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Posts posted by LEON

  1. Can anyone recommend a good 17T rear sprocket? Splined for a stock, every one ive seen either goes up to 16t or from 18 up :angry:

    I dont fancy paying £35 for a king kog, anyone know? Must be the long toothed bmxy type (not made for shifting) and preferably have the wide base so it doesnt ruin my freehub body, cheers


  2. I have a nice GU booster , NEW £18 posted if your interested ? oh yeh black. could strip it to match the bike though.

    nice bike ... :)

    Cheers :) just got a zhi booster today locally though, feels excellent :)

    Yea my gearing was pretty easy on the zebdi....24-21, bout the same as 22-19.

    Had a well good ride today! def getting a lower stem though

    Love the bike though, taps, wheels swaps, gaps, all so easy! I do miss big bunny hops to manuals though <_<


  3. Got my gu recently,cheers to BAZZA (frame) and tartybikes for most of the bits! My last bike was a zebdi so im still learning the long bike :turned: its so different! Not as bad as i thought it'd be though, had a good feeling about the frame & I was right :) love the high bb! though i'm getting a lower stem, just feels abit high for me.

    Anyone recommend the best booster?

    Running 20 x 17 gearing, harder than what i'm used to but i like it, is that quite hard gearing?

    And finally....the onza carbon bars im borrowing are cracked, so........which bars? They gotta be 31.8 risers, anything from tartys really, the zoo have my vote at the moment, opinions please as I've only ever really had azonics :lol:



  4. Its all built but needs gear ratio/chain line and bb sorting, chain line looks like it'll be fine on 128mm long as the sprockets around the middle/outside of the free hub, mines on the inside so my chainlines poorly, but yea my crank arms are too close to the cylinders, got about 2mm :turned:

    Ordered a truvativ giga pipe from tartys today, i think most bb's do 68 or 73mm shells, 73 just gives a bit more tyre clearance/wider cnc yoke etc.


  5. Built my gu long up today :) can manual it pretty easy, havent tried getting it right up in the hook position though, i have 130x30 hi fi stem & onza risers.

    All practice i suppose! being tall helps too, but yea angling the bars back will help alot


  6. Hi, not sure who ricky is, i know gav on here's got an adamant, im rarely in southend though.

    I reckon i ride would help yea, but chances are it'd be a way different set up from what i'd have, in my 10 years of riding i've only used riser bars so anything flat-ish just makes me cry :(


  7. I will be having azonics still :) unless they really feel wrong, ive just never ridden a standard bb long frame and liked it, ive tried koxx,echo,bt, ok they werent my ideal set ups but they didnt even feel close.

    If i really hate it i can just swap it for a zero :turned:


  8. Do you think its possible to learn to like it? Im coming from a loooong line of orange zeros and zebdis, never had a long bike, and to be hones i hate the long low bikes with long stems, flat bars etc,I'm just drawn to these 26" mods though, i fancy something totally different. ive just been watching alot of damon watson and tunnicliffe and I have the urge to try 1, feel free to offer me your frames too


  9. Im after a new frame,stock, narrowed it down to adamant a2 long and gu typhoon long, i fancy the high bb lot, whats the difference between the 2? Im looking at a 2nd hand typhoon at the mo, if he doesnt get back to me i'll be buying the a2 from select bikes next week, opinions etc please, as well as bar & stem recommendations, and no im not gonna be riding it like my past bikes



  10. peugeot energy 300 1997

    diamondback viper

    peugeot origin

    peugeot origin mk2

    diamondback topanga

    kona cinder cone

    dmr sidekick

    saracen xile

    orange zero

    planet x zebdi mk4

    orange zero

    planet x zebdi mk5

    orange zero

    norco ryan leech

    orange zero

    planet x zebdi mk5

    planet x zebdi mk5

    planet x zebdi mk1

    planet x zebdi mk4 Current

    19 bikes in 9 years :turned:


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