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Everything posted by trialsboy26

  1. Awesome! Glad I could help, just remember it's not what you ride it's how you ride! Bet thats been quoted before! Just enjoy learning new tricks and you won't go far wrong, my best memories was when I spent a whole year trying to trackstand! I just remember going out every day I could and trying to get a bit better I know that's slow by todays standards but back then we had Jez Avery, the Martins and Hans Rey for inspiration (plus I was a slow learner and having buddies makes learning far quicker until you've got the basics) Have fun building it up chief!
  2. Was always of the opinion if it's alloy it just isn't worth the cost and potential hassle of having it welded due to, as others have commented, heat treatment process that all alloys frames go through, steels a different matter as it can be welded back up without too much hassle but even then I would still be cautious riding it. Whenever I have broken or cracked a frame I've always binned it as don't think it's worth getting injured over it, but sucks not be able to ride ebay is your friend start looking for a new frame.
  3. Hey, bout working at Halford's, worked there since 2002 left last November as had enough crap from managers who were only a year older than me and working with kids who either didn't care what they were doing or didn't like working! It stressed me out so much, but I am glad I worked there! Met most of my riding mates through the store in some way or another! If you have the misfortune of becoming a till bitch then you'll have to just get supervisor clearance on solvents and sharp poky items! Just remember that it isn't a proper bike shop and you will have to sell cheap bikes to even cheaper people who ask you whether it's a good bike or not!? It's like selling your soul at times plus the discount is still rubbish, 15% and trade on car items, and the pay will always be the national minimum! Hope that helps make your mind (don't do it)
  4. Street as that is what I grew up with, I have ridden natural as well but it does terrible things to my nails and hair! Plus I have to clean this stuff, I think it's called... mud, off my bike it's just not for me! For rider progression you would have to ride both, riding natural for 1 comp season improved my riding more than if I had just bummed about on the streets for the same amount of time, but I like riding the street furniture for the look on people's faces, it's making the humdrum and boring an exciting challenge, (like how free runners view the city) it's just easier walking out my door and going riding. Unless you live in a field!
  5. Just a word of caution if you're under 16, (I think or 18 but pretty sure that's knives), don't go in "halfrauds" expecting to buy paints over the counter! Unless you get some 16 year old serving you...who's also a mate...and the manager is off ill...and theres a 17 year old deputy in charge you get the picture! Just in case to save you embarrassment!! Other than that it takes ages to get it anywhere near prepped to look smooth due to all the abnormal shapes, I tried and got bored it ended up two tone and I had a mate riding round on a Saracen X-ile years ago with one chainstay sanded as he never could be bothered sanding the rest! Plus if it is cracked maybe a new frame would be easier Have fun either way!
  6. Hey Sideburns?! I've been riding trials on and off for about 10 years, still not too good but have been through a few bikes since I started! The most useful piece of advice is don't get to hung up on what frame you ride as if your starting out you will learn what type of riding style and riding you want to get into. For instance it would be little use riding a comp bike if you really want to get into street and vice-a-versa! I started out on a Raleigh Firefly in a 14", it was red and I fitted yellow magura's so from a distance, and if you squinted so your head hurt, it looked like a beast from the east!! I rode because it was fun and as my riding style developed I could make an informed decision on which bike to get, (it was a rocket pro). Just build up a whichever frame you like the best and go ride if the bike looks good you'll ride it more and take it from there. Hope this helps you out!
  7. Indoor trials is the way to go! Just ride round the house that ball in the background would be a good start then gap to the couch! lol
  8. Cheers guys was Zoli the one with the huge dreads riding the little monty bike?! It was so cool seeing him flying around with those dreads! Drop in TV was more Canadian freeride and street and came after this was like early 2000 I think, showin my age now!! I'll check his website out and I found volatilevisions.com.au which made the videos but so far can only find there new stuff on it although Steve Marsh is on a short clip with some footage of his riding takes me back to a better time!! Thanks guys for helping so far, I'll keep looking for now anyone else is welcome to comment!!
  9. Hi! It's been really bugging me for about three years now, I think it was EuroSport or EX that used to play these really cool Australian videos that featured Steve Marsh. I can remember vaguely that Volatile Visions has something to do with them, but I cannot track down the name of these videos and would really like to see them (my riding hasn't progressed much from when I first watched them and would make me feel better!!) Any help would be great cheers for reading!
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