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sideburns(dnt ask)

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Posts posted by sideburns(dnt ask)

  1. Hi people

    was wondering weather i could get your views on this

    ''For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat''(quote tomturd)

    I was thinking(for a change) what if there was a section in new members chat were people could list

    their wanted or for sale items because it seems like a fair few people who are new to the site are also new to trials

    which means that they aren't necessarily going to want to splash out on a brand new bike and maybe ebay hasn't got the type there after.

    where better then trials forum to be able to maybe purchase one at a reasonable price. Also the people who are not as new to trials but are still new to trials forum

    cannot sell their old parts when maybe they want to know there going to someone who may need them instead of say a compulsive ebay buyer.

    i can understand that there may be some issues with this, especially trust as in people aren't going to run off with someone elses hard earned cash.

    also as stated in the rules buying and selling on someones behalf is not allowed which is also understandable due to again trust issues, but surley there must be around these issues. for example a checked contact number or such.

    just a little thought

    comments would be appreciated by both members and pre members so that theres a chance we might be able to arrange something with the moderators or just to tell me it's a bulls**t suggestion


  2. For me a good days riding is

    having a laugh with my mates

    going mcdonalds and drawing pictures with the crayons and stickin them up using ketchup

    learning somthing new

    not getting asked to leave by security

    and if im really lucky my bike not breaking

    so what sums up a great days riding for you guys then??


  3. lol na mate i've been riding trials a almost a year and a bit know,

    but i just cant get a good feel for any off the bikes and i dnt have the cash to get the bike.

    i want but im just wondering if anyone else has had any of the frames and had a proper sweet setup.

    thanx for the reply anyway mate


  4. easy ppz

    currently i have 3 frames and im unsure as which on to run so any help would be good

    i ride trialsy but i do like a bit of street so

    i've got a saracen mad 2 six

    a planet x zebdi (the blue one)

    and a shogun gimp (lol i ride a gimp)

    any thoughts would be appreciated



  5. alright guys

    i got another random survey kinda thing pretty pointless but summat to write i suppose

    what are you're favourite songs to listen to when you're riding (if any)

    kinda lookin for songs with a nice flow 'cause most of the songs i listen to don't really flow to trials that well

    peace :)

  6. hi people

    first post on trials forum so i thought i'd make it somthing interesting (or not)

    i was wondering just why i ride trials and i got me thinking

    i've tried lots of other sports such as climbing, skating ect. but nothing

    comes close to the feeling i get when i'm out on my bike.

    it's somthing to do when im angry or upset, keeps me healthy and also to have a good laugh with some cool people

    i've met through riding.

    i've had some great expeirences whilst my time riding and since i've started i've never really looked back so to speak

    hope people read this and share there reasons for riding


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