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David Biddle™

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Everything posted by David Biddle™

  1. ha ha i can see that comin well better than no one
  2. kool saterday is brill my mates are comin that day cuse there busy sunday
  3. gt yarmouth this weeknd i havnt picked a day so if people say what is better for them (saterday or sunday) i can get sundy off or saterday off but i wont beable to get both days off soz about that. well i will be there (zoo pitbull 07 with vee brake) and ill try get out dave and wez (czar and echo) and some of the kids who ride with me sometimes i.e the t vee crew i would like to see some peeps in gt yarmouth cuse the last big ride that came down here was three years ago there were about 30 of us eascoasttrials and loads of over peeps aswell so i would like to do a bigish ride(hope) if you want more info please add me to msn biddle20@hotmail.co.uk also if you decide to come we can meet you at the trian station and we can go from there so it makes it a little easyer for peeps who havnt bin to gt yarmouth before at the end of the day we all can go to bookers(pallet fest) and have a bq if weather is ok to end the day come one come all all are welcome cheers biddle
  4. well get hold of a old vee booster (tekro one) first cut the top of the booster of so you are left with to side parts what should have to gaps so you can screw into your frame.Then get two vee bossers and two bolts so they can tightin on the thread of the vee bossers then get two washers and drill three small holes for the spring on the vee brake and your sorted to put vees on ur four bolt mounts biddle if you want more info or pictures of a vee adaptor add me to msn biddle20@hotmil.co.uk
  5. i find with a 20inch i learnt alot of the basics faster but got to a point were my riding hit a limit and i could not improve. with 26inch its a little harder to learn but well worth the effort and i find that its easyer to get hold of spares for a 26inch bike and more of a choice in bikes,frames and all other bits but thats my saying its entirly up to you biddle
  6. i find with a 20inch i learnt alot of the basics faster but got to a point were my riding hit a limit and i could not improve. with 26inch its a little harder to learn but well worth the effort and i find that its easyer to get hold of spares for a 26inch bike and more of a choice in bikes,frames and all other bits but thats my saying its entirly up to you biddle
  7. or make one if you check my profile my zoo bike has vees on it and you can also see the v brake adaptor aswell there not that hard to make really all u need is a old vee booster biddle
  8. ill go to norwich if weather is nice so put me and liam down
  9. i love the old rim jam pads £12 bargin but the backings were crap i most of went through 3 or 4 sets of red and blue rim jam pads biddle
  10. cheers mate i should be gettin a set of tryall rage bars mirrior to macht the rim tomorow cheers again biddle
  11. yep mirrior rim not as good lookin as i thought but still love it though and you cant beat a good v brake cheers mate
  12. sorry about the pics they were takin by my phone cheers biddle
  13. ok i was going to ride yarmouth but i have bin invited to sheringham instead so eneyone wanna join me and alex 2morow biddle20@hotmail.co.uk cheers biddle
  14. soz change of plan im goin to sherringham wednesday instead soz
  15. 07780723799 is his numberhope he dont mind but bugger it ha ha ha
  16. well ill stay out till 9 my mate will and wez the other im not sure mate
  17. i cant mate i have work in the afternoon so thats a bugger hey
  18. ok well me and two mates are riding yarmouth this wednesday (sorry about short notice) we will be down yarmouth seafront if you want to ride this is my msn addy so we can chat on time and place to meet biddle20@hotmail.co.uk cheers biddle vee lover
  19. hi sam welcome to trials forum hope u find all the info you need mate also stick to the guidlines and you will be chattin with the big boys soon from biddle vee lover
  20. well were gonna meet at the trian station at 11 cuse everyone knows were that is boys
  21. brill vid ali c you conker all mate love the smoothnis keep them vids rollin mate
  22. yes stu the homie with the plan is comin im deffo bringing my cam to take pics im so excited i think i have done a thick sex wee
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