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Posts posted by arw_86

  1. technology is moving on at scary speeds. Just when you think things can't get any better, faster, easier, smaller, smoother, lighter etc etc they bring something else out that makes you suprised to say the least.

    i have created this thread (did a search, nothing came up for something similar) for people to discuss and show different technologies that are planned for the future, or for technologies that people believe will happen.

    ill give some travel examples to start...

    a plane engine has been tested for commercial use (back in 2001 i might add) that can reach speeds of up to 5000mph, meaning london to new york in less than an hour and london to sydney in two!! have a read, scramjet i know jet fighters are quick, but this quick? and commercial with hundreds on board? more than 3 times faster than concord. would def make me want to go to australia!! lol

    another example of travel is a train idea....again 5-6000mph can be achieved. vactrain

    as an example if you think back ten years ago to what tv's were like then, and what they are like now! But imagine in 20 years time!!!

    show me and everyone future technologies you have found out about or discuss ones that have been posted.

    take it away


  2. ye, hillfield, solihull near monkspath.

    ye wel im gonna get my chain as tight as poss, but still think its gonna take the chain away from the sprocket too early and ill lose a few vital teeth i could be grabbing on to.

    i can see tomo as being a nightmare day of me gettin pissed off tryin to figure something out. might just use it the way it should be used but just worried about the wear and tear and skipping problems.

  3. basically i have bought a second hand 4jeri tensioner. and want to fit it to my bike tomo. however as i have such a small sprocket on the back if i run it the way it should be run (as in pushing the chain down to create tension) i am at risk of it skipping alot, which i dont want.

    so i was wondering if there is an easy way of making the tensioner want to spring up so that i could put it on the underside of the chain and therefore it would push up towards the chainstay and make the chain make more contact with the sprocket.

    heres a pic of the tensioner..... 4jeri

    if you look at the second pic enlarged you can see the spring feature. i wonder if i can flip it round or make one but the opposite.

    any help would be appreciated.


  4. two games that get you dribbling pretty quick.

    game 1:

    this is like a roulette game....

    you line up 5 spirits on one side of a table and 5 mixers on the other (the mixers however can be anything, from standard cokes and lemonades etc.....but should also contain nasty shit like milk or beer)

    now all you need are two dice. first roll of the dice means which spirit you take (you number the spirits or just line them up and go from 1-5). unless its a 6 then its your choice.

    the second roll is which mixer you take with the spirit. again unless its a 6 then its your choice.

    so hopefully you roll a double 6 then u can do something like a vodka coke. or you could be wounded and have to down a full glass of tequila and milk!

    after all that explaining ive found a video explaining it pretty much..... roulette drinking game

    game 2:

    right before i explain it ill see if i can find a video lol.....

    ...i cant, poo.

    so this game is simple. get 6 glasses and place them in a circle. number them 1 to 6. roll a dice, whatever number it is pour some drink in (as much as you like) give the dice to the next person. they roll, they fill up the corresponding number glass, unless its the same number as before then they have to drink whatever is in that glass. then they roll again (or if u dont want it so hardcore then just pass the dice on)

    so lets say the first 3 people go and get dif numbers, then there are 3 glasses with liquids in, the fourth person goes and gets a 3, and glass 3 has drink in, all they gotta do is down it, then either roll again or pass it on. the game is so fast and savage you may want to fill up a big pitcher of drink to keep topping up the glasses.

    enjoy, and dont blame me when your sick, cos you will be!

  5. was like 15 i guess. was on a bored walk around with my mate, couple cans of deoderant (sp?) and some lighters. just doin small fires. then ended up in the park by my house. sprayed some deoderant into a bin, and stupidly tried to light it......WOOSH! ORANGE FLASH, WARM FACE. (didnt feel hot though) i fell to the floor and just smelt rank of burnt hair and i was like "O f**k! ive burnt my face! (i was shittin a brick) then washed my face in a puddle lol, went back to my mates and played pro evo...with ice on my eye and fan blowing it lol. (he f**kin won cos i couldnt see shit lol) i burnt my eyebrow half off, lost my eye lashes. burnt my fringe off, my own dick head stupid self.

    so anyway i went home that night and tried to sleep with cucumber on my eye!!! (what?! lol, they do that on tv and in beauty places dont they?) well anyway that made it worse! the thing that scared me the most was if my rents found out......my mom did! but i said i think its an eye infection! (eye was watering and swelled up) she believed me! but i had to nick her mascara and basically dab on a new eyebrow everyday for weeks! (even before school) that worked aswell!! haha. i told my doctor my mate put some lighter fluid in a chimenea as i was looking over it. he prob didnt believe me but gave me some anti biotics anyway. So that combined with savlon and drawing my eye brow back on for weeks i was sorted.....

    ....But oh no! i was getting a haircut like a week after i did it! my aunty cuts my hair round my house!! oh nooooo i thought! (my fringe was like burnt away to shaved length but the hair above was long enough to cover it) my aunty will notice! shock shock horror she did! but quick thinking prevailed again! i was like "oh yeh my hair was doin my head in so i got my mate to like do an under cut to my hair, to try something different" and she just went "oh right, he'd done a good job!!" haha thank fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck for that.

    til this day i have got away with it, none of my family know, but all my mates do. i was stupid to do it and i deserved it. o well, live and learn

    final note!! dont mess with fire!......irony is! im a qualified fire fitter now! lol


    p.s- had to throw my hoody away 2! the smell of burnt hair is sooo horrible would not leave the hoody. so that was a wounder aswell

  6. hi im getting my zoo pitbull tomo (hopefully) and the lad has put a second hand chain on. so really i should change it. im being a bit of a tight arse and would like to buy the gusset tank chain (tarty seem to go on about how strong it is) for less than a tenner. but as its so beasty will it fit the sprockets or hit the bash? i got a phobia of chain snap so want something that wont snap. the khe i hear is the bollocks! but why? and is it worth the cost?

    any other chain reviews welcome.


    o also....it has isis try all cranks with try all bash if that helps?

  7. american history x



    goonies lol


    the hangover (meant to be hilarious)

    die hard 1 and 3

    super bad

    men of honour

    shawshank redemption

    the fastest indian


    terminator 1 and 2

    early indiana jones

    jaws (just for the classicness)

    ghost busters (again classic)

    just the bits of the latest bat man with the joker in

    scream - classic horror of its time


    gran torino

    coach carter

    ummm..... cant think of any more, brain gone to blur

  8. I'm a geotechnical engineer, working for a small company based in the South West (shameless plug) and have done for a month now. Its pretty much my ideal job. Can't thnk of any cons right now, anyone in work should be pretty thankful I reckon!

    sounds rather specialist which can often mean more money! lol hope it keeps bein a sweet job for you mate

    Training to be a Mecanical fitter, wanting to go to uni after my apprenticeship.

    Atm i dont get payed as i dont have a sponsoring company so thats pretty shit, but hey still qualifications and skills i can use after :)

    Its not bad what weve done up to now, finding it allright.

    yeah unfortunately pay is either shite or none existent whilst training....but least you understand your working your way to earning good money and a skill you will never lose! keep it up mate, you will get there one day. there will be crappy bits on they way but just focus on where you wanna be at the end (Y)

  9. hello all, especially those in a trade

    I'm a newly qualified heating engineer, specialising in fires and fireplaces. I got into a trade just so i had a skill to use for the rest of my life, or for a skill to always have and earn money from. I've been doing it two years now and went through the private courses (expensive) route but earned money throughout rather than being in college one day a week. I enjoy it most the time as its different people, diff places, good exercise and i like the final product of my work when i finish. But also it can do my head in because its shit pay whilst training and very physical work, making me tired and the amount of dust thats got in my lungs and noise thats battered my ears cant be good. also working late some days....for the same pay gets on my tits a bit lol.

    But now i've got most my qualifications i'm going for it on my own, ill be subbing to my old boss and i have a shop who will give me work. I'm not expecting miracles and know it will be hard and a struggle to get work at 22, but ill give it a bash and see how it goes. just costs a bit to outlay for a van, registrations to gas safe and hetas, tools and insurances etc.....but i feel i need to try because i want responsibility, freedom, money (hopefully) and i couldnt hack it working for a big company and i need space from my boss lol.

    anyway enough of me, sorry to bore.

    just wanted to know if anyone else was into any trades and what they think of it etc....ill outlay a few questions to make it easier

    1) what is your trade?

    2) what situation are you in? (apprentice? working for a small company? big company? for yourself?)

    3) you like your trade?

    4) pros and cons of your job

    5) just anything else you want to say about your job/trade/other trades

    id like to see this thread as a place where people can also get advice on anything trade related, from trades to choose, problems at work, courses, job problems, tips and advice etc

    hopefully im not the only one out there.

    cheers to all the people that keep britain running. B)

  10. size? - awesome shop (well the one in brum is anyway)

    for all your sick kick needs


    ps- with the fake/copy trainers.....some actually are the real deal sold by illegal sellers. the reason being when nike for example go to a factory with a design for a new trainer and how many they wanna buy (or with a set figure, and say how many of these can you make for the price) the factory say 'we can make you 50,000 pairs for this price....where as really they can make 52,000 pairs. they send off the 50,000 pairs and keep the 2,000 to sell on to local dealers n sneaky companies. makes the factory alot more (using the costs they priced into nikes quote) and makes money for the people selling them to.

    obv that is all briefed down and numbers are made up etc but thats its basically.

  11. im starting to consider re-naming this thread something along the lines of.....

    !) the joshlyd1 abuse thread

    2) the joshlyd1 making up bullshit n gettin shot to pieces for it thread

    3) im joshlyd1 and i make up a whole lot of shit and get a whole lot of shit back for making up a whole lot of shit which makes me look shit stupid....thread!

    i personally like thread choice 3

    any suggestions welcome!

  12. There are a few bails off that big x games ramp in this video, including some guy that basically lands straight onto the deck. Ow.

    Not for the faint-hearted! http://dirtmag.co.uk/news/category/videos/...rt-1235518.html

    insane stuff. the one who landed on the deck!! :o his shoes flew off! im glad he walked away. ive never heard of that stephen murray before (hes british isnt he?) but that crash must of been horrific for them no to show it and for him to now be a paraplegic, im gutted for the dude, but least he seems to be coping well...ive looked all over the internet cant find it anywhere, just alot of comments sayin its one of the most horrific things they have seen.

  13. lowest base jump recorded is 71ft and he was attached to the tower so as soon as he jumped the parachute was pulled open....still hit the ground pretty hard. so all in all id say the stuntman would need to be atleast 100ft high to account for gaining speed to make the chute open.

  14. Tow in at 75 mph and a ramp degree of 63.68 degrees in the middle and 84 degrees at the top with a 30ft length should be big enough to get at least 50ft + of air , using the parachute should be fine at about 30ft so it might be possible

    shizzle!...are you a maths genius or did you make up alot of numbers to sound clever? either way im impressed lol

  15. The BMX height record for airing a quarter (Whilst being towed in) was about 26.5ft out of a 25ft ramp, which is nowhere near high enough to release a 'chute (You'd need 10 times that height), according to a quick bit of Wiki research...

    true but i was thinking more along the lines of a like a hayabusa or a rx1000 lol. go like well over 100mph up the ramp. but the change of direction in the split seconds between horizontal and vertical must be an immense amount of g's that would make you possibly fall off the bike

  16. Arw_86 where abouts are you in solihull

    have i ridden with you before ?


    im from hillfield near monkspath. my names adam, but everyone calls me pill. whats your name? im not sure if i have ridden with you. ive quit now, i sold my leeson 609 to owen (dont know if you know him) i rode with owen a few times. i mainly used to ride with a lad called mark paterson and dave walters.

    i might get back into trials one day though, i miss it. so ill contact u if i do. (Y)

  17. how i mean for it to happen is.....lets for example say its taking place on a runway. so u hoof it down the runway up the ramp into the air, open the chute and land back onto the same runway....so the same level as you start from. i dont mean off a ramp into a ravine or off a cliff...course thats possible.

    n im sorry mate but your telling me matt hoffman got enough height off a ramp on a bmx to open a chute? i have a feeling he was off a cliff doing this?

    sorry for confusion

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