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Everything posted by Matt_Zoot

  1. As some of you may have read on here, i've recently had my bike pinched. I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to get it back and that it's probably being used by some spotty OIK to go to school on and I should buy a new one. Now... As i can't go to a shop and, 'try before I buy', I'd like to know what the average trials rider prefers, the Adamant A1, or Echo Control. Both are priced about the same and I'd be buying a complete bike rather than building it from scratch.
  2. Haha, nice one! cheers for the info!
  3. Heatsinc Reds eh?? I'll have to check them out, cheers!
  4. Single speed all the way!! No horrible chain slapping, no landing on your HUUUUGE mech and bending it, no crunch as you put pressure down before a take off then carve a valley out of your leg with your pedals. Single speed!!
  5. A few friends have recommended these, but as they're fairly expensive I'd rather wait a while for some more sound advice. I've searched the net for reviews but can't seem to find anything. I did find one place that sells them (heatsincbikes) but that still doesn't really help as i still can't find reviews!! Anyone got them or have used them? Do they work? Are they worth the money? Do they last? At the moment I dont even have a bike to put them on as I've leant it to the local thief, but as soon as I've either got it back or got a new one off the insurance and you guys start saying you'd sell your girlfriend to own a pair I'll get 'em.
  6. Yeah, been down the Ebay route but no luck. My Sunday ride was ruined! Theiving B**tards!
  7. Mornin' all, I live in Surrey and have had my DMR Sidekick (13.8" frame) stolen from my house in Brookwood. It's the blue / purple frame version, with yellow grips, Cannondale FattyR headshox forks, Middleburn trials cranks, DMR V8 blue pedals, Onza Half fat front rim, Full fat rear rim, XT hubs, double butted spokes, Magura HS33 in red on front, HS33 silver on back, the back wheel will rub the frame from time to time after a recent hard landing, brand new El gato 3.25" rear tyre, 1.95" panaracer front tyre, Azonic bars, Guess stem, DMR saddle, Kronos seat post (cut halfway), Xt rear mech, IF YOU ARE OFFERED THIS BIKE OR SEE IT ABOUT, LET ME KNOW, I'D LOVE IT BACK!! (07890878656) Cheers, Matt
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