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Posts posted by Tom_C

  1. Sorry to hijack your post Rich- Does anyone know the band and track name of the music on the 'ER' trailer on E4 and Channel 4? Was played live on Colin Murray last night but missed the details.



  2. Eskimo-will come and ride Cheltenam soon so will have to get your phone number sometime.

    Cranmer-maybe the wrong forum to slate his style but it's too 'trialsy', very slow and almost makes whips pointless-wallride to whip to stop!!!

    Riding brakeless recently has really made me appreciate riding smoothly and keeping flow. Although riding Salisbury hips and quarters has been fun-if you want to air really high then take your brakes off! Have had to be so smooth, although my new shoes are wearing down too much. Fun stuff though.

    Cameron Wood-has balls! And some incredibly well fused wrist bones. Good post!


  3. Bar End trails in Winchester, big air by ian ward

    Ah have had many a good ride at Barend, the scariness of riding the lines there still hasn't died off and I've been there 5 times already this spring/weird early summer. Awesome locals too.

  4. Regular fufanus on a slippy metal 5ft quarter I can do, opposite I can't even do them on a 2 foot quarter that is made of wood! Just can't turn my body that way, opposite disasters no problem but from a stall no way!!


  5. "lazy retard"......lazy-yes.....retard-no

    ok i apologise for not checking every single memebers signature or profile, every single post on the "little wheels thread" GIVE ME A BREAK!!! a could not be ringed to sit at my comp all night checking to see if someone has posted it before, i only come on here at lunch at work so i get 30 mins, and most of that is eating time (tonight is an exception as i wanted to check this post)

    "utterly pointless"...so if you see it as a waste of time then sorry but in my eyes ive had a few good comments on this vid and one lad thanked me for putting it up, so it was worth it to me.

    enjoy the vids if you havent seem them before, dont bother posting if you have seen it before and want to moan

    sorry for once again not reading all members sigs and profile etc and downloading every single bmx vid in that thread in my half an hour lunch. im going to cut my leg off cos im so upset with myself


    Yeah maybe I was slightly harsh but if everyone posted new threads like that this forum would a bloody mess. Nice sarcasm, would have been nice if you had typed it better? The little wheels thread has loads of good vids and it may take a few looks to discover them all? Bah, my sarcastic tone obviously came over too strong. Have a nice day at work.


  6. Woah that puts it into perspective a bit, think of all the kids who buy parts when they get bored of them! Now I have a car, life to pay for you realise how wasteful it is to buy new parts you don't need. Although now I can't really afford to upgrade parts I'm happy with my bmx and I'm only replacing stuff when it's broken or worn out.

    Nice photo's too.



  7. Am I the only one who thinks Moyles is turning into an arrogant willy? I used to think he was amazing and sometimes the show is genius but I'm starting to get the impression that he loves himself a little too much? I genuinely hate people who bad mouth others then suck up to them when they interview them, or people who just suck up to celebrities all the time. Stand up for your beliefs if they're real?

    Probably just me being grumpy as my cd player is broken and have to put up with radio 1 on the way to college=ratio of 3 songs per hour!


  8. He's also one of the nicest guys I've met. Seemed genuinely happy when I bled all over his desk after falling over at Bridport as it might scare people wishing not to pay lol. Damn good rider, I should probably visit his skatepark more often as it's just down the road but it's always busy!


  9. Yeah that vid wasn't bad! Think I may have to make a little vid soon for a laugh, some of my friends are really good, sadly I am not lol. Really have to ride Epic once I past my driving test I reckon, great park! Also eskimo-how many parks has Cheltenham got? That park loks awesome in that Luke Peeters vid plus isn't there one called Pittville or something?


  10. The bikes will never be the same though!

    Little gear or big gear?

    24" might just wander off into it's own territory though.

    When I started riding trials a few years ago, Leesons were the only frames I liked because they had clean, smooth lines in the basic double diamond shape. Then I got a 24" version made which had a low top tube and started to resemble a bmx. Now my pantera bmx is mint (although rusty) and I like it over any other bike I've owned. All the trials bikes I see now are made out of wanky aluminuim, are about 6 feet long in distorted shapes and have a colour scheme not a million miles away from an 80's gay fashion parade.


  11. what go brakeless? drop gap to manual :lol:

    Nothing's impossible! Remember that trials has only been around for just over a decade compared to bmx being around years and having a massive following ie large amount of riders. Danny Macaskill is pretty rad?


  12. This is a weird take on the bmx masters in Germany-different angles to most vids out there!

    Bmx Masters

    And this is a Russian vid, some parts of it are a bit vague, but stick with it, actually some pretty good riding in there eg fakie bunnyhop barspin! Considering the shit excuse they have for skateparks one of the kids is dialled. Russian


  13. That Roundabout vid looks like it will be pretty good, Edd Allen is damn good at editing and he doesn't just concentrate on the riding footage. Putting in all the arsing about makes it more wtachable I guess, his Seventies No.10 is a pretty good 'feel good' vid.


  14. My life has definately improved from wearing contact lenses, I started using the monthly ones where your supposed to wear them for 12 hours and take them out daily. Amazingly I have managed to dedicate the time to remove and clean them everyday despite being drunk, absolutley knackered or in a compromising situation with a lady at late hours of the night. I've decided to leave Specavers and go to Boots Opticians and try out the monthly ones that are continuously worn for 30 days as I feel it will be much less hassle to organise taking out the container all the time (I'm rarely at home alot of the time).

    I've only had sore eyes after either having a nap with them in, wearing them for long periods of time (18 hours plus) or not cleaning them if I'm at a house party or something and its the morning after. Some people are terrible with their hygiene: Friends I know that find them on the floor, my uncle cleans his in his mouth! which is frankly f**king lazy and disturbing. Still not sure on wearing them swimming, my girlfriend said it was fine but I'm sure Specsavers would go nuts if I were to suggest it.

    Contact lenses rule if you have genuinely shite eyesite (Y)


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