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the trials mop

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Posts posted by the trials mop

  1. yeah but i have only ever seen joe hodges riding uni trials, this is why i thought this video was so good theres only joe hodges who jumps onto rails and rides along them, however on finding this i was suprised!

    fair enough, joe is the most publicised rider by far in the uk, kevin wharton he's a pretty awesome australian rider

  2. gonna get slated probs, uni trials is great fun, ok you violate yourself a fair bit, you guys that dont like it its fair enough, its like a bet a fair few unicyclists look at trials and say wtf whats the point in that they dont have seats, its a matter of opinion but i enjoy both trials and uni trials so it doesn't matter. admitidly that video isnt the best example as its stupidly long, joe hodges is the way forward for uni trials as some of his stuff is awsome, in this he's about the same level as benito, http://vids.worldofk.com/koxxone/K1_Pure_T...otions_36Mo.wmv


  3. Maybe October, if not then probably around christmas. I'm leaving Bournemouth Sunday for my apprenticeship, between then and now I'm only riding Bristol tomorrow.

    Sorry dude.

    fair enough, stick a thing up next time you are down and riding and ill try and get out

  4. For the people moaning about the color, it comes in black too...

    I think it looks sooooo much better in black, it doesnt show how angular the down tube looks, but i think it would look better in a matt black to match the urban forks

  5. I would say the inspired is still the best, in terms of looks.

    I'm not a fan of the cnc'ed yoke, as well as the downtube - are they trying to make it stiffer with that odd cross-section shape?

    The inspired is smooth all round, everything looks right. But for the Echo and Adamant 24", hmm, i feel that it's like creating a 24" frame for the sake of creating one...

    the echo has a much more rounded profile, it looks like a small control 09 to be honest, Im pretty interested in the echo but I need to ride one to tell if i like it or not.


  6. oh ok sorry, misread completely :(

    only suggestion could be best motovational video, the video that just makes you want to go and ride, the only thing is that its going to be very hard to judge as different things motovate different people.


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