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Posts posted by JohnyMilton

  1. I have used them on my cycle cross bike, and they are super tacky(depending on which model you get), but they are very puncture-tastic, and from what I heard(working in a bike shop) they seem to only be good for XC use.

  2. Points from a 47 year old dad.

    1 I was doing brakeless down Arthur seat in Edinburgh on a home built trials bike with some mates in1977ish. Nothings really that new! We didnt have helmets to buy far less trials bikes. We starfished ourselfs alot and ended up in hospital getting patched up.

    2 Having two kids. they are really impressionable of what the top guys are doing. (BIG POINT)

    3 I always make my two wear helmets when they are riding. What they do when I am not there is for them, as all I can do is ask that they do.

    4 This guy has an image and an identity to keep and thats his flat cap and the likes. Everyone should have the choice to do and be what they want as long as it doesnt affect others. He ,by doing videos ect to make money has a responsability to promote the sensible thing to do. ie wear a helmet. If he wants to ride like he does then so be it, if he starfishes him self then hospital food is a lot better than it used to be.

    5 I personally dont care what he does and if its fun to watch his vids then great.. I agree what others have said, that his sponsors should contract him to do the right thing.

    6 I hate health and money making in this country. It affects the work I do on a daily bases and I do let my kids jump out of trees and do somersaults on their trampoline, its the only way you learn the limits and dangers of what you do in life. Some arsehole telling us constantly what you can and cannot do because of H&S is going to kill this countries kids adventouris spirit and trials has this spirit in bucket loads.

    My opinion is, there are advances in what we know on a daily bases like wearing a helmet WILL save your life when you do crash, whether you choose to take that advice should be up to you. BUT if you do it in the public eye then you have a duty of care to the younger impressionable riders.

    Everybody can have there opionion and I take on board what others say and make my decisions in life based on that and what I believe is the right thing to do.

    Stick it to the man as Jack Black says but do do a Risk assesment and method statement and get it approved by some arsehole who has never stuck it to the man but has been to university and done a course on how to stick it to the man legally and not hurt yourself. Course written by a man who has never stuck it to the man and course approved by someone who used to work in some council department licking windows before he was promoted due to legislation written by some arsehole that everybody has equal rights to do any job before you do!

    Feel much better now and it still only 7am

    Rant Over Kevin?

  3. Also having the weight 480g and "reasonable puncture protection" does not compute!

    I say that because I have them one my XC bike, and I havn't had a puncture as of yet(touch wood). I understand though, with trials it has more chance of puncturing.

    Thanks for that Ali. (Y)

  4. Hello, just wanted to put a post up to see if any one has used a Schwalbe Rocket Ron on the front. I have a pretty sh*te tyre(Conti Air King) on the front at the moment, only reason I put it on, was because it was light, but due to it being crap I'm changing it. Now I have not heard of many people using a Rocket Ron's, so just wondered if any has used one on the front end?

    I have one in the shop at the moment, it's silly light(480grams) and has reasonable puncture protection. So I am not sure if it is worth using it as I don't see many people using Schwalbe tyre's for trials, so has anyone got any feedback about them, or any thoughts on them?

    Here is a picture of the tyre, and thread...


  5. Right guys am out at the mound and its more than ridable, all snow is gone and rocks are dryish, plenty grip and lots to play on. Tomorrow is ment to be a good day so get yer vans packed and get up here. Only been out 30mins and am knackerd lol.

    Tempted, but have promised a night with the lady friend...pffft women!

  6. They're only 1800g, hardly a tank (Y)

    Got my facts wrong there!

    Reason I thought it was heavy, is bacause I felt a guys at a comp and it was really heavy, and it was built with reasonably light parts.

    But should of had a wee look on tarty at weigts before i commented...

  7. Just found myself 'cutting shapes' and prancing around with glow-sticks, when it came on....so I didn't really see much of the video...

  8. In fairness to Deng, the new Zoo looks quite a lot different to the '09 Piranha and the earlier Pitbulls. It sort of blends them both in a cool way, but the graphics and finish are totally new for them. The Echos look pretty similar but I think if they'd updated the graphics on those too it'd make them look a lot, lot 'newer'.

    I don't want to keep going on about it, but even if they made the frames look identical to the previous models but just put the Spanish BB on there it'd be a big step forward even if cosmetically it's not much. A trials manufacturer stepping out of the norm that much is a good thing, as it suggests there are companies out there willing to try new things that could benefit riders a lot. Very few of the more demanding disciplines of riding use a traditional BB like trials bikes do at the moment, so it's good that they're trying to make things better, even if it means that in the short-term it's a bit more limited.

    I can see the 'minor' difference in the Zoo range, but its had the same design since it first came out, (I mean where the top tube meets the seat stay(I will try and find a picture to show you what I mean)), a lot of other companies have used the similar design in the past,(koxx and onza) and they no longer use that, because it tends to be heavier, as its a little more complicated, than what you get with a simpler design. I think i just like to see companies try new things, and push the design limit, to try and make it look different and lighter. I think all Deng frames are always going to be same, because Deng has no imagination.... example, he comes out with a 24'' range and makes it the spitting image of the 26'' range!

    Also the BB thing is just stupid!

    I agree with Ali, why are companies not coming out with +30mm and lower bb's!!! GRRR!

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