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Everything posted by EchoSam

  1. Yo dudes. If i go riding i listen to thisits beat is nice and slow and for some reason it helps me concentrate. Tom
  2. EchoSam

    "mr Leon"

    Leon is a sound lad. Im sure he didnt mean to cause any inconvieniences.
  3. So so true. Im riding with him tommorow dudes i will ask him whats going on with the postage for you. Tom
  4. My mate looked up the geo and we think its. 1075wb 385cs 20bb 71.5ha Yea chain was slack i picked up chain tugs today:D
  5. That white frame is incredible. Nice to see some holroyd riders. Just got mine set up yesterday! and i love it. Tom
  6. Just built up my holroyd yesterday. After a horrible slow month of no riding.!!!!! Its not the best of bikes but i still have some upgrades to make bit i like it alot and have progressed fast on it. Spec is : 24/7 frame 24/7 forks Try all rear wheel on a monty hub Front stndard onza wheel. Cranks echos forged Try all 108 engagement freewheel Front tektro auriga with a 203 mm hayes rotor Rear magura hs 33 Echo booster Sh*tehut stem (biekhut) Clubb roost bars Wellgo pedals
  7. Sorry dudes i dont normally post rubbish posts. But i have looked through a bunch of new members topics and "callum luvs trials" i dont think you are really in a position to be telling people they should be banned because you were moved down to new members from full member, for a reason i dont know. But being this much of a kiss a*s wont get you re-validated. Tom
  8. Yo dude. Im pretty sure there must be some rule against this especially as weed is an "ilegall substance". Probably not the best of topics as you shouldnt do weed. My Uncle died because of the effects of weed. Long story short he got hit by a 4x4 and the driver was stoned off his face!! I would probablly ask for this topic to be closed if i were you. Tom
  9. Well i carry in my bag Tools- allan keys-multi tool, a really cool little thing from halfords which is the size of a multi tool and has everyhting. punture repair kit chain tool the lot!. Oh and untill i get my new freewheel i carry a 42mm spanner and a small screwdriver to do up the bearing casing when it comes loose which is like every 10 minutes. Food i just take money because if i take food tom jefferies steals it and i have to take extra money because tom jefferies always manages to blag money for sausage rolls off me. Oh and im a keen photographer so i ALLWAYS take my camera. Tom
  10. If ypu ever get your bike off of jefferies lol
  11. I quite agree. They normally help alot.! Shorts an old pair i only ever wear shorts when im riding as you get more movement. And a t-shirt and sometimes a hoody.
  12. Hes got the right idea i would suggest this aswell Tom
  13. i have a holroyd on its way in the post. I have been riding my mates for a week or so And they are so nice to ride. you should deffinately get one Tom
  14. MMMMMMMM i wonder how much it weighs?
  15. any info on holroyd?????

  16. I have seen some ok places to ride at rochester castle. Would anyone be interested in meeting up for a ride at some point? Get a few people together as i will be drivin soon so i can transport me and a few others around places in kent. Tom
  17. cool cheers i will check it out. Is strood any good?
  18. Right i live in frome but go down to kent more specifically rochester and chatham to see my dad once a month and i get the urge to ride but i see small lines but never any places which packed full of lines, and it drives me nuts not being able to ride there. Does anyone know of some good places to ride in the rochester area . Or does anyone ride trials there and maybe interested to meet up for a ride in rocheser at some point? Tom
  19. I have a 2nd generation ipod nano and it has taken a hell of alot of abuse from when i used to ride dh they are tough as hell the hold button has been smashed off has scratches everywhere, but it still works. Good music to ride to is something like jedi mind tricks or outerspace. Its old school style hip-hop and has a slow paced beat and ifind it helps with my concentration. Hope that helps. Tom
  20. It depends on what grind you are doing. You can give a rim more light grinds, and heavy grinds obviously not to many. Hope this helps. Tom
  21. Yo dude.

    cheers for the offer but my brother has decided he doesnt want one anymore.

    But thank you anyway.


  22. People asking if they can go on your bike! Especially chavs! "giz a go on you bike" is the most common and when you say no its normally followed by a torrent of abuse lol . Thats the most annoying thing.
  23. As much of the cheapest sugary energy drink as possible. Sainsburys energy drink contain 3 times your recomended daily amount of sugar so i normally take 3 of them and a few bannas and gingsters chicken and bacon slice is what its all about!! Tom
  24. Hey Dude on the topic of music i know two good groups they are

    "Jedi mind tricks"



    they are really good to ride to and for video tracks.

    Hope it helps.


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