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Everything posted by stuie

  1. yes it was they used the motocross frames and the kids learnt ballance etc etc and the they started just trick stancing as we know it and it all went on from there.
  2. thats a little mad dude but im liking it lol bet there is alot of mad rimming
  3. hey might be a stupid question but where is there to ride whne its wet or raining in dorset... everytime its raining im in the mood to ride and it dose my head in. looking for somewhere to ride under a shelter of some kind any kind of sheltered area would be sweet cheers
  4. yea just tell every one for xmas you want bike things and bits lol
  5. this is very true. i ride with tom and this is what him and the others told me to do so i tried it and it did work... as in try going from 1 spot to a drain cover to start off with then put something like a chalk line on the floor and start moving and makin the gap bigger and bigger till you become used to it.
  6. thats not good dude. but then again i had my DMR Sidekick stolen, i was out of riding for bout 2 months then saw some F*^ker riding in when in portsmouth and i live in bournemouth. i got it back them off him and he was in a blue light taxi to a new bed lol it will all be good dude and you will be riding sooner than you know it
  7. im 21.... started riding when i was bout 13 but that was BMXin and only started trying alot lot more with trials in the last 2 months ish
  8. things is daves not telling you lot that he wants bum loving with me ha ha ha come rain or shine i will be there i guess....if only for the laughts
  9. i'll be there but i hate to say it its goin to be pissing it down...from what i have red online. xx
  10. well get up shake off the fall and ride again lol its the best way to ride trials as they say, no pain no gain....lol
  11. i didnt know you'r ankle was that bad dude....its not nice.lol but at least you'r face is still pretty lol
  12. welcome to the forum. ridng 5 years and you're not on here yet, thats mad lol like everyone else cant wait to see you're videos etc etc
  13. the heatsink pad are good as i have used them on a grind but dont just take my word for it, wait till u hear from others and see what every one else say's
  14. i don't know anything about unicycle trials but all i can say is dam it looks F*&KIN hard.lol fair play to you for trying, i can just about ride a unicycle but there is no chance you will get me trying to do trials on it. its hard enuff on a normal trials bike and one more thing mate, befor people start going on at you bout usein text talk etc etc, they like you to use full english on here and if u do then you will not get any greef off anyone
  15. really liking the video mate...it is also good to see people from around the world on here.
  16. liking the video dude, fair play. liking how u have a a mixture of natural and street and you're own back yard lol would be cool to see some more street line's stuart
  17. the video was sweet. liking it alot but like said befor by others. mix it up abit with some side hops etc etc, i also like when it comes to a high spot in a move etc etc and they freeze frame it. try looking on youtube and search NBR25 and watch the NBR team, there the guys i ride with and andy the main guy behind NBR makes the videos etc etc, ask him some questions on there bout things to do etc etc because im sure he would help you out stuart
  18. The thing's we sell at the shop i work in are call slim liner's. They are very simular to the kevlar strip's and all they really do is stop you're tube from getting thorns stuck in it etc etc, they dont really effect the ride at all, well not that i know of as i have them on my road bike and it made no difference to the ride of the bike at all. so just give it a good mate, what have u got to loose
  19. SWEET vid. this is the way i have seen trials starting to turn as alot of the people are startin to go more street like. is not a bad thing as it flows alot more, becomes more of a challange and is not so much of the same things its you'r lines in you'r head that makes things work. stuart
  20. if i was thinking of goin single speed witch i now am i would run gears 1st, just so you are able to find out what ratio you want to go because it is different on a 26''. then when u decide, buy some casset spacers and fit so the chain is in line with the front ring and then go on from there...
  21. that's very true and as for the why don't u just bmx, well its not every one's cup of tea. i done it for quite sometime and became rather good at it, on and off i rode trials but now im starting to dislike trials because of some peoples attatude to the sport. i ride with alot of better riders than myself and we pulled some old school vid's out the other day and where watching them, and yes they were like this chaps vid's but back then they were the best thing we had ever done. so come on guys give this lad a brake and help him, not turn him away from trials.
  22. ok anyone that reads this, if u have the logos on any clear pictures at all as all the 1s i have tried gettin off line were really really bad. the more funky 1s would be more perfered. many thanks
  23. i have a 24SEVEN holroyd and want to get a sticker set from it but i can not find one online anywhere no matter how hard i look. if anyone knows where i could lay my hands on one i will love them for ever.... many thanks
  24. i cant see a problem with you running the lever upside down. it just means the screws will be underneath and not on top
  25. i got bored at work the other day and thought im goin to bleed my breaks.... i had nothing there, no bleed kit, no nothing and i drained the old fluid out by undoing the bottom bleed hole and pulling the lever, till all the fluid is out.then put you're magura underwater, take off the other bleed screw and (keeping the magura under water) put you're thumb over the lever bleed hole and pull the lever in, as you go to release the lever take you're thumb back off the hole. keep repeting this till there is no more air coming out of the bottom bleed hole. then replace the bleed screw's (with the whole break still under the water) hope this help's u.
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