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Posts posted by Bucky

  1. because longer shainstays = more stable on the back wheel.

    shorter ones meant it is well twitchy and the ballancing point is harder to stay with.



    sorry mate but thats shite.

    any bike can be manualled FACT!

    i managed to manual a coust on the end of the roadtrip 04 video.

    i can manual my BMX for miles and also my ashton. ive manualled handsomedogs, echo pures, Ashton ET's everything. its easy once you have found the balance point.

  2. Meh, the real learning comes when you've passed as i'm sure all drivers can vouch for.


    I passed mine on 2nd december with 8 minors.

    on the 27th december i wrote off the corsa van i had spent the past 9 months slowly modding.

    I bought an astra van to replace it and on the 4th january I went too fast round a corner braked locked up and hit a curb head on at 40mph. Managed to fold my OSf lower arm in half and pull the wheel into the wing and the steering control arm back 4 inches into the inner wing.

    I have learnt to slow down, the hard way!

  3. Ey up lee taking it back to the streets.

    Swish video and what an awesome tune to have on it too.

    Well done to say you aren't that keen on street riding. Liking those hooks. :lol:

    Now all we need is the waynio video finishing and a natural video from you of similar or higher quality. (Y)


  4. Pads: Heatsink Batch B

    Time used: 3 weeks (around 50 hours)

    Rim used: X721(new D521) with a fresh grind to start with (allowing to wear with the pads)

    Grind: Yes/No Yes

    Ceraminc: Yes/No No

    Brake used: Magura/V Magura HS33 with standard booster and lever

    What is your opinion of a working brake: great Hold when needed (ie edge of a drop) yet plenty of modulation when needed.

    How do they compare to previous pads you have used: better bite than koxx bloxx and better hold than plazmatics.

    Review: i used them for the first weekend at shipley glen in damp weather for around 6 hours and they never slipped and felt really responsive, yet when i measured how much they had worn it was less than 1mm.

    the second weekend i was riding shipley again but very wet this time, again a great response from brake at all times and all conditions the sunday was the tyketrial at back cowm quarry(expert 26" route) in the soaking wet and very muddy filthy competition conditions.

    i was really impressed with how well the brake was working through out the comp. despite me deliberatly getting my wheels as dirty as possible by jumping in puddles and riding through bogs. at the end of the day the brake started to slightly fall back in performance but it out lasted all my expectations.

    this weekend just past was spent riding shipley glen and keighley street both at which the brake felt perfectly biting and modulating when required.

    i have also been using the same bike to ride the 7 mile round trip to work and back every weekday over the past three weeks and there is plenty of meat left on the pads.

    overall top pads till the bitter end(well almost but not many people ride that long in those conditions)

    well done HEATSINK for such great pads :)



  5. I remember doing a PM convo with you when you were pretty new to the board. It was all about tyres and my experiences.  You came to the conclusion after wasting a few essays of mine that you were going for the Michelin Comp24. 

    Then you posted a topic straight after that saying about how you wanted a Michelin. But does it grip well? Does it work well on a narrow rim with a grind? Whats the wear like? Maxxis look nice.  What colour do they come in? etc. 

    I'd just spend 30 minutes explaining it all to you from my reliable trusty experience.  So thats my justification for saying


    sorry tom but i have to agree.

    you ask way too much about every little thing you want to possibly have a think about buying.

  6. gt timberline frame

    brisa b26 frame

    base ta26 frame

    monty urban stem

    'go fast' bars

    orange forks

    handsomedog steel forks

    3 PMR frames (cheap square tubed)

    about 20 pedals

    split a phatso rim in 4 places

    huge cracks around every eyelet on 2 d521's

    about 4 hs33 leverbodys

  7. ask her if what she wants.

    if she wants casual sex now an then oblige an give her a right ole roasting.

    if she wants a relationship tell her shes too old an friends mum etc.

    up to u really.

    and trialsboy if they are old enough to bleed.......... :unsure:

  8. i f**kin hate those black boot/shoe things all the girls are wearin... they look so shite.... likin the low top though ... hahaha only jokin.

    i aint got a sister.... but if i did shed be the best sister in the world.


    hehe my girlfriend cryed when i told her i didnt like those shoes.

    she had just got them for x mas though :-

  9. tarted up a bit????? mine is a right old slag and she knows it!!

    But hey if bucky can get with her then im sure anyone can, and her mate, and her other mate!!!! just realised, bukcy is a bit of a slag too! :-

    yeah and what is wrong with that????

  10. i am now using the 8speed profile on the rear of my bike.

    its great did a few miles road riding in my cannondale to bed it in and used it for the first time yesterday.

    really impresed with the hub.

    great reliable engagement(not slipped yet)

    waynio built it up for me.

    i asked for a silver one but he built a black one up.

    but im not complaining cos i just stuck it on with a red front hope it dont look shit.

    anyhows great hub. i will definatly be recomending it to all my mates.


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