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Posts posted by LEON

  1. Yep :turned: On the bbc again! The same reporter came down and did a piece on young people voting, why they do/don't etc, and livened it up by visiting skateboarders, us etc, and getting our opinions on it.

    Secondly it was to film jonny filming us, the whole filming process etc. We were at a much better location this time, Some big drop gaps, front wheel stuff, little bit of flatland, not sure exactly what they'll show though. As I said this time it's not about us, we're a section of it, so we'll see how it goes :turned:

    Should be bbc look east again, possibly on tomorrow at about 6.28 PM, but it'll be on the site after anyway ^_^

    Cheers to jonny, kyle, and Anita from the bbc for travelling so far and doing it all (Y)


  2. Heatsink : That's fine by me, the more people see it the better :)

    I just forgot the lid that day, woke up late, rushed, left it behind :(

    I promise full vid of immense proportions in th next 2 months ish (with helmet) the only thing stopping me is the fact that my movie maker just freezes <_< wont work at all! Any clues?

    B.E.A.U : Maybe that's what made her say "C**t...country lanes" ^_^


  3. True.

    I was majorly impressed with the riding, had no idea you were that good. :P

    In one of the last clips, when she's saying "Don't try this on your own bikes.." is that a rail you go down? :blink:

    Tis a wooden handrail yes :) I had to drop jonnys name really, he's put me and plenty others in countless top vids so had to be done :)

    i REALLY do sound quite common though, and i gotta stop wearin them shorts :turned:


  4. Ha! Cheers everyone for the replies, not bad eh :turned: Yea i've been wearin a lid non stop lately, jus completely 4got about the lid today :blink: Yea they used quite a bit of the our summer stuff! Didnt think to ask Joe :| sent that one in pretty last minute, i think he's ok though :turned: I did mention tf but they cut that bit :(

    Ah well, I'm a "stunt man" ^_^

    It should be on the site soon, maybe tonight, I'll get a link up asap


  5. Cheers! I love that song too :) I just think anything can be bunnyhopped if u wanna bunnyhop it bad enough, i can actually do it as high maybe higher than on my zebdi, I just dont fancy doing it over rails, benches anymore lol.

    Cant wait to make a proper vid though! I think jack will be filming :rolleyes:


  6. Its bbc1 for the east, I.e Norwich etc, not too sure, but a bbc film crew came to Basildon today with a 15 grand camera :blink: and did a little interview and filmed a few small bits, due to safety & most of the things we ride being private property :rolleyes:

    Someone at the beeb saw my vids on youtube and got in touch, I even gave trials forum a mention :turned:

    It should be the 6 o clock news tonight on bbc look east, i hear you can get it on sky, as well as adjusting your ariel for the east, but i dont think telewest lets you.

    If you cant get look east (like me <_< ) It's going on the website anyway so it'll all be available on there. I'll post the link once its up.

    They're using some old stuff as well as bits Jonny Jones filmed for the our summer dvd, so cheers to JJ (Y)


  7. Ricky I was shit all day :unsure:lol, dunno what happened! I promise im not always that crap though :turned: still not used to longness, i can only really front wheel stuff and reasonable drop gaps, forgot to learn everything else! Time will tell :) n yes good work joe! top pics


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