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Everything posted by 20inchsuperstar

  1. with some of these posts, dont you just want to press the report button? what a load of crap nmc has become. if you want peoples addys, wait for the right time, if youve been tlking to them on here, having a laugh, pm them, if your buying/ selling, any of those. most people wont just be oh heres my addy so you can carry on some s**t. it doesnt work like that. im quite open to wjo adds me, thats why mines in my sig, but if you did add me or anyone else, theres a pretty small chance anyone will talk to you. matt
  2. same stick it on youtube (sorry if thats what you did, im just being a tard) doesn't work! matt
  3. seriously!!! i just passed that of as another of the new wave pre-members posts. EDIT i just read your latest post, sorry bout that, lmao
  4. Dont get simpson going on this, his will be the oficial winner, stacked it big style (somehow) landed on the bar ends, his spleen exploded........
  5. what a nobber lmao! third degree tyre burns.
  6. unless its an RS500 get something old, then you can get it on a classic car insurance (well you can if your here) i like the mazda best out of the two, old and skooly love it. matt
  7. what goes around comes around man thats bad, chavs=total jeb ends
  8. dont be a helmet curbs, the deadly killers lurking at the roadside for young cyclists. new street predators cracking ride today ive got a headache a slip of the mind essential wear forgotten ride to the sky motionless killers koncrete kills broken boy headcase i only removed the lid top off off his head enough? ive got more if you want them. matt
  9. Neil tunnicliffe. truly inspirational rider. what he does is huge, always trying new and innovative things. watching his videos just force you to get off your ass and ride. Matts rant: FFS you must have made two dozen pointless TOPICS and posts, you are clodding up the nmc with craptastic topics, with no real meaning. if you have spent two seconds to use the search to answer your little questions, you would have done it. and got less abuse for it too! nmc was alright, but it is now full of "who do you like?", "what bike do you have?" "i like marmite, do you?" "have i made too many topics?" "how do i ride without stabilisers" and other wnak like that. use some common sense and think before you do. if you have a GOOD question, make a topic for it!!! and we will all happily answer it. sorry bout that but all your ballhang is really pissing me off.
  10. im there! rick im getting stupid with riding so if i die this weekend, auction my bike off in bits in the street, then use the money for my funeral... im getting way too ambitious so do you all want to meet at victoria then? 11 is seriously late man, howd you feel about 10? matt
  11. victoria or central? hmm help me out here guys, anyone know where the est boys will be coming from? if no-one knows, to victoria station!!!! lol c you there buddy(s) matt just got their route, they will be at victoria, is that alright with you guys? its closest to the first spots we go to aswell,
  12. wellits tomorrow, so BUMPITY BUMP whos going then? joe, were meeting at victoria station. matt
  13. Asda stuff? wtf? my multitools a beast.topeak all the way! matt
  14. t'was on one of the mbuk dvds still a bloody awesome rider though, nice vid. matt
  16. how high a bb do you want on that!!! looks mental, but i dissaprove. matt
  17. sidehops are queer, i hate them. and i have some nice unscratched forks too lol
  18. yea its functional, stays on my head, and if i bail and get a hard whack, itll only break where it would normally. im going to send it back first thing monday, as i have a ride this weekend, and i dont wanna go lidless! cheers though guys, these have really helped. matt
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