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Posts posted by Corish

  1. Serves him right, Why don't people like that jus get a life instead of just picking on people who look like 'puffs' to them I hope one day a bike who looks really like a wussy beats the shit of of people when they say something.

    Sorry its just how I feel, but gah it must have hurt!


  2. (This is on behalf of my mate who isn't a TF Member.)

    At first it bedded in nice and quick, sharp as anything couldn't be better no squeaks what so ever.

    Now: squeaks like a b*****d and is shite it modulates kinda badly then somehow 'sticks' and the noise is aweful. I clean the pads and rotor but then it goes back to normal after a few hours, you shouldn't have to clean a disc every few hours now should you?

    Thanks in advanced.


  3. Yea fairenough, but you kind of deserved it, asking people opinions and views on somthing then having a go at somone who dosnt like you idea?

    Ahh well....


    Nah there was something about the way he said it.. But it might have been my fault by reading it wrong as no offense to him but I see him as an arse as hes been an arse with me before so it must have been that.


  4. Was that a sarcastic cheers, if so why!?

    I was just stating a point


    Nah sorry mate I'm just really pissed of that I got jumped at down my throat by a few people when I only was telling people about a thought.


  5. water would boil if used in a disc brake

    Well we'll put water in he don't use his brake all that often. also its a mod so its not capable of going that fast either.

    Doesnt anti-freeze stop things gettin too hot also :( :D :P :- :( Doubt it but im sure I read it does, anyway how do I bleed it without a kit?


  6. Well you asked for people opinions/views on it, and ben told you, so no need to get all arsey with him for telling you somthing you asked is there?

    And if you didnt want another arugment why the hell did u post that?


    Cheers for that.

    I was asking for answers but not pathetic ones like that.

    I asked to delete this post yesterday anyway :(

    You just can't win.


  7. Have I had one with you before?  :(

    By the way, you say calm down to me and you're the one getting uppity and offensive about me because I didnt say 'YER M88 GR8 IDEA'...

    I wont attack you - I cant because I dont know you.  You dont know me either.  All I know is that I didnt think much of your idea.  Sorry for not agreeing.


    Noooo, I don't really care that you don't like the idea. Just never liked the attitude "Thats the crappiest idea ever!!!"It doesn't matter anyway and yer we had a little rant before.


  8. What the f**k, so im meant to read it and either agree or shutup? But i do think it sucks, im going to say that.  So many people on here completely misunderstand me, just because i think this is a shit idea doesnt mean I hate you or something.  I dont stalk people to post shit in there topics, I just write what I feel fits.  Its a crap idea as it gets far too sub forumed out - 24", stock, mod, combined... there arent THAT MANY new vids out that is needed. 

    "Then you should not reply and just keep quite then."

    What would be the point in that?  The original post said "What do you think?"


    Oh calm down.

    He was probably a bit pee'd off the way you wrote it, 'cos I was.


  9. Mate those rocks are like ice. Anyone who thinks its not good to watch should get themselves down to Stocksbridge then try and say its not good.

    I was quite surprised to see bash marks in the middle of Wharncliffe crags last time i went up, n theres me thinking i had my own secret playground :(

    You been further along in to Wharncliffe?

    Theres a sweet spot next to the top of one of the DH runs and some more stuff round deepcar. Quite a drag on a trials though whichever end you park at

    I deffinately agree!!! I've been before, could do a great deal down to shite rear brake and ovcourse the VERY slippy rocks.


  10. Corish from those last 3 posts it seems to me you have a case of thinking out loud syndrome.  I really think you should see a doctor it could be your downfall :D

    ROFL Mate.

    Delete this post, It was only a thought I wasnt banking on it anyway :(


  11. There would be so many sub forums, like mod natural, stock natural, 24" street, mixed, mod street etc. etc.  Bad idea, simply put mod or stock in a topic title.

    Nooooo no no.

    Just like this

    Sites, Vids & Pics > Mod vids / 24" Vids / Stock vids.



    I didn't think it would go through, just a thought.

  12. Thats the crappiest idea ever. I cant even be arsed to justify why, it just is.

    yeh. its not exactly a good idea, just thought it would save peoples time. I don't like you in general but I aint arguing with you 'cos your hard to please. :D

    Tart: Would it be more hassle to look through a topic to find out if its mod or stock.

    but yeah the idea might not be that good but at least let people know what that vid is before they even click the topic link, eg:

    New Video!

    MOD - Elitetrials.com


    New Video!

    STOCK - Elitetrials.com


    New Video!

    MIXED - Elitetrials.com.


  13. Just a thought.

    I think it would be better if you had two seperate pics/vids section, one Mod, one Stock, or maybe three, with 24" in the middle (But i prefer to call that stock :D )

    I think it would be great 'cos for people like me prefer to watch mod vids and some people prefer to watch stock vids.

    What do you think?


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