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Everything posted by rudirudirudirudirudi

  1. that happened to me mate. i just lubed up the cable inside the plastic casing. seems fine now.
  2. I knew the le would look lush. was guna be my next frame but got the adamant instead
  3. ooooooooooooo, yay saturday. i can do that
  4. sup dude. haha, you took my advise and signed up to tf. nice one.
  5. hmmm, i know how you feel when you just wanted to make a point and see if other people feel the same way and it all goes wrong. you should have phrased it differently though. peace.
  6. shouldnt you have thought about the fact that you no nothing about the forum and the replys you might get before you posted it. woops sorry i stabbed you........................ meh you said sorry, its all ok now. sorry doesnt take back what happened if you get my drift.
  7. "carefull its slippy" *10 seconds later* " you alright" haha classic. love it.
  8. i think youll find that the use of foul words is in response to your use of foul language.
  9. i dont think anyone really minds the newbie questions. i do believe that members can be a bit harsh now and again BUT i think that is only really because you wouldnt beleive the amount of topics that are started and are about the exact same thing. peole need to use the search more. its what its there for. ummmm welcome to the forum? lol
  10. i think the reason the whole validation idea is ther is to stop people like you coming on a having a go at everything thinking it means your hard and 'got balls'. i like the idea of validation. it doesnt take long to get validated providing you apply to the rules.
  11. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating Summaryfast payment , good comms. brilliant. Given By: rudoxolty You were the: Buyer Date: 1199740850
  12. yep that would suck, that will probs stop that guy from riding a moterbike forever. i got my adamant now mate, rides a beast. yours looks little beasty.
  13. just for reference. what i do is get a socket piece the right size that goes around the whole in the middle of the star nut. works a treat.
  14. yep. gettin new bars tomoz. old ones are zoo! pm me if your interested.
  15. nike 6.0! look good, feel good, grip good. what more do you want???
  16. games: cod 2,3,4 splinter cell double agent ghost recon advanced warfighter skate lost planet. lets have a cod 4 trials forum comp or sumin!!
  17. just ordered a xen white camo 08, will let you know what its like when i get it.
  18. iv never riden a lite but I had a team, it rode quite nice. i prefer real short mods though so my adamant suits me better bieng 1005. it was nice and flicky and didnt weigh too much. iv only ever heard good things about the lite thought. so if it was me i would get the short lite.
  19. does this mean scotty isnt going to quit?? stop bieng a girl x
  20. loved the music, went reeeeaaaly well. great vid. noice
  21. ill be there. sounds wicked fun
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