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Everything posted by 20inchsuperstar

  1. dave i can guess where its going and im not doing it again i couldnt resist, i clicked, thats not right...... and its different....
  2. whats so awful? *searches in wikipedia because hes so curious as to what is so bad, not for sexual enjoyment* Oh god no, i really should listen more
  3. tutis bikes mint anyway! why does it need any photoshopping? the previous adamant (?) looked really bad, (no offence) was like just painted over in mega black, couldnt see any of the graphics or owt, keep trying! matt p.s sorry i only did half a post before the edit, kitchen set on fire, well the toaster did, damned bread...
  4. love it! monsterboy all the way! you could make two toilet roll holders out of the excess of bars, theyre like err, well, huge!!! well done, i love it! matt
  5. i wanna see i wanna see i wanna see i wanna see i wanna see i wanna see i wanna see i wanna see sounds like fun, seriously painful fun. glad i havnt had a frame snap on me yet, could be messy.... matt
  6. this is a proper carbon race bike, weighs 5kgs !! 17.5 kgs LMAO my zoo is just over 10 kgs, what a tard. i want to see if these bikes come through, then i am so buying te, keep the best one and sell the rest making a mint in the process. matt
  7. now that is a beast!!! i love the python with the sus forks and fat off wheel. i might put 20" wheels on my pitbull, sounds like a devious plan.... matt
  8. theyre going at it with 29" wheels so anything is possible!
  9. if youve a monty and do comps, disk, if not maggie! matt
  10. totally what he said! it cant help with genital muscle sizes though... arms and back mainly me thinks, matt
  11. thats an awesome name youve got! try and repair all the nmc threads lol have a good time and stick to the guidelines!
  12. ah ha! my pic sorts that one out! there wouild be no issues really, you just need loads of sensors, the frame isnt made of jelly so its actually straight believe it or not, and so are the forks, and the bars and stem dont forget that you can send it out in a circular stylee so it would pic up anything within range straight line issues are no more! it could work, but not for trials, we want minnimum weight, maximum clearance and reliability! it could easily go well with some other biking style, good plan! matt
  13. holy shit! i went to look at kyles pic and my pop-up thing went from 30 to 78 in 2 seconds OMGZZ11!!! looks pretty good, well done. matt
  14. 430 quid starting bid on ebay good luck... good specactually, hating that stem with a passion
  15. OMGZZZ111!!! you got validated! making some tpas soon, talk to me baby!

  16. danny butler! hes british and not half bad too! onza would win.......L O L we should do it next ride we have! it would be "amusing" matt
  17. me too, since its right next to me , ill give it some love and fiddle with its knobs... a trials game would be awesome! in american wasteland i could pedal hop a bmx and stuff, that was fun! a real game would be awesome!
  18. AH HAAAA matt has worked it out in the form of paint!!! not too trials friendly though! go me! matt
  19. yes tarts! please inform us of your plans!
  20. it can take ages for things to arrive! when i got my zoo lever off cls, it took over a week, but when it came i was pretty happy! you just need to wait! chase him up on it! and wait at least 2 weeks or so, the british postal system is by no means the bestest. matt
  21. a mate of mine has killed his after a couple of months oh try all are ok, (i was just a retard and missed the ep wen i was going fast, so it butchered me ) i honestly dont know what theyre like reliability wise, but they feel fine when riding. matt
  22. trials is nackering, i can ride dj for ages but a line on the trials stallion and im out of it, after a 9+ hour ride, all i want is my bed.
  23. oh the abuse fresh out the playground i find igneous quite arousing, matt
  24. quit while your ahead doing alright behind
  25. god ive missed your topics , use the bloody search! theres loooads of topics on tar! just go to the builders merchants, or the beach, i find loads of it there, you have to heat it and get all the crap off the edge though. matt
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