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Posts posted by Bucky

  1. Nice video !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Liking the 180 spin of things like lil lee was doing,as seen on the ahston hawyes video!!!!

    Anywayz cool video!

    Keep em coming

    Bucky (Y)

  2. my bro and all his friend used to ride normal shody mountain bikes.

    there are big curbs up and down my road which we used to jump off.

    we made ramps and played about etc.

    i got my first BMX a 20 silver dollar and went down to the village on it one evening and started to jump off walls.

    my bro and his mates followed suit and one of them knew some one who had a trial motorbike so we all watched him and decided to try have a go on push bikes because we couldnt afford motorbikes.most of my bros friends quit and carrried on with football but a small groups of us carried on 'trialsin'.

    i got a 18" Blue GT Tequest with Judy C's and put D521s and LX hubs on it for my 10th B'day.

    that got stolen so i got a GT timberline 12.5" green and put racelines and FSA powerpros on (sprayed them illuminous yellow to match racelines) a hope hub d521's azonic bars etc.

    then got a PMR (cheapy alu frame) with load sof trials parts on it.

    snapped/cracked 4 of those and ended up with a handsome dog rockhound wellard in blue. (hope hubs hope C2 d521s etc.

    did my first competition at Addingham Moorside In June 1998 on the Timberline and havent looked back since.

    (sorry to add this but just got sent it on msn and its hilarious)

  3. everyone who has cracked a base that i know has cracked it behind the seatstay and all of them used trials mini seats.

    i dont know of anyone cracking them any where else or people who used full sizxed seats and proper seat posts who cracked them.

  4. Excuse the stupid question , but does running no seatpost in a frame that is intended for a conventional saddle / seatpost weaken a frame in any way ? I want to use my Base TA26 without saddle and post , but I'm concerned that dropoffs etc might perhaps force the seatstays into the seattube. Is this a valid concern , or am I just being an overprotective pratt ?

    no please dont do this.


    mine and everyone's i know who had a mini seat cracked their frame there.

  5. How about drilling a hole through the seat tube and post and popping a bolt through that?

    Seat tubes don't usually take that much stress and you've already chopped the frame so...it might just work.

    yeah do that i have doen it before.

    just make sure the seatpost goes plenty way down into the seat-tube.

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