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Everything posted by A.Baxter

  1. you guys are really good for a year and a bit !! i been riding mod for about the same tym and not as good as you !! well done Adam
  2. you guys are really good for a year and a bit !! i been riding mod for about the same tym and not as good as you !! well done Adam
  3. well i've been asking how much i could get for my t-pro and i was told i'd only get between 150-200 which was dissapointing so i have descided to keep and build a good spec. So sorry but don't think you would get that much maybe between 270-350 odd maybe. Adam
  4. Nice vid m8 ur rather good. how old are you / how long you been riding for ? Your really good at technical stuff like gaps to front to back aswell !! Adam
  5. HS33's are a good idea my t-pro came with them. but with v-brake mounts you have to order a speshial adapter which my friend did and it did seem to do the trick. Hope i have helped a bit !! Adam
  6. hi, If i were you i wud leave the frame drilling idea alone, i've heard about people doing it and it does seem like a bad idea. i wud do as others have already said and buy lighter parts before doing something that could weaken your frame !! Adam
  7. Nice idea mate !! I'm Adam i ride an 06 model onza t-pro i've been riding for around 1 and a bit years. i ride in darlington wer there isn't many trials riders but there is some decent stuff to ryd. and i love trials couldnt get bored of it. i also like football, rugby and lots of other sports. Adam
  8. HS33's are the way to go i had front and back maggies on my byk since i've started and they veryy powerful, and easy to set up also BB7 front disc are good i hav heard from people(Y)
  9. cheers evry1 who has replied for the tips i will hopefully be gettin validated soon so i can sart on buying new parts 2nd hand
  10. Hi i have had an onza t-pro 06 for about 2 years nearly and am bored of it but don't have enough money to buy a brand new bike can anyone tell me how to build it up to a decent spec without pending a stupid amount of moeny
  11. Hi i have had an onza t-pro 06 for about 2 years nearly and am bored of it but don't have enough money to buy a brand new bike can anyone tell me how to build it up to a decent spec without pending a stupid amount of moeny
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