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Everything posted by Abdab

  1. LMFAO! This is right old. You wouldnt do owt this big on 06. why on t pro yrc
  2. Abdab


    unlcuky biff. he tryed se,lling it me but i sed nooooooooope!
  3. VID WAS MINT!!!!!!!!!!!!11 as damon would say: f**k THE RAVE
  4. I suggest they make a 4th. And take me 60bb rise off. Please
  5. are these on sale????????????
  6. Abdab


    Vid wo mint. Keep it up laddo
  7. Was nadine. I saw her and her freind there. Ask nads if you dont belive me foo's
  8. u knew o this forum. New to validation? It might be just me like but you seem to beposting shit. Im sure these are just stills from your vid lol Anyways ignore me. Stills are nice, good riding
  9. Abdab

    Chit Chat

    wtf is this shit... I thought chit chat was for topics on random shiz, not chit chat itself.
  10. Lmfao at quote HAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHHAHHAA AHAHHAA But neither is true. But still yrc
  11. Good lad Thing with backwheel on fence and front on pallet was abit good. How old are you then?
  12. Id go to amierca. run up all the stairs at empire state building. get to the top, get a massif run up. Then run and jump off the building doing loadsa flips and hopefully land on a car woop woop.
  14. Yes laeds. justg ot in from a party sndf it was mitn! Well was preeyt wank like but got pissed! funniest thing was i wo pissing in the toile t with hard on so i wo stood on top of landing at first nt ehthen got to toilet as me ducks got sofeter hahhdsahahaha wos mitn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any 1 else been out 2nyt. cant belive im daddsadd enouugh to come on forum n commetn this. dsrar me i need a life! PARTY ON BRAPPUING BRAPPERRS!!!!!!
  15. Abdab

    Topic Change

  16. Abdab

    Topic Change

    u know Ian dont you...Ian ermmmm. f**k sake. you knw him though
  17. Abdab

    Topic Change

    LOL this topics good... ADMINS and other people who have power to close this, please dont. This thread can be used to let out stress so people dont post shit in other topics and begin to ruin them. they can just bring there arguements or better word yet, dissagreements in here, and we all can laff at things at same time. GOOD IDEA ABDAB. MY GINGER BRAIN IS AMAZING! My GF How do you make a blonde laugh on Friday? Tell her a joke on Monday.
  18. Abdab

    Topic Change

    My pet called Ducky BRB I NEED CERIAL!
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