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sideburns(dnt ask)

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Posts posted by sideburns(dnt ask)

  1. Hey guys,

    I was wondering if any of you have ever felt that somtimes people from other sports sometimes rip on people because of the sports they choose.

    I don't see why people just can't learn to live with the sports that some people choose to partipate in.

    LIke i rollerblade, ride trials and occasionally bmx and with any of those sports theres always the haters that just take the piss.

    Why do they feel the need to do this????

    sorry about the rant and didn't really feel that this belongs in the angry thread.

    peace guys

  2. Hi guys

    I've just recently invested in a monty 221ti and the little bolt that works with the snail cams on the drive side have snapped twice

    any ideas as to why this is happening because im not used to snail cams

    thanx guys


  3. Hi Guys,

    Well as the title might suggest i'm having a problem with trials-uk.

    basically i was double charged for an item and after noticing this on my bank statement i contacted them and was told a cheque would be sent off.

    two week later still not here so i rang them and was told it hadn't been sent off. so i asked for a bank transfer. i waited a week for that and when it still hadn't gone through

    i rang them again and they told me that the cheque had been sent off. waited another week, still no cheque. I rang them again early last week ad was told it would be with me by the end of that week. It still hasn't come and im unsure as to what to do??

    has anyone else had similar troubles or and advice?

    (not at all intended to be derogatory to trials-uk as a company, but i am in need of advice with my current situation with them)


  4. Hi Guys,

    im currently in the process of buying a monty 221ti but as i'm unsure on the cost off maintaining the disc brakes.

    So if worst comes to worst will i be able to use magura braze on mounts as i've heard brazing aluminium dosn't work.

    cheers for any input.


  5. Hi guys,

    Basically as the title says on my front wheel i will pump it up but about 30 minuties later it's almost completely empty.

    At first i thought it was my inner tube with an unspotted flat but i tried it about an hour ago with a brand new inner tube and tire

    came back to it now and its flat again.

    any ideas


  6. Hi guys,

    i've just finished reading this book, and it was one of them things that makes you think.

    The books called ''Sniper one'' an is a soldiers account of life during the most sustained firefight since world war two.

    it made me think about the men and women that devote the lives and somtimes losing their lives fighting for our country or in some cases futile wars.

    and how they manage to survive mentally as well as physicaly in the harsh conditions whilst being underfunded and held back by politicians ect.

    sorry bout the poor post but i thought i was worth typing maybe even to show a little support even if it may go unnoticed


  7. Hi guys

    i was out riding back from a friends and my freewheel started making a horrible grinding noise when i stoped pedaling,

    also when i push the bike the cranks are rotating and i don't think this is normal and they won't rotate backwards without a lot of effort.

    any ideas as to what could be wrong


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