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Posts posted by arw_86

  1. i know this is totally random and probably not worth the effort of typing but ive thought about a stunt for ages now and always wondered if it is possible. i don't think it would be but i want to see what you guys think. (i'm not planning on doing this stunt by the way)

    basically its simply whether a stuntman could construct a ramp (that is vertical at the top or near to it i presume) and then ride a motorbike up it and get enough air off it to ditch the motorbike and open a parachute and float back to earth.

    i'm not sure whether it would work because of the g-forces on the body as it changes direction so quickly when entering the ramp, at what im guessing is quite a speed! (as the ramp needs to be quite short with a quite steep incline rather than a long ramp working up to vertical as the rider would lose speed?)...i know im over thinking this, lol. Another reason is simply if the person could get enough height to fully open a chute and land safely. what's the lowest height you can base jump from? (obviously not the type where your holding your chute)

    anyway ye.....would it work? and anyone else ever thought of any cool stunts they haven't seen attempted?

    edit: i mean for the stunt to be performed on one level....so landing back on to the same level as you start your run off from

  2. the frame is gorgeous. love the colour scheme. the contrast of black and white is lovely. the all black at the front is bangin! id prob have a black rear rim to but other than that it is definately one of the most stunning bikes ive ever seen! fair play mate

    i wonder how a rear white rim would look actually...hmmmm

  3. basically i went ibiza the week before last and then went to near cambridge last week with the family as a recovery week. One of the days we went out for the day in cambridge and on the way back to the park and ride bus stop i saw a group of 5 lads playing music. one on a bongo drum, one bass and did backing vocals, one on electric guitar doin sweet stuff throughout the song, another on guitar i think and the lead singer (poss playin guitar) anyway they just sounded really good to me but as we were in a rush i just kept on by, and since then i wished i went over to have a look. so does anyone know of a group who busk or just perform in cambridge? i have a feeling they are students and the uni as they were of that age.

    fingers crossed

  4. panasonic lumix dmc-fs3 (8.1 megapixel)

    cost me about 90 a few months ago, best 90 i have spent, absolutely love it. loads of features, piece of piss to use! incredible quality!!! i did alot of research 2 so u have my word on it! only range close is the canon ixus range but your looking about 120. (i pretty much found the best prices were all on amazon - plus they offer a good service you can trust)

    i dropped my camera twice in ten minutes when i was pissed in a club and kicked it across the club, its got fooked....sent it off got a new lense assembly and totally fixed as new for free in less than 2 weeks, awesome service

    dropped it in eden in ibiza last week 2!......its fine thank god. me, alcohol and cameras dont mix lol

    hope this helps


    p.s- dont get that samsung, my mate did, same time as i got mine and he has had problems with it and the quality just isnt anywhere near as good

  5. brings backs floods of memories! dunno if anyone agrees but trials will never be the same again, used to have a certain magic to it all....gone now :(

    on a brighter note stratford is my old riding spot and was amazed when they had all the worlds best riders come along to film that! wish i was actually there at the time. i know every single spot in that bit of the video, never quite did ride it as well as them though

    wish i could go back to them days, trials was an absolute passion of mine back then

  6. o fair doos lol, neither do i

    im contemplating going to the bank and saying can i withdraw 2000 from my account please....but all in 20p's then spend the next few days sifting through lol. 10,000 coins must be one in there somewhere lol. might be a bit heavy to carry back to the car lol, might have to quadruple bag them

    o and Si-man....be honest would you have sifted through the coins to find that chosen one if it werent for my thread?!.....soooo what u say? split 50/50 the profit u make? haha DEEEEEEAL!

  7. ye theres alot of coins on there who people have posted just to catch people out, fair play to them i say! as long as they say exactly what they are selling it isnt their fault if some spoon cant read and wants to pay like £25 for a 20p coin lol

    one i saw last night said 'not undated' in the title! lol and it was at £26.....funny

  8. as im sure most of you are aware their a certain amount of undated 20p coins in circulation...... (yawn) great u might think! but the royal mint are offering to buy them for £50! sweeet!

    ...but wait!

    check out ebay!!! there selling for stupid amounts of money! one there is going for £280 with 3 hours left!

    turn 20p into hundreds of pounds!

    lol note the one tit head who wants a 'buy it now' price of £10,000.... :/

    so yeeeeee, look out for them! u can turn 20p into hundreds for doing absolute jack! imagine how weird it would feel putting a 20p into an envelope and posting it and and having hundreds more in your bank account.

    straaaaaaange but true!


    p.s- ill buy anyones undated 20p for £60 each!...not that anyones stupid enough to do that seeing as that link is above!

  9. right!

    i am somewhat unfortunately an expert on this subject! you name it ive tried it! i had spots for years and years as long as i can remember.....face, neck and back.

    i had all the prescription ones from the doctors some worked from time to time. but never as a permanent cure. i went through all the phases of thinking diet affected it, drinking more water, cuttng out alcohol, chocolate fats, sugars etc etc.....but none of it helped. i finally got referred to the nhs treatment through my GP to go on roaccutane. i first had to see a specialist who had to decide if i was worthy to go on this treatment. he clearly explained to me diet has no bearing whatsoever on acne it is all to do with the amount of oil your body produces...in the acne sufferers case far too much, thus blocking pores and causing spots! if you have oily skin your pretty much gonna have spots, simple. its just what your born with. and oil production increases through puberty hense why you tend to get spots in our teens and they tend to settle down after a few years..

    now for my roaccutane review!!

    what does roaccutane do?

    the whole idea of roaccutane is it simply stops oil production! so your pores dont get blocked and you dont get as many if any spots!

    my experience

    i was on this for longer than expected, usually i think its 3 months but was on for like 4 or 5. the tablets are rugby ball shaped and they up your dose throughout the course of treatment. when you go back to get your next set of tablets you have a blood test (i had about 4 over the course all to do checks on...unfortunately cant remember) and see a nurse and they ask you questions about it all.

    these tablets have an awful reputation and dont get me wrong! they have some side effects. i guarantee you will get this though! ;

    - dry lips, eyes, skin (this WILL happen!! - as this is what roaccutane does!) i recommend you carry vaseline or chapstick with you all the time. and dont shit yourself if you sneeze and you get a nose bleed or your lips split, it i just beacuse they are all dry.

    other side effects that are very likely;

    - sunburn easily!----the tablets also make your skin extremely sensitive to the sun. so u just need to be extra careful. i had my course in the summer and i did ok. just used moisturiser and vaseline with sun cream added in already.

    - aches and pains - nothing major for me but when i was on this course i was going to the gym regularly to! the first time i went.....the next day was hell on earth!! i couldnt walk up the stairs no joke! so trials after the first go might hurt alot lol, but after time it did get better and i carried on as normal!

    -o and i experienced senisitive eyes, everything seemed slightly brighter to me! sunglasses problem solved! not sure if its a common problem

    now the controversial part of roaccutane!!

    extreme mood swings! suicidle thoughts and tendencies!.....hmmm i personally told all my friends about this before i started the course and warned them all i might not be myself for a few months and apologised in advance if i was a willy lol! however after all the worrying about it! I WAS FINE!!! no moods at all! (well moods! but come on i was like 17 or 18 what do you expect!) if you think about it seriously how many pills n potions do you take and it lists all these side effects! that you never ever get! its just a get out safe clause for the companies that make them. or over the years and millions of users someone did kill themselves and all of a sudden it was the medication! i personally think its not in this case so please dont be worried about it! dont let it stop you trying it and if you do get down then you can always stop!

    there are many other side effects listed and you can find them easily on the internet but dont let it scare the shit out of you!

    ok so now my results!.....lets just say by the end of the course however long it took! it works like nothing else imaginable! my skin was like porcelain! crystal clear and it gives u immense confidence u feel a new person! and i would say it is 10000000% worth the dry skin and pains and whatever goes with it! dont get me wrong after a while of being off them my spots came back but maybe 5% of what they used to be! and now im 22 im pretty much clear all the time!

    one more thing to bare in mind!!! as most of you who do go on this will have been on other medication before at first your spots WILL get worse! this is just because your swapping and go through a short stage of being off medication as in the roaccutane hasnt kicked in yet. so dont panic!! it is/will work, youve had spots for years so a few weeks/month with it worse is nothing!!

    ive been off the tablets for years now i think but i have noticed since then my oil production obviously is less, so less spots but so much so that i actually have problems with my scalp now and dandruff from time to time. all i use is a good shampoo and conditioner and trust me thats the only thing left after all this time and id have it any day compared to bad skin!!! so bare this in mind

    as for drinking!! i must not of been listening as i know now i shouldont of drank on them! ooooops! I DID! like every weekend on the piss! didnt effect me one bit!! didnt effect the final results, didnt effect the blood tests....it personally effeced nothing for me.

    sorry ive blabbed on and not necessarily making sense along the way but i know how frustrating bad skin is and i know how hard it is to find out the truth of bad skin! theres so many contradicting stories, remedies blah blah..

    final thought!...... if roaccutane is not for you

    -drink alot of water (goes without saying)

    -dont use f***in clearasil shite or supermarket wank!) (sorry for language but its all just gimmicky poop)

    -use soaps and moisturisers that are non-comadegenic (meaning it does not block pores) (pears soap from tesco is this! and no.7 moisturiser is 2...there will be more out there)

    -go to your GP and try skin products from them! they may or may not work! (i recommend acnamino minocycline! - tablets so easy and no mess. or/and differin gel) but worth a go as they are not designed for gimmicks they are designed for a purpose with minimal/no side effects)

    if roaccutane is for you

    -prepare for dry skin!!

    -prepare for ups n downs

    -prepare for awesome results which could take longer than you think

    -just always think positive and think ahead (after a while its a routine and you will forget your on them)

    -tell friends and family as they will be supportive and understanding! i did and all my mates were really sound and always asking how i was gettin on and ccomplimenting etc. if i didnt tell them they would be like mate u got dry lips, ur skins got worse, why u not coming out u plebhead lol etc etc but it really helps when your having a 'this shit stuff aint working' days!

    -take photos on you first day and every two weeks or month! so u can look back and see the results!

    ask me any questions on this matter! ill happily try and help!

    hope this helps someone in some way

    cheers adam

    p.s-sorry for spelling mistakes, spelling and punctuation! im in a rush and aint got time to read through sorry!! no excuse i know

  10. Hi all im going to take higher graphics btec level at college

    Has anyone done it?

    Is it woeth it ?

    Is it a good starter for a degree in Specialized CAD CAM ?




    i did a two year BTEC national diploma in graphic design, didnt do a fat lot on computers. but came away with straight distinctions. i personally didnt find it hard at all. and it got me into nottingham trent (didnt bother going though lol) to do graphic design so id say its a good course to do to get you on the path to do something related to graphics.

    Hope this helps


    p.s- my college did like a branch of side projects like photography, textiles, life drawing etc which was cool, especially photography. another bonus is no exams its all coursework based.

  11. basically i personally love music and believe alot of people on this forum do to! this thread itself is based on music that it inspirational in some form or other. please let others know what songs make you want to make better of yourself or push for better things etc. name the song and how it makes you feel or what it makes you want to do in a positive way, then we can listen to it too and see if we feel the same or hopefully give others inspiration to better themselves and push ahead with plans or aspirations

    ill give it a go too!

    yellowcard - how i go....i love this song and the build up to drop in it just gives me shivers and always melts any troubles away. i forget everything with this song and just relax

    jacks mannequin - swim.....i love this song as it makes me want to push for what i want in life. it makes me never want to give up and keep going and strive for better things

    slightly cliche....but.....sigur ros - hoppipolla.....maybe alot of it has to do with the series 'planet earth'.

  12. i saaaaay...

    believe what you want to believe and do what you want to do, but dont try and make others do the same.

    i personally dont believe in any gods and that religion was created as a way of controlling people. e.g- dont commit that crime otherwise you will go to hell and god will punish you etc, its just using the thought of a higher power to keep people in order.

    again this is what i believe and i wont try and persuade people to believe it to......we can all make our own minds up!

    "EDIT.......JT-My stance is people can what believe in what they want, but when it starts effecting me personally, that's when i start to have a problem." i guess i should of read this first. same thinking as me, sorry bud

  13. thanks people, you have helped alot! :) and by the looks of it there is no point in signing on. thanks again.

    apart from bronz.......mate dunno why you instantly think im scum?.......i was asking for help and would rather not be going onto the dole. i hope you dont get in the position im in. least ive been honest with my whole situation. i could easily sign on as unemployed and pretend to look for jobs n print some stuff off, (ive spoke to people who have had to be on it and they say its that easy?) then work for my boss cash in hand when the work is there.....but i dont want to. so ye try not be so prejudice mate, thats a major problem with the world as it is....your not helping.

  14. afternoon.

    as you can probably tell from the time of day it is and me being a trainee heating engineer.....im short of work.

    im thinking of going on job seekers allowance (....ohhhhh the shaaaame lol) however i just rang to have a chat about it, and basically you need to work less than 16 hours a week to qualify. but i work when i get called by my boss. so i have no way of knowing what hours i will work in the week. for example last week i did 1 day, so 8 hours. this week i am doing nothing, fine. But next week im doing 3 days so 24 hours. the lady said i would keep having to sign on and off every time i worked more than 16 hours. i know its cheeky but couldnt i just say im only working two days or less a week even if i end up on 3? obviously if i go up to 4 days a week working i wouldnt claim still, but signing on and off all the time is a nightmare id imagine.

    also i cant/dont want to look for another job whilst on this allowance as i quite like my job when i work and im stupidly close to finishing my portfolio and being able to qualify, then hopefully search for a well paying job.

    sorry if ive gone on a bit but i dont know what to do. i need an income and 50 a week would help but if my boss calls with a few days work (more than 16) do i say yes to him and will the job seekers allowance people know ive done more than 16? im just unsure as to how it all works? i dont want to take the piss but dont want silly hassle over it all.

    anyone been on it can help? similar situations? or just people with advice. and also anyone else who has questions related or need help then just fire away

    cheers adam

  15. shit in a crisp packet........offer him a crisp as a peace offering

    hes then got pooey fingers, and before he realises its man chocolate and gets psycho you scream 'UUUUUUUUUUUURGH POO FINGERS!'

    would cause a mass panic like when u play tig and you dont know who is 'it'

    disclaimer - cannot guarantee it will work

    it aint my fault if he doesnt want any 'crisps'

    also not my fault if you forget and eat one of your 'crisps'

  16. worrying thing was i got in from the piss up, tryin to find decent porn n this thread of trials forum popped into my head..........quite worrying on a few levels.

    so yeeeeeeh.......HELLO!!

    .........now back to the lesbian porn n the wank!!!!

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