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Posts posted by Fish-Finger-er

  1. if you want a tattoo, and your parents approve of them/dont mind them, let them pay for the one you want, its your 18th, you should have something that lasts, not an xbox360, an a tattoos about the most long term item you can get.

    however dont let the GF pay for it, cos ur situation with her could change mighty quick, and your stuck with it(not like youd get her name, but itd remind you of her when you saw it, etc)

    other options include expensive jewellry(not clothes you wear them out, not electrics goods there outdated) like for my 18th, mother got my armani watch, should imagine ill have it most of my adult life. its kind of the way your 18th present should be.

  2. Sorry for bringing this topic back but i am thinking of buying these mounts, however there is one thing i am unsure of and that is with obms picture. Mike says that it allows rims up to 10mm wider to be used however mark says the postion doesnt change at all, so does it allow for bigger rims or not?

    yea it will, if you look at obms photo, with the same size rim, notice how using the tensile mounts, there like 3mm(theoretically) space between the back of the slave, and the mount, wherease in the other photo, the back of the slave sits flush with the mount. meaning you can move the slaves back a few mm each side, so they sit flush, and could if you wanted, run a wider rim. or you could run the same sized rim and have a more neutral clamping position(although i see the brake set up issues with this being hardly worth bothering about.)

  3. usually the baggiest (within reason) thing i can find in tk max. i'm not to fussed just so long as ther not to tight round the crotch/general crotch ass area/guch? lol 'caus thats what i usually kill by riding haha. How do combat/cargos fair for trials and are they "chavy" lol. currently riding fenchurch jeans, there rather good (Y)

    on the combats front, u get the cheap ones from primark, nylon with the lining,shizzle, often zip off into shorts and crops. i find they tear in about 2 seconds. regular bench style combats aint too bad though, theyre long lasting, unless u go to knees often and slide(i.e if your in a skatepark) in which case, they wear out quick.

    riding wise, got some OC workwear jeans from petroleum(or the officers club) cost like £13 a pair, come in fairly stylish guises(ripped,washed,distressed etc), and find there perfect for riding in, but dont look out of place if i whack a clean t shirt on an go down the pub.

    although i got some combats off ebay like 3 months ago, at £6 a pair, theyre kinda trackie bottom material, but grey, an baggie, with combat pockets. think there also perfect for riding in, and seem indistructable so far.

  4. goodbye charlie bright


    lock stock

    layer cake

    the business

    enemy at the gates

    as someone mentioned, V for vendetta

    inside man

    black hawk down


    Iron monkey(chinese, with subtitles)

    once upon a time in china boxset.

  5. only issue is, its a saloon, not a hatchback. therefore 4 door and not 5.encroaches on bike carrying capacity no end.

    in the beemer, i have to take both wheels out, and move me handles bars over to fit the bike in the boot, or take the wheels out and whack it on the (Expensive) seats. and its one bike in the boot, with both wheels, job done, no more

    but in the smaller pug, cud just take the wheels out of 3 bikes, drop the larger section of the rear seats, and carry 3 people, and 3 bikes in relative comfort with room for back packs etc.

  6. i think a lot of it is whats been bred into us. i was told a few years back. "date what you want, but bring a black or a bloke home, and your sleeping in the park" after being told stuff like that when growing up, having it ingrained into me, i dont think there was much hope for me to accept issues like homosexuality etc. but i think that was part of the growing up in a rural predominently working class white society. never had an ethnic minority in my primary school. at a guess under 1% of my secondary school were ethnic minority.(3 of which coming from the same family).

    but my opinion on this is, be what you want to be.live how you want to live. and dont live a lie, i dont hold anything against homosexuals. I have issues with the whole campness thing. but thats not a sexual preference, if a hetrosexual acted like that, id still have issues with them. its the whole campness thing that i dislike(not like if a guy wears a pink tee or something, but when its thrown on by the bucket load..ie shahbaz) to me thats a trend/culture/clique. in the same way chavs. and no one bats an eyelid when people stereotype chavs,emos,goths etc. and thats done by how people dress, not how they act, put an aquascutum cap on a goth, there stil a goth.so i dont judge people by how they dress, its how they act, an how they are. just dont approve of the whole campness thing, can happily sit at a table drinking with a gay guy. but have issues with sitting next to an overly camp guy.(not because i believe the sexuality is wrong, as they may be straight, but the voice is irritating. the fact that when its thrown on to heavy, its just attention seeking. and the fact that i cant say anything to them, cos they make a bitchy comment to me, its funny, gay wit. but if i make a similar comment to them(fashion and dress sense being a typical one). suddenly im being homophobic.

    its for this reason i choose to try to avoid overly camp people. its just a shame camp and gay are placed in the same sheep pen these days.

  7. i had a similar situation, and started wearin glasses 24/7(dont do it, u end up depending on them way to much). but now just gone to not wearing them at all again. if i wer u, id try to wear them just for driving or the like. take them off for riding.

    other options include gettin some sunglass style frames made up(with or without the tint). as they grip your head way better. if your a none helmeter, start wearing a beanie to ride in, will hold them in place a lot more

  8. Being able to afford buying the car won't mean you can drive it - you'll be paying out the ass for insurance when you're young.

    yea, notice that all to often when me mates are looking at rx-7s and the like, not thinking theyll be paying 3.5k a year insurance till there 21.

    but im insuring that beemer in my own name at 18 for 900 with everything declared. and an elise at 19 would be about 1750 in my own name fully comp, which for a few weeks i thought was worth it. but right now totally disinterested in cars, having more fun with my life.

  9. [attachmentid=7512]

    realistic for me to own one of them at 18 or not?? think its quite nice myself, and should be manageable and affordable at 18 quite easy methinks.


    was lookin at gettin a lotus elise at 19. but decided id spunk me money on beer/holidays/laptops/havin a laugh. than saving every penny for a hairdressers cars.


  10. its horses for courses really. a dewalt £90 cordless from b & q is just that, its a £90 cordless drill. its meant for d.i.y, not heavy duty carpentry. however a £450 36v dewalt cordless. now thats a heavy duty drill, will probably outlast the joiner/carpenter. if your diy'er dont go spending 450 on anything like that. but if your a joiner, dont expect a £90 drill to last you too long.

    at home with me seems to be makita through and through, which is overkill, but we got them on the cheap, so its all good. although the high end bosch stuff does seem good for d.i.y use.

    as for hilti, great bit of kit, but for anything other than professional joiners and carpenters, why bother.

  11. right, ive bought a netgear wireless access point and 2 cards to pick the signal up. Both the cards are in the computers and are picking up blank signal, now do i need a router to plug the ethernet cable into (comes from the back of the wireless access point). Really confusing me now, but if you do know what i mean can you post (Y)

    any help is good



    depends if you can plug the wireless access point into your modem. need something to plug the ethernet cable into, either a router/modem combo. or a modem with an ethernet output. or chain them up(bad idea) modem-router-wireless access point(altho i dont know of a router with a non ethernet input, so the routers kinda useless unless you wanna join more pc's up wired)

  12. one day i will have a bike powerd car like that caterham its the only way im gettin to 60 in under 4seconds as ill never afford a super car lol.

    is the insurance generally not as expensive as a normal car then?

    in a word no, people who own kitcars tend to be people who can drive, have some mechanical knowledge etc, there not the irresponsible angry driver that could be in the seat of a vectra or the like. also as its there hand built car, they will not want to see it get smashed up, as they will cry. insurers know this, and treat the owners as mature , mild mannered people with an interest in cars.

    also providin its garaged, as all kit cars should be, very low risk of theft. and no ones ever gunna smash a window to grab a stereo, cos chances are there wont be a window to break, or a stereo to nick.

    also insurers kinda assume, with kit cars being so horrible to drive in the wet(but fun/deadly). your not gunna drive them. I once drove a robin hood 2B.only optional extra i could of wanted is a bilge pump. and the same goes with night time driving most of the time. so there counting on you not driving much in the rain, the snow, or at night. which are 3 of the biggest times for accidents, due to poor visibility and/or grip.

    also most kit cars are limited mileage as there rarely your daily drive for practicality reasons(boot, wetness pump, noisyness an it makes a mess of your hair).

    so once theyll insure you its normally cheap, but till your 21, your pretty much pissin in the wind. however at 21, think a few hundred quid.

  13. theres no such thing as an unmodified kit car really though. theres plenty of specialist companies who insure you. however as i found out when i came to try and get quotes on a kit car(originally was gunna have a winter project). once your 21, your talkin £320 a year, £3k valuation, 5000 miles a year. but under 21, couldnt find more than like 2 places whod take it for any money. and those places that did took it on the scheme that it would cost like £5000, £2k valuation, 2500 miles a year though.

    will normally go on the engine in it(including mods),then a general price value of it, possibly if its got alloys itll be more. but dont expect a list of mods like on a normal car..

  14. wouldnt change it, will feel almost the same.

    currently runnin 18-15t, which imo is about right, although i used to love 22-15t on the old monty urban. was great for power moves and streety stuff.

    its all down to taste but as said above 22:18 wont be hardly any different to 18:15.spend the money on better stuff, unless ur changin your cranks anyway, in which case do it.

  15. is there any way of copying a game onto the hard drive of the xbox 360?? for backup purposes in case i loose.



    in a short answer no.

    in a long answer, with a mod chip, yes. but id be wary about stickin one on your console till theyve had a few more months in peoples box's and see if they blow up, if they dont go for it, altho id say bye bye to xbox live at that point.

  16. who says it has to be indoors??

    outdoors, lights, stuff? still expensive but you wouldnt need a building neceseraly

    trouble is we got the rain to contend with in this country.

    at the end of the day, there was/still is indoor dirt jumps etc in this country. sure it could be extended into adding some pallets, rails, etc into there. for the street lads to have some fun on, and us utilise.

  17. The only other way to do it is in the mic socket of laptop out the headphones to the amp but that's a pain in the arse getting the volumes adjusted for recording.


    or surely cant you use splitter leads(Y cables, or whatever you young uns call them). to split the signal in 2 directions

  18. Hmm hope you're not suggesting what I think you are, have you ever been to Kazakhstan, or met anyone from Kazakhstan? I'm guessing not, because if you did you wouldnt say that. You'd realise the social mess that Britain is in, and that Kazakhstan is a place for us to be jealous of. I heard similar, if not better reports of Uzbekistan, of hospitality and kindness you just wouldn't get in Britain nowadays, not even from your neighbours, let alone from someone of a different colour skin to yourself. But they're terrorists after all, and should go back to where they came from... :sleeping:

    Armchair politics/opinions, gotta love em.

    yea. tom wasnt meant to p*ss on kazhakstans(or any other nations) chips, but i think you saw my point.just send them back to where they came from. and bring the troops home, why bother fighting the battles in arab oil rich countries when those army resources could be best used chasing terrorists within our own borders.

    at the end of the day, im not one of these blind ignorant people who believe anyone with dark skin is evil. i understand its a small minority, in the same way the small minority of the youth of today are gettin us tarred with a bad brush as being drunken,drugged up layabouts. but those small minority should be sent back to whatever place they come from. and let the large minority of there country who are angry with them for tarring there name deal with them

  19. as for the armed border patrols, there not extreme, introduce them, there extreme to us, cos were not used to them, but mexico/america/canada. have armed border patrols. i believe many parts of europe too.

    the idea of this war on terrorism, is more correctly " a war for oil, creating terrorism", why go attacking afghanistan and iraq for a few people. when theres hundreds of the people in this country, closer and cheaper to go get, dont even have to kill them, send them back to where they come from.

    dont have bugger all against any race,any sex, providin they got on with there life and dont interfere. but if they wanna come over here, and preach hate then... wham,bam,back to khazakstan.

    also... take a read.


    suprisingly true.


  20. Can I ask why you were thrown out of your house? Kinda being nosey but is it not something which could be resolved?

    was on here a while back anzo, in fact im sure you replied in the topic. IIRC his mum has recently suffered a nervous breakdown, and in her best way of dealing with seemed to be kicking her son out, which she had the legal right to do with his age etc. when hes gone round there to collect belongings etc, hes been rather shocked with what hes seen, and didnt seem to think there was any chance of it being resolved.

    as for the ideas couple of plans, depending on how you want to live your life

    grandparents,an a crappy old nail to get to an from college, part time job etc.move on an up the ladder just living with the older folks, as opposed to the folks.

    or possibly live with the grandparents, get a menial, but relatively well payed full time job(i.e 40 hours a week,not stupid hours, hope for round 6 quid an hour) and then go for a open university degree. you miss out on the whole uni life, but you still get the qualification.just means youll be able to save some of the 1000ish u earn a month, so by 21, you got a nice lil nest egg to get you started rather than coming out of uni with about 20k of debt.

    or me being the bollox to the life plans, have a laugh, earn some cash, live the lifestyle, worry about it later kinda guy. i could suggest getting into cheffing, i did it for almost a year, but was in college at the same time. is an ok paying job, is a fun job,stressful though, but its great. a lot of chefs live in(i.e accomadation at the hotel/restaurant where there working, so thats food, leccy, water etc for around a ton a week, no travelling expenses to work, so whatevers left is left over to do what you want with) msot people in the cheffing industry are young and pill/pot/piss heads, a good laugh.drinking nights every so often, get to flirt with the bar staff,who have the same attitude and are almost exclusively 16-21. could work as many hours a week as i wanted, from about 35-85 depending on money needs. could if you really wanted to combine this with a open uni degree, and an nvq while at the restaurant/hotel. so could come out with a level 3 nvq in food preparation. an a open university degree in mechanical mathmatics. with no debt, and either a bunch of savings, or have had a hell of a party lifestyle. and most importantly for future employers, youd have life and work experiences too.

  21. *edit* sorry misread it.. well it has got the magura marks on it.. but it just says MAGURA not the logo.. i wouldnt be suprised if its just some cheap aftermarket leaver.. not worth a w*nk

    no, its a genuine magura levr all right,got about 3 of them in my garage,they are 2001 and earlier levers i believe. back when we had hs11,hs22, and hs33. but hs33 was the general model. youd have hs-silver,hs-line, etc and all would be different would be the colours.

  22. so a big recommendation goes to bartering?

    how did you do it? phone up a few insurance companies and then haggle with them telling them that you've been offered cheaper elsewhere?

    just I've got to go about getting insurance on my car once I've passed :S and I think I'm going to get my pants pulled down over the cost.

    yea, they told me 1450, i said, "sorry ive been offered cheaper else where,they said they match it, they gave me a reference for the quote to match(which theyd offered me 1210,other place wanted 1235) said id get back to them, rang round a few more places, asking them if they beat the previous best price, keep switching between insurers on each phone call saying youve been offered the last price(can lie an say u been offered it for less than u have, but with some places likes barclays insurance, they ask for proof) can they beat it

    till eventually every companies said they cant go no lower, then u just pick the lowest.

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