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Posts posted by dave85

  1. I never told her to f**k off mate. Also. If it is a blind spot, by law shouldn't it have mirrors ?

    Im not offering her any money. I need a new front wheel now and i think she has slightly bent my zoo forks.

    She is yet to realize she only has one whiteness and i have 3.

    Bah. Im not paying up. Not a chance in hell. I will go to court over this. I don't have £250 anyways. Im at school and un-employed and theres no force on heaven or earth that will make me sell my bike to fund it.

    Where theres a will theres a way my friend ;).

    Danny xx

    You only need one, a weight of opinion will be taken into account but where one side disagrees completely with the other and there are no independant witnesses, the beak will find for whoever he likes the look of. Get a good suit ;)

  2. Unless you have a metal spike embeded in your head, then the dent will come out piss with just a push and pressure on the other side abit.

    She sounds like a fanny really, runs you over then has the cheek to get you to pay, they should have mirrors up on the walls if pullout isnt to visible.

    Go to her house, tell her to pop the bonnet and do it yourself infront of her, then just walk off.

    Depends where it is, you can't get to the other side of most panels without a fair bit of stripping work, its only reasonable that she'll wants a garage to sort it out so the labour costs are gonna be horrific.

  3. Reynolds tubing has a better weight-to-strength ratio than 4130, as close to titanium as you can get. dont reckon you need 725 to construct a custom uni-cycle rig as 500 plus series Reynolds is good enough strength wise with the extra benefit of lighter weight than 4130. Clive Leeson is probably the best man to speak to about which reynolds tubing is ideal for style of uni-trials. T45 would only be good for doing monsterous drops. Alu is only good for comp use. hope that helps.

    Im intriegued, can you justify that lot? T45 would make perfect sense to me, it isnt fussy about how it's treated during construction, and isnt butted. Given the abuse trials unis seem to go through, plain gauge tubing would be good.

  4. Why is it madness?

    Using a bike on a cycle lane seems pretty sensible to me.

    I dunno where you live, but in my non-shit part of the country, cycle lanes are smoother than the roads.

    But usually intersected by side turnings, shared with other users and covered in glass/thorns/dog muck etc. Don't misunderstand me, there are good ones, but they take the form of roads for bikes rather than bits of pavement covered in white paint.

  5. Hmm, hit the car but bounced off, does it count? :lol:

    Was this gate within a wall or a fence? (as in could you have seen the car coming if you'd looked sideways?). You've pretty much admitted liability, you'd need a bloody good lawyer to argue that you were allowed on the pavement, and if you'd been wearing a lid you wouldnt be sitting with a headache now. With a bit of luck the dent will pull out without too much work.

  6. Yea i'm a lot more agressive on a motorbike than i am in a car... but whats that got to do with anything? you have to put needless physical effort into getting somewhere, with no point just slowing all other people up and making all other road users hating you

    Hell's bells its Corish mk. II

    I'd imagine these sentiments are wasted on you, but how about not burning up fuel on pointless trips? Petrol doesnt come out of a magic tree you know, one day it will run out and waaaaay before that its gonna get damnably expensive. If people are getting stressed out at being held up for less than a minute by a bike, they need help. One minute in your journey extra. Infact if you're a good driver and the rider is licking along nicely (and looks confident, the main bit) , it takes a very very narrow road not to be able to pass him. If you're bored just going round and round, try doing what every one else does and take a journey to somewhere, its not rocket science. If you're sweating on a short trip, you're unfit or not dressed right.

    The answers are there, if you can think for long enough to see them.

  7. well my mate i was getting the train up with has got himself a lift instead, so im either coming up on my own if i fix my bike, or im not coming... will make a decision tommorow, still need to get cover for my shift saturday anyway

    A plentiful supply of spares will be thereabouts if you need something :-

  8. You lot should f**king get over urselfs! stop bitching about your girlfriends n sort you shit out! ive just found bollocks about me which i kno i dont deserve!!!! and i bet ur girlfriends dont deserve it either !! if u hate girls so much turn f**king gay!!!!! (N):angry:

    i love my girlfriend she is a sweet heart :)

    You called her all the names under the sun last week ;)

  9. I was thinkin the same thing (Y)

    1: you pad must have been set up soo far away fot you pad to fall out with half the baking still on.

    2: it was not a near death excperience you mean " could have been a near death excperience"

    3: its nothing to do with rock pads they look fine to me.

    4: im sure you can afford the 50p to buy a new backing

    5: if you worried about it happening again HEAT SINK CNC BACKINGS

    Im not having ago just saying :)

    cheers conor.

    Not in the slightest, the bit that broke off could slide out with the brake still jammed on given enough force.

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