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Posts posted by Corish

  1. cs has allways been free.... you needed/need a half life CD key to play it. you can get half life for about £8 new so stop being cheap.

    Hahahaha!!! for one I already have it, and for two, shut up, I was wondering if anyone would if not then it don't matter, if I ask you to buy it me and you say no then your cheap (Y) ! ! ! !


  2. The new 32h echo rims are beast and alex dx32...same rim i think (Y)  :P 

    I've got my 32h echo rim on my 36h profile............ miss 4 spokes when your building it and your laffin :P


    Craig, if I got my self one of those 32H rims will you build it for me :">


  3. Glad to see your improving you lilttle shit, youve got those gaps nailed (Y)

    Why was rimjam advertised at the end?

    Craig Scott (scotty-trials) is sponsored by them, so I thought it ould be appropriate to put that in. I dont use them my self though.


  4. not bad, but you ruined it using that tune because your video just didn't compete with matts!

    Not trying to compete with other peoples videos, (Y) .

    Just thought I'd use that 'cos I didn't have enough clips and some of the clips were getting old.

    Thanks anyway


  5. CS 1.6 is not free.

    CZ is not free

    HL2 is not free

    DLDM2 is not free

    etc etc

    If you sign up for a new account and don't supply your CD key (Proove of purchase) then that automatically locks the games from your game list. If you buy half like 1 and enter that CD key, it will unlock counterstrike. If you enter a HL2 CD key it will unlock all games. It's just to stop piracy. Look for counterstrike 'serialz, not serials' on google. Ones bound to work  (Y)


    I see now, I found this out last night, its a buttom called 'Register A Product I Already Own' thanks anyway everyone, I'll just buy another game tap in the CD Key and take it back saying it don't work or something.


  6. Right, been editin tonight, wahay! :S and I've produced a rather nice little video!

    MPG Video meaning good quality!

    Riders are:

    Craig Scott,

    Craig Corish.

    Song is: AFI - Dancing Through Sunday. Nice little song that hasnt been used for a while so I thought I'd use it 'cos its not way too hardcore fir the riding used in this video, (Y)

    (Elitetrials.com) direct link to vid :P Right Clicky Job :-

    Please comment.

    Thanks a lot.


  7. Gonna take it out and put it back in. Might format because my computers a bit spazzed up as it is, and for some reason it worked after I done that before when the firewire wouldnt recognize my camera.

    If that fails, new card I guess :-

    Spot on. (Y)


  8. you will need a CD key to play

    you can get them buy buying the game, or finding a CD key generator somehwere online.

    I have no Idea how to find one of these.

    If anyone is still up for a game shortly, im in.

    I'll play, what IP anyone?


  9. Yeah, of course I can join your LOCAL AREA NETWORK game  :P

    At a guess I would say you download CS 1.6 through steam by double clicking on Counter-Strike in the 'play games' menu...  (Y)"

    It aint there.

    Sorry about the LAN thing!! you could at this shop with CS in LAN :P :S :P but that was 1.5 oh well.


  10. His bars are ZOO! Bars Mini Man, (Y)

    Downloading now, will edit.

    EDIT: Very good, Craig. Nice to see some calm sort of riding, those tyres are god damn amazing!! Those rocks at stocksbridge are very very slippy and I can vouch for that!! Very good though, nice editing :P


  11. The error suggests to me you have set up a LAN (Local area network incase you didnt know) game.

    There are only 2 people in the game, im guessing the 2nd person is a mate that is physically round your house playing on the LOCAL server you have set up?

    You tool  (Y)

    Yeah, I thought you could join too, erm. So how do I get CS onto his account?


  12. Cant connect, get the below error, nice one  (Y)

    LAN Servers are restricted to local clients (class c)

    erm, right. this is why I wanted someone to give me a User and Pass, anyone?????


    BUT hang on, I made an account but it dont have Counter Strike 1.6 in it, it only has Half Life 2 demo and this Gordan thing, how can I get cs on there for free and quick?


  13. Counter Strike 1.6, on steam.

    Please connect upto at 18:30

    Max Player: 16

    Friendly Fire: OFF




    thanks again

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