like quakers said i do run a booster, it was needed with the magura 2 bolt booster works a treat, but i could have got away with out one when usign a v, i still chose to use a booster as it stiffens it up that little bit more.

    i love it and i would recomend it to anyone, similar frames are czar 07, ozonoys?, simtra all the above are simmilar but a small deg difference can make a lot of difference.

    also quakers has a czar and they are not really stiffer that i can notice anyway?

    GO GET A PURE 07

  6. my brake set up is now - 2 XTR levers (07), cable is the cheapy XT stuff you get from crc for like a fiver (works immensly well), front brake is a 203 bb7, and the rear is avid ultimate arms on heatsink V2 adaptors with the standard cartridge rim wrangler 2 pads... oh and thats going on a standard echo 07 front rim (smooth and silver). I can honestly say - its the best brake i have ever owned, and to anyone wondering if its worth the extra for ultimates - it is..... they are fairly incredible.

    2nd that i am running one on the back with ali c joypads in heatsink backings and it's far better than any magura i have ever used NOTE TO EVERYONE GET AN ULTIMATE V FOR YOUR BIKE! (or 2 LOL)

    just watched the vid again and its totaly inspireing

  7. following on from ash i ride 26 but mod will win as people think they are easy to ride :rolleyes: but the tru fact is there is only really a hand full of decent mod riders about (by this i mean people who suite a mod and have a good style on it ie cls, wheeler, chi etc ........) most people who have one look awefull riding them they can just do some ok stuff.

  8. well its a coincidence that there is a vid of you ridign 26 on the vid thread, and a few people have said you look much better on 26, also whats more of a coincidence is i actualy said you looked so awesome on your old kot???

    anyway lush bike

  9. well i am fortunate enough to be renting a flat riding a brand new pure 07, and driving a run around car, but i still like to spend my money on my bike, at least i have something to show for it, rather than burning 100 odd quid on a night out in oxford, although i still do that quite offen :)

    my view mate dont save at 16 unless you are working full time, untill you are there is no point really spend you money on waht you like :)

  10. yay and nay in equal amounts to the train on an empty stomach thing, training on an empty stomach will probably mean you perform worse than normal. but it does burn more fat, as theres no energy in the body (hence the reason people say it hurts more, burns more, theres no energy to fuel it, as the body cant burn the fat quick enough) as for the muscle breakdown bit, its small to none existant if you can also combine some weight/resistance training under proper nutrition later on. ( body builders swear by doing any cardio they need to on an emptry stomach first thing in the morning if they can do, and it doesnt seem to do there muscle mass much damage, purely because they eat well for the rest of the day, and train weights in the evening)

    ok most body builders may do cv in the morning but its the cv they do, none of them will do weight bearing cv, all they will do is cycling as they are not loading muscles up, also they tend to do 3 hours cv a day when they want to cut up, also they use supliment to deplete tere fat stores etc... and also deplete there biodys off most stuff befor a show, the fact that most pro bodybuilders are geared up and also get as much food/supliments from there sponsors as they like, they would not loose muscle mass.

    but hey were talkign about average people (not bodybuilders) :blink:

  11. Yes, obviously. But the reason this regime works is because there is no 'fuel' (blood glucose) available so your body shifts to metabolising other things - which would be either fat or protein. Usually protein metabolism is used before fat when you don't eat (I.e. proteins broken down and converted to energy) so I'm not quite sure about the actual way this diet works. But it is recognised.

    ok the fact that 90% of people dont have enough protein in there diets anyway, most peoples muscles are aleready deficiant in the correct amont of protien (2-3 grams of protien per kg of your body weight)

    so by doing this the fist thing the body will do is break down muscle fibres as they dont have a sufficiant amout of protein's to support them? which will have the reverse efect if you want to increase stamina and upper body strangth?

  12. Do you actually want to 'get fit' or lose weight, or gain muscle? (Or all three I guess?)

    Apparently quite a good way to lose weight (fat) is to exercise or cycle to school/work/wherever first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. And then eat breakfast as soon as you finish/arrive. Something to do with low blood sugar levels in the morning, so any exercise is really hard work. I can see it working though - I went out on an XC ride before dawn (on an empty stomach) the other day and my legs were dead half way up the first climb. There was no pain, and I wasn't out of breath, my legs were just like jelly. Really weird. So, er, yeah it might actually be doing something clever.

    I say just eat sensibly - fill up on fruit and veg stuff and don't eat too much badness. And then just do a bit more exercise in the day. I realised recently that my road bike's done over 2000 miles over the two years I've had it. Think how many calories that must have burnt!

    worst thing you can do is exercise on an empty stomach especialy in the morning, as you probably eat about 8 in the evening and then wake up around 7-8 in the mornig which means you have not eaten for 12 hours nearly, your body needs the fule asap in the morning the quicker you can eat the beter? that is the only reaso your legs hurt they had nothing to fule them- so you could only do half what you could have done if you had eaten.

  13. get up the gym- if you cant be arsed with that chances are you wont bother with anything if your not interested in it, most people start of at the gym and find it a chore but if you get into it you cant get enough of it due to the buzz and feeling you gain from doing exersize (namedly testosterone increase) but also fitness and believe it or not you tend to have more energy once you exercise! or alternativly people want the result but dont enjoy the gym so never keep it up.

    other than that my friend i would say ride more? or find a sport that you are interested (join a boxing, kickboxing etc... club) in this way you will stick to it? hope this helps

  14. Ok, want to know what people would change about it.

    To make it look and ride nicer.

    Want to experement...


    The spec is:

    Czar Short


    ProIIs on Try-Alls (black)

    Maxxis Minion rear and High Roller front

    Maguras F&R AVID ULTIMATE F & R (bit obvious i was going to do that LOL)

    Monty Bars (soon to be white)

    Echo 130 x 15deg stem

    Phat pads (not arrived yet, but thats what it'll have)

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