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Everything posted by Lukeee

  1. Explain to me why you hate the head doctor then? I ran one for a year no probs. I think its a well thought out bit of kit.
  2. What Planet are you from? Out of all the trials riders i've ever spoken to Ryan leech has to be one of the most down to earth. When he was over for the bikeshow 99 he started talking to me and my mate just really interested in the uk scene. I also remeber e-mailing him a while back and i got another great responce. I'd love to catch a few demos while hes over here.
  3. Lukeee

    Ot Pi Dream!

    I've got the whole vid on Tape indoors..... If you think thats old you wanna See OT Pi Technic....
  4. I've curently got a bike built up for the same purpose as what your trying to achieve. Mines a Gt Hans rey frame. With some old Rock Shox , Double front chain ring with a 32T bash. Front disc and rear Mag etc. Rides a real beauty, Been dirt jumping and i've rode street on it. Seriously good fun....
  5. Why not take her out for a nice meal. Spend a few bob and actually suprise her. I really don't know why your asking people on here though. As someone said earlier if you know her well you should be giving the ideas. No wonder she gave you the boot. (Y)
  6. Oh yes and hes only had the vinco like 3 weeks! Si i reckon get used to the vinco.
  7. I've had pretty much every hub going(Working in a bike shop does have its perks). The Eno is the best Value/Performance freewheel/hub i've had. Kings are good but still skip once in a while and have such a price penalty. The Eno trials has 3 normal pawls then 3 longer pawls so although it make "Skip" you never loose drive. I've currenty got an ENO on my Monty x-lite mod and i've recently switched back to a ENO front freewheel on my Monty 231ti stock. I had a king on the stock but i'm gonna stick with the ENO its been brilliant. (Y)
  8. Steve just get an ENO there by far the best. I've had an ACS and an ENO now and the eno is miles and miles infront....
  9. Surely you know what he means? I'm not picking holes , but i know you've ridden a "Standard" Sized pallet.... I've never taken a tape measure out with me when riding but i can sidehop handlebar height everytime and anything over is lot of effort....
  10. Joes right , Its Dave Dennis's old site. Plainlazy84 i think on here. Adam My mate has a video of Dani Comas Riding at thiftwood! I think he stayed with Stuart. Thiftwood has seen its fair share of good riders.
  11. My mate does it every year , so no doubt i'll get dragged along. Ian , Kev went all the way on his base trials bike....
  12. While we on the debate. I think i would have no problem stabbing/Shooting someone if it was a life or death situation. I would have thought most people on here would feel the same. Stereo types arn't always started by idiots looks at the "Chav" stereo type?
  13. Ha ha , the point i'm making is why bother saying "If someone did it to me , i'd twat em with a socket set" When you and i both know you wouldn't. You would more than likely be to stunned to do anything. I think a few people have mentioned "Happy Slapping" between mates , Hasn't that been around for years in one form or another? Whats the general feeling on guns? I plan to move to the states in 5 or so years. I'd like to own a gun , i mean don't get me wrong i don't wanna stroll down the streets and wave it around shouting "Whats gwarnin , nigga" but i like the thought of being able to defend your home and family. Maybe we should have a forum vote for Trials forums answer to Charles Bronson a true vigalante!
  14. You wouldn't do anything. When i wanted to knock you out. You sent me an e-mail saying you'd call the Police. On a serious note i do think its getting more and more out of hand. A rider friend of mine got done by a group of black kids in Richmond he got a black eye while they filmed it on there phones. The trouble is when people hang around in big groups the quietest of kids suddenly become "Mouth Almighty". The Police get no respect from kids. I think the Police should be able to dish out bigger penalties , Sentences etc.
  15. 15 stone is nothing , i'm 19 stone and i'd say i'm a fairly good rider....
  16. Oh yes! Over the bars.....
  17. You managed to kick the tyre back on? Right......
  18. Last time Grant got his camera out i think you lived in Brighton. Sorry i know everyones gonna hate me for this but i thought it was pants. I bet kicking your back wheel at one point didn't actually achieve anything. Sorry but i got bored and started picking my nose. Who knows maybe i got bored because i've seen Grant Peters doing this for 3 years straight. I bet he wouldn't get so much bum love if he posted a video. Sorry ;)
  19. Well i'd write something like "I'm on the ponce any chance of any stickers?"
  20. Never ever had a problem with monty foam grips. Maybe the WD40 seeped through?
  21. I've had my 231Ti for about 8 months and i've gotta say i was really nervous about the 25" wheel at first. The only downfall in my opion is that the Monty rims arn't great quality. Other than that i really have no problems with my Monty set up. I run a standard tube and haven't had a punture in a good 6 months. The tyre feels nice , And i'm sure i get a tiny bit more bounce out of it. You can run a 26" wheel in the new 231Ti frame aswell(theres enough clearance) with the brake adapters or a rear disc.
  22. Lukeee

    Front Hops

    A combination of twisting the bars slighlty and having your back foot nudging the seat stay works for me.
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