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Posts posted by casualjoe

  1. Thing is, I only put the money in there for a day then took it straight out again, so the balance was £0 when I went to use Paypal today, yet all free.

    Shoulda probably mentioned that at the start.

  2. Up until recently I had only used Paypal to buy things, like you do. Then last week I wanted to transfer money from my bank account to my Paypal account, weird thing being that they wanted all my details again and it would take 3-5 days to reconfirm it all, I had only updated my card details a few months previous so wasn't sure what was going on.

    Now it seems that all my regular transactions are free, which is much better than before. How did I not know this? :blink:

    So can anyone confirm that transferring money to your Paypal account somehow unlocks free (normal) trading?


  3. Ile give that a miss bud.

    1. I have red parts

    2. I still have a lot of trials stuff to sell before I get £150 and I only wanted to spend £100/£120 really. Just something that can support the current 150mm forks I have and the ones I hope to buy soon

    Not gonna lie, but this is the best frame for 150mm forks. Used to fly past the DH'ers on this thing with SO much confidence!


    You can have it for £80 if you like :)

    Edit: Good times..


  4. God bless america.

    'On a mission to rid society of its most repellent citizens, terminally ill Frank makes an unlikely accomplice in 16-year-old Roxy'

  5. My thoughts on time at the moment,

    Time is just things changing relative to other things, space and time share a beautiful relationship that is well known.

    I'll even take a stab at predicting that time slows down when you approach a black hole and reaches a net change of 0 in the space which the singularity exists. So if it were possible to stand in a black hole and look out into space, we'd see stars forming and dying in seconds because time outside proceeds so much faster.

    We'll get to observe this in one year because currently there is a massive cloud of gas and dust accelerating towards the black hole at the centre of the milky way, currently at about 8 million miles per hour. I'd expect this cloud to start slowing down (relative to us) as it gets closer to the hole, then actually stop and linger around the event horizon for a while, then particles will either fall in (to be frozen in time) or radiate away due to the non regular, turbulent nature of a spinning gravity field that is constantly receiving energy from random directions.

    So yea, there's something to look forward to smile.gif

  6. We'll take Echo, they are selling very well and rightly so. The frame is good, plus it has the BB and chain tensioner features built in that work well too.

    If a frame design can incorporate a booster/clamp that is stiffer and lighter than a frame + booster + bolts + clamp, people will work this out straight away.

  7. Hmmm, good point. Why add something to a frame that they can just get people to buy as well as the frame for an extra x pounds.

    Because if the frame is good and has this built in feature which works well, people are gonna buy your frame over other's on the market, which makes you more money through increased sales by being seen to put function before profit.

    Regardless of that I think there are major adjustment issues with the built in clamp design.

  8. Today I shortened my hose and it was indeed a bitch to do. In my old pre-05 maggies this would have been a 1 minute job and I wouldn't risk gashing my finger with a stanley knife. By the way, is there an easy way to get the hose off the barbed fittings? I tried warming it up with a cigarette lighter but it didn't work very well, perhaps a hot-air gun? I'd like to know how you guys do this.



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